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    The Agriculture Capability mapping dataset is the digitized equivalent of the legacy [Agriculture Capability Scanned Maps](, which date from the 1960's to the 1990s. Agriculture Capability mapping is also known as 'Soil Capability for Agriculture' and 'Agricultural Capability' mapping. Agricultural Capability is an interpreted mapping product based on soil and climate information. In general, climate determines the range of crops possible in an area and the soils determine the type and relative level of management practices required. This is legacy data and changes in climate are not reflected. For more information about the classification system see: [Land Capability Classification for Agriculture]( Use caution utilizing these legacy maps as the classifications were based on common land management practices and typical crops of the 1960s-1990s era, and subsequent site specific land management practices (e.g. installation of drainage) may have modified the soil conditions since the mapping was completed. This Agriculture Capability legacy mapping is included in the [Soil Information Finder Tool (SIFT) mapping application]( The SIFT application provides more detailed climate data (e.g. Growing Degree Days, Frost Free Period (5 C), (1960-1990 climate normals). The SIFT 'Soil query tools' may be useful for identifying areas with specific 'growing conditions' of interest based on soils present (soil name), soil texture, drainage, coarse fragment content, slope, elevation, growing degree days and frost free period. Note: This Agriculture Capability Mapping dataset is based on soil mapping at 1:100,000, 1:50,000 or 1:20,000 scale, and is more detailed than the 1:250,000 scale Canada Land Inventory (CLI) Agricultural Capability mapping (available [here](

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    These Soil Mapping Data Packages include 1. a Soil Map dataset which includes the equivalents to [Soil Project Boundaries](, [Soil Survey Spatial View]( mapping polygons with attributes from the [Soil Name and Layer Files](, plus + A Soil Site dataset which includes soil pit site information and detailed soil pit descriptions and any associated lab analyses, and + The Soil Data Dictionary which documents the fields and allowable codes within the data. The Soil Map geodatabase contains the 'best available' data ranging from 1:20,000 scale to 1:250,000 scale with overlapping data removed. The choice of the datasets that remain is based on connectivity to the soil attributes (soil name and layer files), map scale and survey date. (Note: the BC Soil Landscapes of Canada (BCSLC) 1:1,000,000 data has not been included in the Soil_Map or SIFT, but is available from: [CANSIS]( (A complete soils data package with overlapping soil survey mapping and BCSLC is available on [request]( Note that the soil survey data with attributes can also be viewed interactively in the [Soil Information Finder Tool](The Soil Map dataset is also available for interactive map viewing or as KMZs from the [Soil Information Finder Tool website](

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    STE_SCANNED_MAP_BOUNDARY_SP includes an index of the mapsheet grid location of Soils, Terrain, Ecosystems and related scanned maps (including Agriculture Capability and Climate Capability maps). These maps are intended for on-screen viewing or printing. The majority of the maps have been geo-referenced. Mapping may not cover the whole map grid area. Some maps are interim or draft and may have been superseded. Some files are of related legends and map project text. Associated scanned map boundary attributes describe the project map (project level metadata) and provide a link for downloading the map, plus links to related reports, geo-referenced maps, and GIS digital data available from other sources. ATTENTION - The IMAGE_URL link is only useable by BC government staff. Public users can download the scanned maps by using the ECOCAT_URL link. There is no charge for the scanned map files. Please note that some maps and more recent mapping may also be available in digital GIS format. See - Ecosystem and Terrain Mapping Data Inventory.