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STE_SCANNED_MAP_BOUNDARY_SP includes an index of the mapsheet grid location of Soils, Terrain, Ecosystems and related scanned maps (including Agriculture Capability and Climate Capability maps). These maps are intended for on-screen viewing or printing. The majority of the maps have been geo-referenced. Mapping may not cover the whole map grid area. Some maps are interim or draft and may have been superseded. Some files are of related legends and map project text. Associated scanned map boundary attributes describe the project map (project level metadata) and provide a link for downloading the map, plus links to related reports, geo-referenced maps, and GIS digital data available from other sources. ATTENTION - The IMAGE_URL link is only useable by BC government staff. Public users can download the scanned maps by using the ECOCAT_URL link. There is no charge for the scanned map files. Please note that some maps and more recent mapping may also be available in digital GIS format. See - Ecosystem and Terrain Mapping Data Inventory.
This dataset is not currently available in the BCGW but may be downloaded in geodatabase format. Please refer to: [Terrestrial Ecosystem Information (TEI) Data Distribution Packages](http://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/terrestrial-ecosystem-information-tei-data-distribution-packages) PEM_Polygons contains Predictive Ecosystem Mapping polygons with key and amalgamated (concatenated) attributes derived from the RISC (Resource Inventory Standards Committee) standard attributes. PEM uses modeling to divide the landscape into units according to a variety of ecological features including climate, physiography, surficial material, bedrock geology, soils and vegetation. This layer is derived from the STE_TEI_ATTRIBUTE_POLYS_SP layer by filtering on the PROJECT_TYPE attribute. COMMENTS - this spatial view replaces the older STE_PEM_SHORT_TABLE_SP.
Terrestrial Ecosystem Information Project Boundaries contains boundaries (study areas) and attributes describing each project (project level metadata), plus links to the locations of other data associated with the project (e.g., reports, polygon datasets, plotfiles, legends). TEI inventories describe the physical and biological attributes of ecosystems. TEI currently includes Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping (TEM), Predictive Ecosystem Mapping (PEM), Sensitive Ecosystems Inventory (SEI), Terrain Mapping (TER), Soil Mapping (SOIL), Species Distribution Mapping (SDM) and Wildlife Habitat Ratings (WHR) projects. Current version: v11 (published on 2024-10-03) Previous versions: v10 (published on 2023-11-14), v9 (published on 2023-03-01), v8 (published on 2016-09-01)
Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping (TEM) project boundaries contains (study areas) and attributes describing each project (project level metadata), plus links to the locations of other data associated with the project (e.g., reports, polygon datasets, plotfiles, field data, legends).TEM divides the landscape into units according to a variety of ecological features including climate, physiography, surficial material, bedrock geology, soils and vegetation. This layer is derived from the STE_TEI_PROJECT_BOUNDARIES_SP layer by filtering on the PROJECT_TYPE attribute. Project Types include: TEM, NEM, TEMNSS, NEMNSS, TEMPRE, NEMPRE, TEMSEI, TEMSET, TEMTSM, TEMWHR, TEMSDM, TEMPRW, NEMPRW, and TEMSEW. Current version: v11 (published on 2024-10-03) Previous versions: v10 (published on 2023-11-14), v9 (published on 2023-03-01), v8 (published on 2016-09-01)
SEI_Polygons contains Sensitive Ecosystems Inventory polygons with key and amalgamated (concatenated) attributes derived from the RISC (Resource Inventory Standards Committee) standard attributes. SEI identifies and maps rare and fragile terrestrial ecosystems. Ecosystems mapped may include (but are not limited to) older forests, woodlands, coastal bluffs, herbaceous and sparsely vegetated ecosystems, grasslands, riparian ecosystems and wetlands. SEI methods include manual air photo interpretation or theming of other Ecosystem Mapping, each supported by selective field checking. This layer is derived from the STE_TEI_ATTRIBUTE_POLYS_SP layer by filtering on the PROJECT_TYPE attribute. Project types include: SEI, TEMSEI, TEMSET, and SEIWHR. Current version: v11 (published on 2024-10-03) Previous versions: v10 (published on 2023-11-14), v9 (published on 2023-03-01), v8 (published on 2016-09-01)
Species Distribution Modeling (SDM) and Wildlife Habitat Ratings (WHR) project boundaries contains (study areas) and attributes describing each project (project level metadata), plus links to the locations of other data associated with the project (e.g. reports, WHR polygon datasets, plotfiles). SDM predicts the suitability of different environments for occupation by particular species, and the likelihood that those suitable habitats are occupied. WHR are also known as wildlife habitat interpretations and most commonly use TEM data as a means to identify specific habitats. This layer is derived from the STE_TEI_PROJECT_BOUNDARIES_SP layer by filtering on the PROJECT_TYPE attribute. Project types include: WHR, SDM, PEMWHR, PEMSDM, TEMWHR, TEMSDM, TEMPRW, NEMPRW, TEMSEW, BEIWHR, BEISDM, SEIWHR, SDM, and SOILSW. Current version: v11 (published on 2024-10-03) Previous versions: v10 (published on 2023-11-14), v9 (published on 2023-03-01), v8 (published on 2016-09-01)
STE_TEM_50K_POLYS_SVW contains Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping (TEM) polygons with key and amalgamated (concatenated) attributes derived from the RISC (Resource Inventory Standards Committee) standard attributes completed at a scale of 1 to 50,000 or smaller (i.e. 1 to 100,000). TEM divides the landscape into units according to a variety of ecological features including climate, physiography, surficial material, bedrock geology, soils and vegetation. TEM methods include manual air photo interpretation supported by selective field checking. This layer is derived from the STE_TEI_ATTRIBUTE_POLYS_SP layer by filtering on the PROJECT_TYPE and PROJECT_MAP_SCALE attributes. Project types include: TEM, NEM, TEMNSS, NEMNSS, TEMPRE, NEMPRE, TEMSEI, TEMSET, TEMTSM, TEMWHR, TEMSDM, TEMPRW, NEMPRW, and TEMSEW. Project map scale equals 50000. Current version: v11 (published on 2024-10-03) Previous versions: v10 (published on 2023-11-14), v9 (published on 2023-03-01), v8 (published on 2016-09-01)
STE_TEI_ATTRIBUTE_POLYS_SP contains Terrestrial Ecosystem Information (TEI) polygons with key and amalgamated (concatenated) attributes derived from the RISC (Resource Inventory Standards Committee) standard attributes. These describe the physical and biological characteristics of ecosystems at a landscape level. TEI currently includes Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping (TEM), Predictive Ecosystem Mapping (PEM), Sensitive Ecosystems Inventory (SEI), Terrain Mapping (TER) and Soil Mapping (SOIL). Mapping methods include manual air photo interpretation and modeling supported by limited field checking. Current version: v11 (published on 2024-10-03) Previous versions: v10 (published on 2023-11-14), v9 (published on 2023-03-01), v8 (published on 2016-09-01)
STE_TEM_20K_POLYS_SVW contains Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping (TEM) polygons with key and amalgamated (concatenated) attributes derived from the RISC (Resource Inventory Standards Committee) standard attributes completed at a scale of 1 to 20 000. TEM divides the landscape into units according to a variety of ecological features including climate, physiography, surficial material, bedrock geology, soils and vegetation. TEM methods include manual air photo interpretation supported by selective field checking. This layer is derived from the STE_TEI_ATTRIBUTE_POLYS_SP layer by filtering on the PROJECT_TYPE and PROJECT_MAP_SCALE attributes. Project types include: TEM, NEM, TEMNSS, NEMNSS, TEMPRE, NEMPRE, TEMSEI, TEMSET, TEMTSM, TEMWHR, TEMSDM, TEMPRW, NEMPRW, and TEMSEW. Project map scale equals 20000. Current version: v11 (published on 2024-10-03) Previous versions: v10 (published on 2023-11-14), v9 (published on 2023-03-01), v8 (published on 2016-09-01)
STE_TER_ATTRIBUTE_POLYS_SVW contains Terrain Mapping (TER) polygons with key and amalgamated (concatenated) attributes derived from the RISC (Resource Inventory Standards Committee) standard attributes. Mapping criteria vary considerably between the terrain inventory, bioterrain and terrain stability mapping projects contained in this layer. TER divides the landscape into units according to surficial materials, landforms and geomorphological processes using the Terrain Classification System for British Columbia. TER methods include manual air photo interpretation supported by selective field checking. This layer is derived from the STE_TEI_POLY_ATTRIBUTES_SP layer by filtering on the PROJECT_TYPE attribute. Project types include: TEM, TEMNSS, TEMPRE, TEMSEI, TEMSET, TEMTSM, TSM, TSMREC, TSMDET, TIM, TBS, TBT, TIMSOI, TEMWHR, TEMSDM, TEMPRW, and TEMSEW. Current version: v11 (published on 2024-10-03) Previous versions: v10 (published on 2023-11-14), v9 (published on 2023-03-01), v8 (published on 2016-09-01)