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    The General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO) consists of an international group of experts who work on the development of a range of bathymetric data sets and products. GEBCO operates under the joint auspices of the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO. See our web site for more information about GEBCO at The layer included in this WMS are based on the GEBCO_2014 Grid. The data set was originally published in 2014, last updated in April 2015. Please note the data set has now been superseded by a later version. Further information about GEBCO's products can be found on GEBCO's web site: The bathymetric portion of the GEBCO_2014 Grid was largely generated from a database of ship-track soundings with interpolation between soundings guided by satellite-derived gravity data. However, in areas where they improve on the existing GEBCO Grid, data sets generated by other methods have been included. Further information about the data sets included in the grid can be found in the documentation that accompanies the data set and is available from Within the GEBCO_2014 Grid, the area south of 60S is based on the International Bathymetric Chart of the Southern Ocean (IBCSO) v1 The imagery for land areas in this WMS, north of 60 degrees south, is largely taken from the NASA Blue Marble: Next Generation data set, produced by Reto Stockli, NASA Earth Observatory, the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center ( For land areas south of 60 degrees south, coastline and ice shelf information is taken from the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) Antarctic Digital Database coastline dataset ( Details on how to download the GEBCO Grid can be found at This WMS delivers imagery in a polar view centred on the South Pole. Separate WMS's provided global imagery for the GEBCO Grid and imagery centred on the North Pole. Please note that the GEBCO Grid is mainly a deeper water data set and does not contain detailed bathymetry in shallower water areas. This WMS has been developed by the British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC) on behalf of the GEBCO community. If imagery from this WMS is included in web sites, reports and digital and printed imagery then we request that the source of the dataset is acknowledged and be of the form 'Imagery reproduced from the GEBCO Grid, version xxxxxx,'. Where 'version xxxxxx' is the appropriate version number of the GEBCO Grid, given in the layer information below. Also included in this WMS is a layer based on the GEBCO_08, Grid gebco_08_grid_south_polar_view.

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    The General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO) consists of an international group of experts who work on the development of a range of bathymetric data sets and products. GEBCO operates under the joint auspices of the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO. See our web site for more information about GEBCO at This WMS provides access to the GEBCO_2014, in the form of shaded relief imagery as layer 'GEBCO_NORTH_POLAR_VIEW' in a polar stereographic projection for the region north of 50N. The GEBCO_2014 Grid is a global grid of elevation data at 30 arc-second intervals. Please note that this data set has now been superseded by a later GEBCO grid. Please visit GEBCO's web site for further details: The bathymetric portion of the grid was largely generated from a database of ship-track soundings with interpolation between soundings guided by satellite-derived gravity data. However, in areas where they improve on the existing GEBCO Grid, data sets generated by other methods have been included. Further information about the data sets included in the grid can be found in the documentation that accompanies the data set and is available from For the area north of 64N, the GEBCO_2014 Grid is based on the International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean (IBCAO) v3 Within the GEBCO grid land elevation data is largely taken from the 30 arc-second version of the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission data set (SRTM30). Further details can be found in the data set's documentation. Within the IBCAO, land areas are largely based on the Global Multi-resolution Terrain Elevation Data 2010 data set (GMTED2010). Over Greenland the approximately 2000 by 2000 m resolution Digital Elevation Model (DEM) published by Ekholm (1996) is used. Within the WMS, the outlines of glaciers (shown in white) are included from the GLIMS Database: GLIMS, and National Snow and Ice Data Center. 2005, updated 2012. GLIMS Glacier Database, Version 1. Boulder, Colorado USA. NSIDC: National Snow and Ice Data Center. The coverage of the Greenland Ice Sheet is shown in white and is based on data from the Atlas of the Cryosphere Northern Hemisphere ( Information on how to download the GEBCO's grids can be found at This WMS delivers imagery in a polar view centred on the North Pole. Separate WMS's provided global imagery for the GEBCO Grid and imagery centred on the South Pole. Please note that GEBCO's grids are mainly deeper water data sets and do not contain detailed bathymetry in shallower water areas. This WMS has been developed by the British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC) on behalf of the GEBCO community. If imagery from this WMS is included in web sites, reports and digital and printed imagery then we request that the source of the dataset is acknowledged and be of the form 'Imagery reproduced from the GEBCO Grid, version xxxxxx,'. Where 'version xxxxxx' is the appropriate version number of the GEBCO Grid, given in the layer information below.

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    The General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO) consists of an international group of experts who work on the development of a range of bathymetric data sets and products. GEBCO operates under the joint auspices of the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO. See our web site for more information about GEBCO at This service provides access to GEBCO's latest global bathymetric grid, GEBCO_2014, in the form of shaded relief imagery as layer 'GEBCO_LATEST'. It also provides access to imagery based on the Source Identifier (SID) Grid that accompanies the GEBCO_2014 Grid as GEBCO_LATEST_SID. The GEBCO_2014 Grid is a global grid of elevation data at 30 arc-second intervals. This data set is available as a Web Map Service (WMS) for use as imagery in your applications. The bathymetric portion of the grid was largely generated from a database of ship-track soundings with interpolation between soundings guided by satellite-derived gravity data. However, in areas where they improve on the existing GEBCO Grid, data sets generated by other methods have been included. Further information about the data sets included in the grid can be found in the documentation that accompanies the data set and is available from Within the GEBCO grid land elevation data is largely taken from the 30 arc-second version of the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission data set (SRTM30). Further details can be found in the data set's documentation. The imagery for land areas in this WMS, north of 60 degrees south, is largely taken from the NASA Blue Marble: Next Generation data set, produced by Reto Stockli, NASA Earth Observatory, the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center ( For land areas south of 60 degrees south, coastline and ice shelf information is taken from the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) Antarctic Digital Database coastline dataset ( The GEBCO global grid is accompanied by a Source Identifier (SID) grid - this indicates which of the corresponding cells in the GEBCO grid are based on soundings or existing grids and which are interpolated. The SID grid accompanying the GEBCO_2014 Grid is available as a layer in this WMS, GEBCO_LATEST_SID. GEBCO's first gloabl 30 arc-second interval terrain model was the GEBCO_08 Grid, published in January 2009. The WMS layer generated for the 2010 version of the GEBCO_08 Grid is included as a layer, 'GEBCO_08', within this WMS to accommodate users of this existing WMS layer. Information on how to download the GEBCO's grids can be found at Please note that GEBCO's grids are mainly deeper water data sets and do not contain detailed bathymetry in shallower water areas. This WMS has been developed by the British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC) on behalf of the GEBCO community. If imagery from this WMS is included in web sites, reports and digital and printed imagery then we request that the source of the dataset is acknowledged and be of the form 'Imagery reproduced from the GEBCO Grid, version xxxxxx,'. Where 'version xxxxxx' is the appropriate version number of the GEBCO Grid, given in the layer information below.

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    Average near-Up crustal velocities between summer 2015 and summer 2018. These velocities indicate velocities in the Up direction. However, they could be slightly influence by velocities along the East and North directions and are therefore called near-Up. Near-Up velocities were derived by decomposing the line-of-sight velocities of six Sentinel-1 interferometric time-series covering Iceland. These time-series used a single master approach and Sentinel-1 images from the following summers (mid-June to end of September): 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018. The near-Up velocity grid has a 50 m resolution.

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    Average near-East crustal velocities between summer 2015 and summer 2018. These velocities indicate velocities in the East direction. However, they could be slightly influence by velocities along the North and Up directions and are therefore called near-East. Near-East velocities were derived by decomposing the line-of-sight velocities of six Sentinel-1 interferometric time-series covering Iceland. These time-series used a single master approach and Sentinel-1 images from the following summers (mid-June to end of September): 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018. The near-East velocity grid has a 50 m resolution.

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    Tjenesten illustrerer den landsdekkende terrengmodellen ( DTM 10 ) som et fargekodet relieff. Det er tre lag som viser utstrekningen til de enkelte cellene i de tre forskjellige UTM - sonene. I tillegg er det to lag som viser i hvilke områder de ulike datasettene er blitt benyttet til å bygge opp terrengmodellen.

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    WMS tjenesten viser dybdeforhold i norske sjøområder som skyggerelieff med oppløsning 5 m, 25 m, 50 m. Visningen er målestokk avhengig og viser mer detaljer ettersom en zoomer inn i kartet. Ved å zoome inn i kartet vil en automatisk gå over til høyere oppløsning dersom datagrunnlaget tillater det. 25 m og 5 m oppløsning finnes i hovedsak utenfor territorialgrensen (12 nautiske mil). Innenfor territorialgrensa er dybdedata med høyere oppløsning enn 50 m i hovedsak gradert informasjon. Unntaket er områder som har blitt avgradert av Forsvaret, slik som eksempelvis Søre Sunnmøre og korallområdet Hola utenfor Vesterålen. Skyggerelieffet er i hovedsak avledet av regulære grid (Sjø terrengmodeller), som er basert på moderne multistrålemålinger.