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The Regional Ice-Ocean Prediction System (RIOPS) is based on the NEMO-CICE ice-ocean model and produces regional sea ice and ocean analyses and 84 hours forecasts daily based at [00, 06, 12, 18] UTC on a subset of the 1/12° resolution global tri-polar grid (ORCA12). RIOPS assimilates data (gridded CCMEP analysis SST product, SLA from satellite altimetry, in situ observations) using a multivariate reduced order Kalman filter and includes a 3DVar ice concentration analysis (assimilating satellite remote sensing and Canadian Ice Service ice charts). Atmospheric fluxes for 84 hours forecasts are calculated using fields from a blending of the Regional Deterministic Prediction System (RDPS) and the Global Deterministic Prediction System (GDPS).
The Regional Deterministic Wave Prediction System (RDWPS) produces wave forecasts out to 48 hours in the future using the third generation spectral wave forecast model WaveWatch III® (WW3). The model is forced by the 10 meters winds from the High Resolution Deterministic Prediction System (HRDPS). Over the Great Lakes, an ice forecast from the Water Cycle Prediction System of the Great Lakes (WCPS) is used by the model to attenuate or suppress wave growth in areas covered by 25% to 75% and more than 75% ice, respectively. Over the ocean, an ice forecast from the Regional Ice Ocean Prediction System (RIOPS) is used: in the Northeast Pacific, waves propagate freely for ice concentrations below 50%, above this threshold there is no propagation; in the Northwest Atlantic the same logic is used as in the Great Lakes. Forecast elements include significant wave height, peak period, partitioned parameters and others. This system includes several domains: Lake Superior, Lake Huron-Michigan, Lake Erie, Lake Ontario, Atlantic North-West and Pacific North-East.
Multi-model ensembles of mean precipitation based on projections from twenty-nine Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) global climate models are available for 1901-2100. Specifically, the 5th, 25th, 50th, 75th and 95th percentiles of the monthly, seasonal and annual ensembles of mean precipitation (mm/day) are available for the historical time period, 1901-2005, and for emission scenarios, RCP2.6, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5, for 2006-2100. Note: Projections among climate models can vary because of differences in their underlying representation of earth system processes. Thus, the use of a multi-model ensemble approach has been demonstrated in recent scientific literature to likely provide better projected climate change information.
This mosaic is calculated over the North American domain with a horizontal spatial resolution of 1 km. This mosaic therefore includes all the Canadian and American radars available in the network and which can reach a maximum of 180 contributing radars. To better represent precipitation over the different seasons, this mosaic renders in mm/h to represent rain and in cm/h to represent snow. For the two precipitation types (rain and snow), we use two different mathematical relationships to convert the reflectivity by rainfall rates (mm/h rain cm/h for snow). This is a hybrid mosaic composed of different estimation precipitation products : PRECIP-ET product used only for C-Band radars (which are in the process of being replaced with S-Band radars) and DPQPE (Dual-Pol Quantitative Precipitation Estimation) for S-Band radars. For the US Nexrad radars, ECCC uses the most similar product from the US Meteorological Service (NOAA). This product displays radar reflectivity converted into precipitation rates, using the same formulas as the Canadian radars.
The Regional Deterministic Wave Prediction System (RDWPS) produces wave forecasts out to 48 hours in the future using the third generation spectral wave forecast model WaveWatch III® (WW3). The model is forced by the 10 meters winds from the High Resolution Deterministic Prediction System (HRDPS). Over the Great Lakes, an ice forecast from the Water Cycle Prediction System of the Great Lakes (WCPS) is used by the model to attenuate or suppress wave growth in areas covered by 25% to 75% and more than 75% ice, respectively. Over the ocean, an ice forecast from the Regional Ice Ocean Prediction System (RIOPS) is used: in the Northeast Pacific, waves propagate freely for ice concentrations below 50%, above this threshold there is no propagation; in the Northwest Atlantic the same logic is used as in the Great Lakes. Forecast elements include significant wave height, peak period, partitioned parameters and others. This system includes several domains: Lake Superior, Lake Huron-Michigan, Lake Erie, Lake Ontario, Atlantic North-West and Pacific North-East.
Radar coverage is provided to dynamically display the zones covered by the radars every 6 minutes, and to provide information on the availability (or not) of the contributing radars as well as on the areas of overlap.
The Global Deterministic storm Surge Prediction System (GDSPS) produces water level forecasts using a modified version of the NEMO ocean model (Wang et al. 2021, 2022, 2023). It provides 240 hours forecasts twice per day on a 1/12° resolution grid (3-9 km). The model is forced by the 10 meters winds, sea level pressure, ice concentration, ice velocity and surface currents from the Global Deterministic Prediction System (GDPS). The three dimensionnal ocean temperature and salinity fields of the model are nudged to values provided by the Global Ice-Ocean Prediction System (GIOPS) and the GDPS. During the post-processing phase, storm surge elevation (ETAS) is derived from total water level (SSH) by harmonic analysis using t_tide (Foreman et al. 2009).
The Regional Deterministic Precipitation Analysis (RDPA) produces a best estimate of the amount of precipitation that occurred over recent past periods of 6 or 24 hours. The estimate integrates data from in situ precipitation gauge measurements, weather radar, satellite imagery and numerical weather prediction models. Geographic coverage is North America (Canada, United States and Mexico). Data is available at horizontal resolution of 10 km. Data is only available for the surface level. Analysis data is made available four times a day for 6h intervals and twice a day for the 24h interval. A preliminary estimate is available approximately 1h after the end of the accumulation period, and revised 7h after in order to assimilate gauge data arriving later.
Seasonal and annual multi-model ensembles of projected change (also known as anomalies) in sea ice thickness, based on an ensemble of twenty-six Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) global climate models are available for 1900-2100. Projected change in sea ice thickness is with respect to the reference period of 1986-2005 and expressed as a percentage (%). The 5th, 25th, 50th, 75th and 95th percentiles of the ensemble of sea ice thickness change are available for the historical time period, 1900-2005, and for emission scenarios, RCP2.6, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5, for 2006-2100. Twenty-year average changes in sea ice thickness (%) for four time periods (2021-2040; 2041-2060; 2061-2080; 2081-2100), with respect to the reference period of 1986-2005, for RCP2.6, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 are also available in a range of formats. The median projected change across the ensemble of CMIP5 climate models is provided. Note: Projections among climate models can vary because of differences in their underlying representation of earth system processes. Thus, the use of a multi-model ensemble approach has been demonstrated in recent scientific literature to likely provide better projected climate change information.
CaLDAS-NSRPS was installed as an experimental system within the National Surface and River Prediction System (NSRPS) at Environment and Climate Change Canada's (ECCC) Canadian Centre for Meteorological and Environmental Prediction (CCMEP) in July 2019. CaLDAS-NSRPS is a continuous offline land-surface assimilation system, which provides analyses of the land surface every 3 h over the domain of the High-Resolution Deterministic Prediction System (HRDPS) at a 2.5 km grid spacing. The emphasis in CaLDAS-NSRPS is to focus upon the assimilation of satellite based remote sensing observations to provide the optimal initial conditions for the predictive components of the NSRPS, the High Resolution Deterministic/Ensemble Land Surface Prediction System (HRDLPS/HRELPS) and the Deterministic/Ensemble Hydrological Prediction Systems (DHPS/EHPS). CaLDAS-NSRPS is launched 4 times per day, at 0000, 0600, 1200, and 1800 UTC.