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This dataset contains Local Geographic Areas Boundaries and associated aggregations. This dataset was developed to help create maps using health data. The boundaries correspond to data summaries available in Applied Research and Evaluation Services. Local Geographic Areas Boundaries and associated aggregations are available in SHP format and are viewable on the Applied Research and Evaluation Services GIS Information Hub. Please refer to the Distribution Information to view or obtain the data.
This dataset comprises all of the feature classes in the Alberta Provincial Electoral Divisions profiles. This data is derived from the Census of Canada and the National Household Survey from Statistics Canada from 2011 and 2016. This does not constitute an endorsement by Statistics Canada of this product.
The Seniors, Community and Social Services Delivery Zones dataset is comprised of all the polygons that represent the service delivery regions established for the Ministry of Seniors, Community and Social Services. Seniors, Community and Social Services delivers services and supports to Albertans in a complex and interconnected environment of substantial change, both externally and internally. Externally, a diverse population, an economic downturn, and relationships with families and stakeholders affect how the department conducts its business. Internally, the department continues to transform the way it supports Albertans through a person-centred, integrated service delivery model that recognizes the unique circumstances, experiences and strengths of individuals and families.
This data set comprises all of the current feature classes in the Alberta Provincial Electoral Divisions profiles. This data is derived from the 2021 Census of Canada.
This dataset is produced for the Government of Alberta and is available to the general public. Please consult the Distribution Information of this metadata on how to acquire this dataset. The Grassland Vegetation Inventory (GVI) represents the Government of Alberta's comprehensive biophysical, anthropogenic and land-use inventory of the southernmost portion of the province's White Area. The compilation of the inventory commenced in 2006 in the southeast corner of the province using digital colour-infrared stereo photography. Data capture has proceeded north and west. The Grassland Vegetation Inventory is intended as an update to the Native Prairie Vegetation Inventory (NPVI) that was completed circa 1993. The Grassland Vegetation Inventory product is a more comprehensive and detailed geospatial representation of land cover that is intended to meet a multitude of business needs integral to land-use planning and management in Alberta. The Grassland Vegetation Inventory is a biophysical and land-use inventory rather than a purely vegetation inventory. It is comprised of ecological range sites based on soils information for areas of native vegetation and general land use for areas of non-native vegetation, namely those associated with agricultural, industrial, and residential developments. Landscape Polygons are the basic map units in the Grassland Vegetation Inventory digital product. These polygons represent interpretations of relatively uniform biophysical or anthropogenic areas. The characteristics of Landscape Polygons are captured as records in the Sites table. The Grassland Vegetation Inventory site type classification is captured under the Site Types column in the Sites table to a maximum of four site types per Landscape Polygon. The Grassland Vegetation Inventory site types and their associated information plus the data capture methodology are described in the Grassland Vegetation Inventory Specifications. Grassland Vegetation Inventory projects were initially funded under the Base Data Acquisition component of the Land-use Framework program, which represents the Alberta Government's comprehensive and integrated approach to land use planning and management. The primary funding agency is Alberta Environment and Parks. The GVI data, index map, status map, views and specifications documents are available from Alberta Environment and Parks, Government of Alberta.
The data in this information product illustrates the boundaries of Alberta's 11 Court of King's Bench Judicial Districts. The boundaries of the Judicial Districts are defined by the Judicial Districts Regulation, Alberta Regulation 117/2010. The Judicial Districts used in this information product were filed in July 14, 2010 and came into effect on November 1, 2010.
The Government of Alberta's Land-use Framework (LUF) sets out an approach to manage Alberta's lands and natural resources to achieve the province's long-term economic, environmental and social goals and provides a blueprint for land-use management and decision-making that addresses Alberta's growth pressures. The LUF was developed with extensive public, stakeholder, and Aboriginal consultation. The final framework was released by the Government of Alberta in December 2008 and provides the necessary forward-looking clarity and guidance under which specific policy development can be directed and progress can be measured. It provides a decision-making framework that reflects province-wide goals, principles and priorities. Legal authority to implement the LUF occurred on October 1, 2009, with the proclamation of the Alberta Land Stewardship Act (ALSA). The Act, which established as part of the public service but not as part of a government department, the LUS headed by the stewardship commissioner, potentially affects all activities on the land and all Albertans. This polygon shapefile contains the boundaries for the seven Land-use Framework planning regions which are based on watersheds and adjusted to align with municipal boundaries. The Land-use Framework regions are defined by Orders in Council which serve as the defining documents.
The Parks and Protected Areas dataset contains Parks and Protected Area boundaries for sites administered by the Government of Alberta. National parks, because of their similar intent, are also included. GIS line work representing provincial park/protected area boundaries has been interpreted from written legal descriptions appended to Orders-in-Council granted Royal Assent by the Lieutenant Governor of Alberta. In case of discrepancy between the GIS data and the written legal description, the written legal description shall take precedence. The Government of Canada is the authoritative source for GIS boundaries of National Parks. National Park boundaries are included herein for reference, only. GIS line work representing National Park boundaries has been interpreted from written legal descriptions within Schedule 1 of the Canada National Parks Act, and adapted to align with the Alberta Provincial Base Features/Foundational Data collection. Defining document is Canada National Parks Act, Statues of Canada 2000, Chapter 32, Assented to 20th October, 2000. In case of discrepancy between the GIS data and the written legal description, the written legal description shall take precedence. Please note that this dataset replaces the following datasets: Ecological Reserve, Heritage Rangeland, National Park, Natural Area, Provincial Park, Provincial Recreation Area, Wilderness Area, Wilderness Park, and Wildland Park.
This dataset includes commonly used socio-economic indicators by CSD (census subdivision). The feature classes were created from geosptial boundary files and tabular data related to the 2016 Census of Canada, Statistics Canada. The topics included are: Age groups and sex, core housing needs, dwelling types, Education, labour force, immigration, Income, knowledge of languages, lone parent family, mobility, housing tenure and visible minorities. This does not constitute an endorsement by Statistics Canada of this product.