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Petroleum and Natural Gas Agreement feature class contains provincial extent polygon features representing Petroleum and Natural Gas applications, agreements, leases, and licences, with varying term dates and conditions. These applications and subsequent agreements give the holder the right to explore Petroleum and Natural Gas.
Oil Sands Agreement feature class contains provincial extent polygon features representing Oil Sands applications, agreements, leases, and licences, with varying term dates and conditions. These applications and subsequent agreements give the holder the right to explore Oil Sands.
Coal Agreement feature class contains provincial extent polygon features representing Coal applications, agreements, leases, and licences, with varying term dates and conditions. These applications and subsequent agreements give the holder the right to explore Coal.
This dataset comprises all of the feature classes in the Alberta Provincial Electoral Divisions profiles. This data is derived from the Census of Canada and the National Household Survey from Statistics Canada from 2011 and 2016. This does not constitute an endorsement by Statistics Canada of this product.
This data set comprises all of the current feature classes in the Alberta Provincial Electoral Divisions profiles. This data is derived from the 2021 Census of Canada.
This is a dataset of forest harvest areas for the Upper North Saskatchewan and Upper Red Deer River Basins of Alberta. This dataset was created to support spatial analyses of forest harvest areas in the Upper North Saskatchewan and Upper Red Deer River Basins for the Alberta Environment and Parks report entitled “Ecological response to land use and human activities in the eastern slopes of Alberta's Rocky Mountains: A scientific assessment”. This is a polygon dataset covering the Upper North Saskatchewan and upper Red Deer River Basins of Alberta, Canada for the period 1961-2016. This dataset of forest harvest areas was created using three data sources obtained from Alberta Agriculture and Forestry: The AVI (Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, 2017a), the Post Inventory Final Cutblocks layer (Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, 2017b), and Regional Forestry Cultblock data (obtained directly from Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, March 2018). For further details, see report entitled “Land use, climate change and ecological responses in the Upper North Saskatchewan and Upper Red Deer River Basins: A scientific assessment”, available at: Please note: this legacy dataset will not be updated. For questions regarding the data, please contact
This dataset is a subset of the Hydrologic Unit Code Watersheds of Alberta which is produced for the Government of Alberta and is available to the general public. Please consult the Distribution Information of this metadata for the appropriate contact to acquire this dataset. The study area used in the report 'Land use, climate change and ecological responses in the Upper North Saskatchewan and Red Deer River Basins: A Scientific Assessment' encompasses the Upper North Saskatchewan River Basin and part of the Upper Red Deer River Basin. The total area of the study area is 24,677 km² and was delineated using the HUC6 watershed boundaries.Report: Please note: this legacy dataset will not be updated. For questions regarding the data, please contact
The Plains, Northern, Foothills Boundary feature class contains polygon features representing Department of Energy Regional Boundaries for the Province of Alberta.
The dataset was developed to provide geographic guide to better understand the boundaries of the Industrial Heartland - Designated Industrial Zone (IH-DIZ). The IH-DIZ industrial zoned land extends into 5 different municipalities, including: Approx. 533 km2 within the City of Fort Saskatchewan and the Counties of Lamont, Strathcona and Sturgeon. Approx. 49 km2 in the City of Edmonton, which is the industrial area known as the Edmonton Energy and Technology Park.
The Government of Alberta's Land-use Framework (LUF) sets out an approach to manage Alberta's lands and natural resources to achieve the province's long-term economic, environmental and social goals and provides a blueprint for land-use management and decision-making that addresses Alberta's growth pressures. The LUF was developed with extensive public, stakeholder, and Aboriginal consultation. The final framework was released by the Government of Alberta in December 2008 and provides the necessary forward-looking clarity and guidance under which specific policy development can be directed and progress can be measured. It provides a decision-making framework that reflects province-wide goals, principles and priorities. Legal authority to implement the LUF occurred on October 1, 2009, with the proclamation of the Alberta Land Stewardship Act (ALSA). The Act, which established as part of the public service but not as part of a government department, the LUS headed by the stewardship commissioner, potentially affects all activities on the land and all Albertans. This polygon shapefile contains the boundaries for the seven Land-use Framework planning regions which are based on watersheds and adjusted to align with municipal boundaries. The Land-use Framework regions are defined by Orders in Council which serve as the defining documents.