
Salinity of the water column

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    Gridded fields of salinity for 50 N - 67 N, 41,5 W - 61,5 W geographic region (yearly, 2000 - 2016), 29 standard depths

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    Samples collected from an underway Towfish during RV Sanna cruise GLICE (August 2022) and either analysed at sea or returned preserved to GEOMAR for analysis. Sensor data refers to in-line data matching the underway samples.

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    A mooring, equipped with a CTD sensor (SBE37) at 350 m depth, was deployed in the Yermak Pass on the 24 September 2017 from the R/V Lance. The mooring was recovered in summer 2020 from K/V Svalbard. The present dataset provides 10-day smoothed time series of daily conservative temperature (CT, °C), absolute salinity (SA, g/kg) and pressure (db) recorded by the SBE37 sensor, from the 24 September 2017 to the 31 May 2020. The mooring was located at 80.63°N, 6.88°E. Important Note: This submission has been initially submitted to SEA scieNtific Open data Edition (SEANOE) publication service and received the recorded DOI. The metadata elements have been further processed (refined) in EMODnet Ingestion Service in order to conform with the Data Submission Service specifications.

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    The cruise HM 2015617 onboard the Research Vessel Håkon Mosby is the second and last research cruise of the project ”On Thin Ice (NICE): Role of Ocean Heat Flux in Sea Ice Melt”. NICE is led at the Geophysical Institute, University of Bergen (PI: Ilker Fer) and is funded by the Research Council of Norway (project number 229786) for the period 01.01.2014-31.12.2017

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    This dataset is included the following parameters: water temperature, salinity,air temperature,visibility (code). Research vessel:"Mikhail Somov".

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    Measurement data on the "Rossiya" icebreaker.This dataset is included the following parameters:temperature of water,salinity,dencity.Additionally, meteorological data are presented:wind speed,wind direction, air temperature, visibility.

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    Results of measurements of the CO2 flow from water from various depths using the bathometers of the oceanographic station No. 67 on the 26th cruise of the research vessel "Akademik Fedorov" Numerical results of measurements of the IR gas analyzer. Parameter:chamber temperature,atmospheric pressure inside the optical element of the gas analyzer,concentration of water vapor inside the chamber, CO2 concentration inside the chamber, CO2 concentration inside the chamber, corrected for water vapor, relative humidity inside the chamber, water salinity by bathometer, water sampling temperature by bathometer, water temperature before measurements, water temperature after measurements.

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    Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT)

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    Results of measurements of the CO2 flow from water from various depths using the bathometers of the oceanographic station No. 69 on the 26th cruise of the research vessel "Akademik Fedorov" Numerical results of measurements of the IR gas analyzer. Parameter:chamber temperature,atmospheric pressure inside the optical element of the gas analyzer,concentration of water vapor inside the chamber, CO2 concentration inside the chamber, CO2 concentration inside the chamber, corrected for water vapor, relative humidity inside the chamber, water salinity by bathometer, water sampling temperature by bathometer, water temperature before measurements, water temperature after measurements.

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    The mooring was deployed on 15 September 2017 from Norwegian Research Vessel Lance at 80.6°N and 7.26°E (depth of 730 m) in the Yermak Pass over the Yermak Plateau north of Svalbard. It comprised 3 instruments: an upward-looking RDI 75kHz, a Long Ranger Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) at 340 m with 16 m vertical resolution (25 bins of 16 m each) and a 2-hour sampling time; a Seabird SBE37 measuring temperature, salinity and pressure at 348 m with 10-minute sampling time; and an Aquadopp current meter at 645 m with a 2-hour sampling time. The mooring was retrieved on the 19 July 2020 by Norwegian Icebreaker K.V. Svalbard. The present dataset features: (i) the ADCP 50-hour smoothed daily velocities, conservative temperature and pressure time series interpolated every 10 meters within the 20-330m layer, (ii) the Aquadopp 50-hour smoothed daily velocities and pressure time series at 645 m; and (iii) the SBE37 50-hour smoothed daily conservative temperature, absolute salinity and pressure time series at 348 m. Important Note: This submission has been initially submitted to SEA scieNtific Open data Edition (SEANOE) publication service and received the recorded DOI. The metadata elements have been further processed (refined) in EMODnet Ingestion Service in order to conform with the Data Submission Service specifications.