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This data includes the average wind speed measured at various sites throughout the Yukon over discrete time periods from as early as 1944 to as recent as 2004. The specific time periods are included in the dataset, as is a brief description of each site. Other sites will be added as the data becomes available. Distributed from GeoYukon by the Government of Yukon . Discover more digital map data and interactive maps from Yukon's digital map data collection. For more information:
Created for distribution by the GeoYukon application as a comprehensive resource for all publicly available Utilities and Communications information in the Yukon Government. This data may be used directly by other applications to dynamically display Yukon data; however, it may be subject to change as data sets are updated or added.
Created for distribution by the GeoYukon application as a comprehensive resource for all publicly available Utilities and Communications information in the Yukon Government. This data may be used directly by other applications to dynamically display Yukon data; however, it may be subject to change as data sets are updated or added. Subject: Utilities and Communications service
View renewable energy information on the GeoYukon interactive map viewer
The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure's Avalanche and Weather Programs is responsible for the support and maintenance of the ministry's weather data. While reasonable care is exercised in recording and communicating accurate data, the province neither warrants nor represents the sufficiency of this information.
This data set includes information on sampling locations and physical conditions in lakes and streams across Ontario. It also includes meteorological conditions from monitoring stations in south-central Ontario. __Lakes__ The data for lakes includes sampling location details and measurements such as: * temperature (1976-2021) * dissolved oxygen levels (1976-2021) * water transparency __Streams__ The data for streams includes measurements such as stream flow discharge from monitoring stations in south-central Ontario. (1976-2019) __Meteorological conditions__ This dataset contains meteorological conditions for climate stations close to monitored lakes in south-central Ontario. It includes measurements such as: * air temperature (1976-2020) * humidity (1976-2020) * precipitation (1976-2020) * wind speed (1976-2020) Data were collected since 1976 as part of routine monitoring of water quality of inland waters and for scientific and research purposes.
NOAA Model Archive and Distribution System (NOMADS): Providing both real-time and retrospective format independent access to climate and weather model data.