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A population ecumene is the area of inhabited lands or settled areas generally delimited by a minimum population density. Two population data sets from the 2016 Census of Population were used to build two specialized ecumene maps. The census division ecumene was built from dissemination area population density data and the census subdivision ecumene was built from the dissemination block population density data. For information on census divisions, census subdivisions, dissemination areas, and dissemination blocks consult the Statistics Canada’s 2016 Illustrated Glossary (see below under Data Resources). Areas included in the ecumene (for either the census division or census subdivision) are areas where the population density is greater than or equal to 0.4 persons per square kilometre or about 1 person per square mile. In some areas to capture more population within the ecumene the criteria was extended to 0.2 persons per square kilometre. The ecumene areas were generalized in certain regions either to enhance the size of some isolated ecumene areas or to remove small internal uninhabited areas within the ecumene. Either of these ecumene resources can be used as an “ecumene” map overlay to differentiate the sparsely populated areas from the ecumene in conjunction with the appropriate census geography or other small-scale and large-scale maps.
Notice - Replacement of the English and French Web services (WMS and ESRI REST) with a bilingual one. The NRN product is distributed in the form of thirteen provincial or territorial datasets and consists of two linear entities (Road Segment and Ferry Connection Segment) and three punctual entities (Junction, Blocked Passage, Toll Point) with which is associated a series of descriptive attributes such as, among others: First House Number, Last House Number, Street Name Body, Place Name, Functional Road Class, Pavement Status, Number Of Lanes, Structure Type, Route Number, Route Name, Exit Number. The development of the NRN was realized by means of individual meetings and national workshops with interested data providers from the federal, provincial, territorial and municipal governments. In 2005, the NRN edition 2.0 was alternately adopted by members from the Inter-Agency Committee on Geomatics (IACG) and the Canadian Council on Geomatics (CCOG). The NRN content largely conforms to the ISO 14825 from ISO/TC 204.
Vegetation biophysical parameters correspond to physical properties of vegetation structure (e.g. density, height, biomass), biochemistry (e.g. chlorophyll and water content) or energy exchange (e.g. albedo, temperature). These parameters have been identified by the Global Climate Observing System as an essential climate variable required for ecosystem, weather and climate modelling and monitoring. The Canada wide products are derived from systematically acquired satellite imagery with spatial resolution from 10m to 30m and provided as monthly temporal or peak-season composites due to cloud cover. Products are derived applying algorithms developed at Canada Centre for Remote Sensing (NRCan) to Copernicus Sentinel 2 satellite imagery. Select a related product first to view content.