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Boundaries developed for use when aggregating cases and reporting during the COVID-19 pandemic in Saskatchewan. The province of Saskatchewan has been divided into six distinct areas for use in reporting the infection rates of COVID-19 during the 2020 outbreak of the virus. This dataset is 'Deprecated'. Please use updated source here.
In the context of the fight against COVID-19, the agglomeration of Montreal quickly redesigned public space to promote active and safe travel. The objective: to allow people to move around actively while respecting the physical distance instructions prescribed by the Public Health Department. This data set locates the ESTABLISHED health corridors as well as the PLANNED active and safe routes as reported by the boroughs and linked cities of the Agglomeration. The active and safe routes are presented as announced during the announcement on May 15, 2020. *Note: * This data is an image of corridors established and planned __as of May 21, 2020__, some changes made on the ground are not reflected in this set. For any additional information on the COVID-19 crisis, please consult the [dedicated section on the City of Montreal's website] (**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**
The data contained in the dashboard describes the COVID-19 cases and deaths by province and health regions. The dashboard is developed by the Public Health Infobase in collaboration with the Health Portfolio Operation Center and the Public Health Geomatics Unit of the Public Health Agency of Canada. The data is provided by the COVID-19 Canada COVID Open Data Working Group (CCODWG) and by the Provinces and Territories through the Public Health Agency of Canada. This health region data is verified by the Public Health Agency of Canada in collaboration with Natural Resources Canada. The population data is provided by Statistics Canada. The chart on the cases and deaths are done the confirmed cases of COVID-19.
The fight against COVID-19 has transformed travel in urban areas. The City of Montreal therefore offers the Safe Active Ways (VAS) circuit. This new way of adopting travel is established in order to offer Montrealers the opportunity to travel in safe temporary accommodations in 2020-21. This data set corresponds to the cultural programming of the City of Montreal, whose main objective is to make culture accessible to citizens within VAS and throughout the metropolitan area. With this program, the City of Montreal aims to highlight the work of Montreal artists and creators and to promote cultural offerings outside the walls. An interactive map will be available on [the City of Montreal's website] (, to identify the multitude of cultural activities in progress. This card will be updated and improved continuously over the weeks. __Note__: Data is evolving and projects will be added in the future.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**
Get a list of COVID-19 assessment centres. Before you go, you should check if: * The centre is open * They have drive-through or walk-in testing * They will test small children or babies * You need to make an appointment * You need to speak to a staff member about your condition (prescreening) All assessment centres will test you if you would like to be tested. Call the assessment centre or your local public health unit if you have questions. You **do not** need a health (OHIP) card for a test. It is a free service. Data includes (where available): * Location name * Location operator * Physical address * Phone number * Website * Public Health Unit (PHU) * Latitude * Longitude * Physical address * Phone number * Hours of operation * Age restrictions * Appointment requested * Drive through availability * Walk in availability * Temporary closure * Active centre (indefinite closures)
Vaccine Provider app for the Flu and COVID-19 vaccination season. This application displays the location of COVID-19 and Influenza vaccine providers within the province of Manitoba. Vaccination sites are symbolized as a pharmacy, medical clinic, provincial vaccine clinic, etc. Other information available for each site includes provider name, whether they are accepting appointments, the address, and any special notes or restrictions on the location. Manitoba’s Regional Health Authorities are also displayed for context.The vaccine provider data within the app is populated by Manitoba Health, Seniors and Long-Term Care.
Feature point layer showing COVID-19 rapid antigen test kit distribution sites in Manitoba. Feature point layer showing locations of distribution sites that currently have COVID-19 rapid antigen test kits available in Manitoba. The main purpose of this data is to provide the public with the hours of operation for these sites. Distributors include pharmacies, retail stores, and community libraries. This data is populated by Manitoba Shared Health and is updated as needed. This feature layer is used in the Manitoba COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Test Kit Availability Map and Manitoba COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Test Kit Availability application. For more information on Manitoba’s response to COVID-19, please visit the following site: Fields included [Alias (Field Name): Field description] Site Category (Site_Category): Indicates whether the site is a retail business, pharmacy, or community library Site Name (Site_Name): Official business name of the site Address (Address): Street address of the site City or Town (City_or_Town): City or town in which the site is located Postal Code (Postal_Code): Postal code that corresponds with the street address of the site Phone (Phone): Telephone number for the site French Service (French_Service): Indicates whether a site self-identified as having services available in French; if unknown, value is null Health Authority (Health_Authority): Name of the regional health authority where the site is located Hours of Operation (Hours_of_Operation): Listing of days and times that the site is open to the public Alt Hours Start (Alt_Hours_Start): Start date of when alternate hours are in effect Alt Hours End (Alt_Hours_End): End date of when alternate hours are in effect Alternate Hours of Operation (Alternate_Hours_of_Operation): Listing of alternate days and times that the site is open to the public Latitude (Latitude): Latitudinal coordinate of the site Longitude (Longitude): Longitudinal coordinate of the site
Registered vaccine distribution locations for the Flu and COVID-19 season that will appear on the Vaccine Provider App.