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Data are contaminants in tissue of caged mussels put in the river for 3 weeks at about 25 stations located on the Canadian and US side of the river. The main objective of the study is to identify contaminant sources, or source areas requiring more detailed follow-up investigations, based on the level of contaminants in the mussels. Compounds monitored include: * organochlorinated pesticides * Polychlorinated biphenyls * dioxins/furan * chlorinated benzenes * Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons * industrial organic compounds
Hamlets are smaller settlement areas identified in municipal official plans, generally without municipal water and sewer servicing. For precise boundaries and locations of hamlets, the appropriate municipality should be consulted.
The data identifies First Nation treaties and other agreements, such as land purchases by the Crown. This file was used to create a reference map illustrating the 46 treaties and other agreements signed between 1781 and 1930.
The data is used to create reference and thematic maps The Special Needs Strategy was launched in February 2014 to improve services for children and youth with special needs and their families. Its three key areas include: * identifying kids' needs earlier and connecting them to the right help sooner * coordinating service planning * making the delivery of rehabilitation services seamless
Geographical information about Licensed Lab and Specimen Collection Centres. These include all of the hospital laboratories, private laboratories, laboratories in public health clinics and Canadian Blood Services laboratories.
From 2003 to January 12, 2014, Ministry of Children and Youth Services used the following 9 regions: * Eastern * South East * Central East * Central West * South West * Hamilton/Niagara * Toronto * North East * Northern These 9 Service Delivery Division regions were combined with Youth Justice Services regions to create 5 new integrated regions: * North * West * Central * East * Toronto These new regions are effective as of January 13, 2014.
A single-tier municipality doesn't form part of an upper-tier municipality and assumes all municipal responsibilities set out under the Municipal Act and other Provincial legislation. A lower-tier municipality forms part of an upper-tier municipality. Municipal responsibilities set out under the Municipal Act and other Provincial legislation are split between the upper-tier and lower-tier municipalities.
The boundaries of the 14 lead agencies that support the Student Nutrition Program. Data contains lead agency names and accompanying shape files that detail their service areas.
There are 21 ministry-funded Children's Treatment Centres across Ontario. These centres provide rehabilitation services to children and youth with moderate or severe disabilities and other special needs. This mapping data represents the service area boundaries of the 21 centres.
General information on the location of towns and villages (settlement areas) in the countryside areas protected by Greenbelt plan. For precise boundaries and locations of settlement areas, the appropriate municipality should be consulted.