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    Boundaries of the National Capital Region since 1959, with the coming into force of the National Capital Act

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    Point representing each of the parking lots under the maintenance and management of the NCC.

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    Identification of the NCC's public picnic areas. Picnic tables present, some larger locations have shelters.

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    Study area of the Capital Urban Lands Plan as of 2015.

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    Delimited area of the Gatineau Park as of 2021.

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    These files from Statistics Canada present Census of Agriculture data allocated by standard census geographic polygons: Provinces and Territories (PR), Census Agricultural Regions (CAR), Census Divisions (CD) and Census Consolidated Subdivisions (CCS). Five datasets are provided: 1. Agricultural operation characteristics: includes information on farm type, operating arrangements, paid agricultural work and financial characteristics of the agricultural operation. 2. Land tenure and management practices: includes information on land use, land tenure, agricultural practices, land inputs, technologies used on the operation and the renewable energy production on the operation. 3. Crops: includes information on hay and field crops, vegetables (excluding greenhouse vegetables), fruits, berries, nuts, greenhouse productions and other crops. 4. Livestock, poultry and bees: includes information on livestock, poultry and bees. 5. Characteristics of farm operators: includes information on age, sex and the hours of works of farm operators. Note: For all the datasets, confidential values have been assigned a value of -1. Correction notice: On January 18, 2023, selected estimates have been corrected for selected variables in the following 2021 Census of Agriculture domains: Direct sales of agricultural products to consumers (Agricultural operations category), Succession plan for the agricultural operation (Agricultural operators category), and Renewable energy production (Use, tenure and practices category).