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Species characterization by environmental DNA (eDNA) is a method that allows the use of DNA released into the environment by organisms from various sources (secretions, faeces, gametes, tissues, etc.). It is a complementary tool to standard sampling methods for the identification of biodiversity. This project provides a list of invertebrates species whose DNA has been detected in water samples collected at 2018 using the marker COI. The surveys were carried out in the summer of 2018 from August 11 to 14, between Forestville and Godbout (Haute-Côte-Nord). Sampling was carried out between 9-52 meters depth in 40 stations with one sample par station. Two liters of water were filtered through a 1.2 µm fiberglass filter. DNA extractions were performed with the DNeasy Blood and Tissue extraction kit (Qiagen). Negative field, extraction and PCR controls were added at the different stages of the protocol. Libraries at the COI locus were prepared by Genome Quebec and sequenced on an Illumina MiSeq PE250 system. The bioinformatics analysis of the sequences obtained was carried out using an in-house analysis pipeline as reported in Bourret et al. 2022. A first step made it possible to obtain a molecular operational taxonomic unit table (MOTU) using the cutadapt software for the removal of the adapters and the DADA2 R package for the filtration, fusion, chimera removal and data compilation. The MOTUs table was subsequently corrected by taking into account the negative controls, where the number of observations in the latter was removed from the linked samples. Singleton MOTUs have also been removed. Finally, the taxonomic assignments were carried out on the MOTUs using the IDTAXA classifier (present in the DECIPHIER R package) using a training set trained on the COI reference bank for Golf St-Laurent (GSL-rl v1.0, and a threshold of 40. Detections with an “Unreliable due to gaps” category were reported at the genus level only. The file provided includes generic activity information, including site, station name, date, marker type, assignment types used for taxa identification, and a list of taxa or species. The list of taxa has been verified by a biodiversity expert from the Maurice-Lamontagne Institute. This project was funded by Fisheries and Oceans Canada's Coastal Environmental Baseline Data Program under the Oceans Protection Plan. This initiative aims to acquire baseline environmental data that contributes to the characterization of significant coastal areas and supports evidence-based assessments and management decisions to preserve marine ecosystems. Data are also available on SLGO platform :
## #Description This database contains the coordinates of observations of fish and invertebrates, which are exotic and invasive, known by the Ministry of the Environment, the Fight against Climate Change, Wildlife and Parks (MELCCFP) in Quebec (MELCCFP) in Quebec as of May 2024. An aquatic invasive species is a plant, animal, or microorganism (virus, bacteria, or fungus) that is introduced outside of its natural range, colonizes new sites or regions at a rapid rate, and can form dominant populations. Its establishment or spread can pose a threat to the environment, economy, or society. ## #Les observations come from a variety of sources such as: * scientific sampling conducted by the MELCCFP and by other governmental or non-profit organizations; * references from citizens who contacted MELCCFP customer service directly or using tools such as Sentinel and iNaturalist; * accidental catches by commercial fishermen who are members of the Saint Lawrence Exotic Aquatic Invasive Species Early Detection Network. For more information on the control of aquatic invasive species, introduction factors, or prevention methods, consult the following web page: [Management of exotic invasive animal species] ( To help you identify the various species of freshwater fish in Quebec (native and invasive), use the iPêche mobile application (available [here] (, which is free and developed by the Government of Quebec. This application allows voluntary reporting of catches for wildlife research purposes. ## #Mises on guard * __Please consult the PDF document for the list of acronyms and references used in the database “Invasive exotic aquatic fauna in Quebec” .__ * The data is not exhaustive. Thus, the absence of information in a given territory does not mean that there is no invasive aquatic fauna there. * The observations transmitted by means of photographs are validated by experts, but have not all been subject to field validation by the MELCCFP. * The observations may have been subject to changes since their integration into the database (e.g. control action).**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**