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    The purpose of this dataset is to identify the location of river valley connections.

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    The data contains the following mapping layers from the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan: * Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan outer boundary * Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan designations, including: * natural core area * natural linkage area * countryside area * rural settlement * Palgrave Estates residential community * settlement area The data also contains associated policy designation mapping.

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    Concentration levels from soil sampled in urban and rural parklands in the province. Data includes: * station name and location (rounded to 1 km precision) * sample date * results for 35 inorganics (1991) * results for 8 volatile organic compounds (2009)

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    To identify the Greenbelt Area as defined by the Greenbelt Act, 2005. The outer boundaries of Greenbelt area includes the lands within: * Niagara Escarpment Plan * Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan * Lands designated as Protected Countryside * Lands designated as Urban River Valley

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    This dataset consists of information from reports received by the Spills Action Centre (SAC). They are generated and completed by SAC following the initial report of a spill. The data includes: * the reference number assigned to the spill * the municipality in which the spill occurred * what was impacted (e.g. land, water, air, or combination) * the substance being discharged (e.g. oil, gases, chemical, etc.) * whether the environmental impact is confirmed, possible, or not anticipated, and * the source/sector of the spill. The data reflects the information as reflected in the report, following the incident. All spills reported to SAC are recorded in the database, regardless of whether or not the Ministry provides field response. [Get more information on the Spills Action Centre]( /report-spill). *[SAC]: Spills Action Centre *[etc.]: et cetera *[e.g.]: for example

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    This data shows the component parts of the Greenbelt Area as set out in the Greenbelt Act, 2005. * There are currently four designations: * Niagara Escarpment Plan * Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan * Protected Countryside * Urban River Valley

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    Displays areas regulated as a conservation reserve in order to: * permanently protect representative ecosystems, biodiversity and significant elements of Ontario's natural and cultural heritage * provide opportunities for ecologically sustainable land uses, including traditional outdoor heritage activities and associated economic benefits * allow for scientific research and provide points of reference to support monitoring of ecological change on the broader landscape Official LIO title: Conservation Reserve Regulated

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    Get data on the results of a community led planning process to sustain the natural environment for the Kawartha Lakes region. This dataset represents the results of a community led planning process to sustain the natural environment across the landscape. A collaborative team of individuals representing governments, stewardship councils, conservation organizations, local industry, private landowners and First Nation communities worked together to identify and map natural heritage features and the connections between them. The data package includes: * spatial data * project reports * presentation materials The data has been made available to inform and support: * land use planning * resource management * stewardship and restoration projects * priorities for conservation land acquisitions * priorities for inventory programs and research Please visit []( for more information about this project.

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    This data contains an Index identifying Ontario Base Map map tiles. Eastern and Southern Ontario is covered at a scale of 1:10,000. Northern Ontario is covered at a scale of 1:20,000. We are no longer updating this data. It is best suited for historical research and analysis. This product requires the use of GIS software. *[GIS]: geographic information system

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    Towers -- structures or buildings that are typically higher than their diameter and high relative to their surroundings -- are shown in this data set. They include: * communication towers * fire towers * microwave towers * radio towers * navigation beacons * lighthouses * lightning locators * meteorological towers