Infrastructure and Transportation
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This data provides core information on truck travel and commodity flows on the provincial highway network and other significant truck corridors. It provide ESAL information for all provincial highways and other significant truck corridors by road segment. *[ESAL]: Equivalent Single Axle Load
Data tracking historical truck travel speeds from the road network performance project. The travel speeds, Travel Time Index (TTI), Delay Index (DI) and Buffer Time Index (BTI) were calculated with GPS data collected by GPS fleet tracking units. This data is used by the Ministry of Transportation to monitor truck speed and performance on major roadways within Ontario. *[GPS]: Global Positioning System
The Ontario Dam Inventory (ODI) is an inventory of medium and large dams throughout Ontario. It uses a point-based system (x, y location) to identify each dam location. The ODI does not contain: * small dams * small water control structures * beaver dams * water crossings * road embankments * locks * falls * rapids * culverts Each dam location has an identifier that can be used to link to other dam information databases.
## General guidelines 1. The dataset contains trip origin, destination, commodity group, average daily trips, commodity weight and value. 2. The data represents activity by medium and heavy trucks only. 3. The origin and destination data is aggregated by counties in Ontario and province or state outside of Ontario. 4. The commodities are grouped into 32 groups and empty trucks. 5. The Commercial Vehicle Survey targets travel on provincial facilities. Therefore, coverage of intra-urban trips is incomplete, and should not be interpreted as representative. 6. Trip activity within the Greater Toronto Area municipalities is not representative. 7. The average trip distance is 440 km. Caution must be exercised with short distance trip activities. 8. All Origin-destination pairs with average trip activity of less than one trip per day have been suppressed. ## Field descriptions **Origin zone** : Trip Origin Zone Number - Zone aggregation is counties in Ontario and province/state for others 35XX - Ontario counties 70XX - U.S. States XX00-XX00 (except 3500) - Canadian Provinces **Origin name** : Trip Origin Name - county or province/state name **Destination zone** : Trip Destination Zone Number - Zone aggregation is counties in Ontario and province/state for others. Same numbering system as origins **Destination name** : Trip Destination Name - county or province/state name **Commodity group code** : Unique commodity group numeric code **Commodity group:** Descriptive name of the commodity group **Daily trips** : Average daily truck trips **Commodity weight** : Average daily commodity weight in kilograms (KG) **Commodity value** : Average daily value of the commodity in dollars ($) *[km]: kilometre
Interchanges are shown on the Official Road Map of Ontario (ORM) as information for the travelling public. This feature class includes all interchanges on provincial highways as well as interchanges on other roads (eg. Municipal, outside of Ontario and US) that are shown on the ORM. *[ORM]: Official Road Map *[eg.]: for example *[US]: United States
This data provides core information on truck travel and commodity flows on the provincial highway network and other significant truck corridors. It includes the basic commercial vehicle information data set. This data is used by MTO's Systems Analysis and Forecasting Office to monitor truck volumes,value of goods and performance on major roadways within Ontario. *[MTO]: Ministry of Transportation
The Cordon Count Data (CCD) includes directional traffic counts at selected sites to understand how vehicles and people move across the region. Traffic data includes the number of vehicles as well as the number of passengers transported by different vehicle types and the transit system. The interval of CCD collection varies 2-3 years across agencies. CCD provides data for three time periods: 13 hours, AM peak periods, and PM peak periods. Summary data are provided for these three time periods for different screen lines, and directions. *[CCD]: Cordon Count Data
All bridges in Ontario are inspected every 2 years using the Ontario Structure Inspection Manual (OSIM) format. The weighted condition of all elements is summarized in the Bridge Condition Index (BCI). More details about the BCI can be found on [the Bridge Safety page]( on the Ministry of Transportation website. Bridges that were recently constructed or recently transferred to the Ministry of Transportation may not have been inspected in OSIM format yet. *[OSIM]: Ontario Structure Inspection Manual *[BCI]: Bridge Condition Index
This data, also known as the Linear Highway Referencing System (LHRS), is used to locate events along the highway network. Three separate files make up the LHRS dataset: LHRS route is a spatial (GIS) representation of the highway network; LHRS Base Points divide the highway network into base sections with known driven distances; LHRS features points (composite listing) are additional described locations along the highway network. The location of events can be identified by a driven distance, along the LHRS route from a given LHRS Base point or feature point. *[GIS]: Geographic Information System *[LHRS]: Linear Highway Referencing System
This date set contains up-to date information regarding active events, including incidents and closures on provicnally owned and maintained highways, and is available to be viewed on [Ontario 511]( under the "traveller info" layer. This data set can also be viewed on the Ontario 511 text report page at