Northern Canada
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Map shows the geography of the northern circumpolar region, north of approximately 55 degrees latitude. This product is derived from the Atlas of Canada's bilingual wall map "The Circumpolar Region - North" (MCR 0001). To limit the impact of aliasing of the annotation we rendered the map into two tiled web services with a service showing the 'base' information and the other the 'annotation.' Combined the two services more or less replicate the wall map online. In addition to the tiled services, the mxd and geodatabase in FGDB format are available for download. Note: Since the geodatabase was derived from a cartographic product not all features have attribute information even though they are labelled on the map. The map uses the azimuthal equidistant projection. Displayed on the map are the international boundaries, as well as the Canadian provincial and territorial boundaries, all current to 2014. Also shown are national capital cities, other cities, towns, villages and hamlets along with some seasonally populated places. The map identifies a number of significant northern features, including the median sea ice extent from September 1981 to 2010, the tree line, undersea relief, land relief, glaciers, ice fields and coastal ice shelves. Labelled are many of the physiographic and hydrographic features.
This dataset contains point distribution occurrences for fish species found in marine waters of Arctic Canada. It was used to create the distribution maps in the book Marine Fishes of Arctic Canada, edited by B.W. Coad and J.D. Reist (2018) and the DFO Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Distributional Records for Marine Fishes of Arctic Canada (Alfonso et al. 2018). The database includes literature (Coad and Reist 2016) and museum records, anecdotal reports, personal communications and data from fisheries surveys and exploratory cruises. Development of the database began in 1998 and data entry ceased in 2016, although the database will be updated periodically. Consult the book (Coad and Reist 2018) and the Data Report (Alfonso et al. 2018) for further details in regards to the specific sources for each data point by species especially those from sources other than published literature.
PURPOSE: "Biological, relative abundance, and environmental data have been collected from the Yellowknife River Cisco population that can be used to inform fisheries management decision-making. Under the conditions of a commercial licence issued under the New Emerging Fisheries Policy, licence holders are required to record catch and biological information to support the assessment of the feasibility and sustainability of the fishery over time, and potential advancement in the stages of a developing fishery. In addition to the information collected from the commercial harvest (fishery-dependent), a fishery-independent sampling and snorkel survey program was conducted with the objective of collecting additional biological, observational, and environmental data during the fall spawning run. The objective of this report is to compile available data from fishery-dependent and fishery-independent sampling of adfluvial Yellowknife River Cisco during fall, 1998-2020*, specifically by: • Summarizing commercial fishery quotas and reported harvest; • Characterizing population demographics and examining for trends over time; • Summarizing metrics of relative abundance (i.e., catch-per-unit-effort data and snorkel survey observations) and examining for trends over time; and • Determining if there were any associations between relative abundance of Cisco and river discharge and temperature. *A commercial harvest occurred in 1998, although no biological or catch-effort records were located. In addition, in response to concerns about the status of the population, the fishery was put on hold 2006–2009 to allow for a population assessment (no data during that time). DESCRIPTION: Cisco (Coregonus artedi) from the Yellowknife River, Northwest Territories, are an important fishery resource for nearby communities. Biological, catch-effort, and environmental data were collected from the Yellowknife River (Tartan Rapids and Bluefish areas) during their fall spawning run from Great Slave Lake. Data from the commercial harvest (fishery-dependent; 1998–2020) and supplementary monitoring (fishery-independent; 2013–2020) of these adfluvial Cisco were compiled to summarize commercial fishery quotas and reported harvest, characterize population demographics and catch-effort over time, and assess potential associations between relative abundance and seasonal river characteristics. A single commercial fishing licence for Cisco was issued on an annual basis each fall for 1,000 kg from 1998–2002, 2,000 kg from 2004–2005, 1,000 kg from 2010–2018, and 1,500 kg from 2019–2020. Cisco ranged from 102–239 mm fork length, 10.0–139.6 g round weight, and 1 and 9 years of age, with the majority of fish (>99%) being sexually mature. The demographics (length, weight, age) of the spawning population collected from the commercial fishery remained relatively stable between 1999 and 2020. Catch-effort of the commercial fishery varied widely among years without trend, although this was not standardized to the number of individuals/nets used to capture the fish. The biological, catch-effort, and environmental data collected from the Yellowknife River spawning population of Cisco serve as a benchmark for their ongoing assessment and management.
The High Arctic dataset comes from the Petroleum and Environmental Management Tool (PEMT). The online tool was decommissioned in 2019 and the data was transferred to Open Data in order to preserve it. The PEMT was originally developed in 2009 to help guide development in the Canadian Arctic by Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC). The online tool mapped the sensitivities of a variety of Arctic features, ranging from whales to traditional harvesting, across the Arctic. The tool was intended to aid government, oil and gas companies, Aboriginal groups, resource managers and public stakeholders in better understanding the geographic distribution of areas which are sensitive for environmental and socio-economic reasons. The study area is located in the High Arctic Archipelago and contains both marine and terrestrial components. The boundaries of the study area are based on the NOGB leasing grids applied in the High Arctic, under which exploration, significant discovery and production licenses may be issued. The Sverdrup Basin (and Lancaster Sound) has the highest known oil and gas potential of the sedimentary basins of the Arctic Islands (Nunavut Planning Commission 2000) and it is expected that there is oil and gas potential on Melville Island and Bathurst Island (Sivummut Economic Development Strategy Group 2003). To date, no gas has been produced, and 321,470 m³ of oil has been produced from the Bent Horn oil field (Morrell et al. 1995). DISCLAIMER: Please refer to the PEMT Disclaimer document or the Resource Constraints - Use Limitation in the Additional Information section below. Note: This is one of the 3 (three) datasets included in the PEMT application which includes the Beaufort Sea and Mackenzie Delta and Eastern Arctic datasets.
The Beaufort Sea and Mackenzie Delta dataset comes from the Petroleum and Environmental Management Tool (PEMT). The online tool was decommissioned in 2019 and the data was transferred to Open Data in order to preserve it. The PEMT was originally developed in 2009 to help guide development in the Canadian Arctic by Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC). The online tool mapped the sensitivities of a variety of Arctic features, ranging from whales to traditional harvesting, across the Arctic. The tool was intended to aid government, oil and gas companies, Aboriginal groups, resource managers and public stakeholders in better understanding the geographic distribution of areas which are sensitive for environmental and socio-economic reasons. The study area and analytical resolution was defined using the oil and gas leasing grid within the Beaufort Sea. The study area has been the scene of oil and gas exploration activity since 1957. Oil was first discovered at Atkinson Point in 1969 and major gas fields in the early 1970s. Such finds spurred the proposal of the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline in 1974 and the addition of exploration and investment offshore. Exploration and drilling continued both onshore and offshore until the mid-1970s with the release of the Berger Report, which recommended a 10-year moratorium on the construction of the pipeline. After the release of the Berger Report, the pace of onshore activity declined but offshore exploration escalated in the 1980s. Offshore exploration was facilitated with innovative operating techniques and new offshore platforms that extended the ability to operate in the short open-water season and ice. With the minor exception of the small onshore gas field at Ikhil, no oil or gas has been commercially produced in the area. DISCLAIMER: Please refer to the PEMT Disclaimer document or the Resource Constraints - Use Limitation in the Additional Information section below. Note: This is one of the 3 (three) datasets included in the PEMT application which includes the High Arctic and Eastern Arctic datasets.
The Eastern Arctic dataset comes from the Petroleum and Environmental Management Tool (PEMT). The online tool was decommissioned in 2019 and the data was transferred to Open Data in order to preserve it. The PEMT was originally developed in 2009 to help guide development in the Canadian Arctic by Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC). The online tool mapped the sensitivities of a variety of Arctic features, ranging from whales to traditional harvesting, across the Arctic. The tool was intended to aid government, oil and gas companies, Aboriginal groups, resource managers and public stakeholders in better understanding the geographic distribution of areas which are sensitive for environmental and socio-economic reasons. The study area is located east of Baffin Island, Nunavut and encompasses marine habitat in Baffin Bay and Davis Strait. The boundaries of the study area are based on NOGB leasing grids applied in the Eastern Arctic, under which exploration and production licenses may be issued. Although portions of the study area hold high oil and gas potential and several small oil fields and substantial reserves of gas have been found since the 1960s in the north Baffin region, exploration for oil and gas has been limited to seismic operations and geological field work. DISCLAIMER: Please refer to the PEMT Disclaimer document or the Resource Constraints - Use Limitation in the Additional Information section below. Note: This is one of the 3 (three) datasets included in the PEMT application which includes the Beaufort Sea and Mackenzie Delta and High Arctic datasets.
Basic biological data for all fish caught during the 2012 BSMFP expedition. Includes identification, weight, length (total, fork, and, standard), liver weight, gonad weight, sex and maturity level.
PURPOSE: From August 2nd to September 9th, 2013, Fisheries and Oceans Canada conducted a baseline survey of marine fishes and their habitats in the southern Canadian Beaufort Sea and Amundsen Gulf as part of the Beaufort Regional Environmental Assessment (BREA) called the Beaufort Sea Marine Fishes Project (BSMFP). Sampling was conducted from the F/V Frosti at 53 stations along 8 transects. Standardized sampling was conducted using benthic trawling nets. The BSMFP is the first research project to use a large research trawls to assess the biodiversity and abundance of offshore marine fishes in this area. In total, 48 species of fish were caught, one of which was a new occurrence in the Canadian Beaufort Sea, Lycodes lavalaei. DESCRIPTION: Basic biological data for all fish caught during the 2013 BSMFP expedition. Includes identification, weight, length (total, fork, and, standard), liver weight, gonad weight, sex and maturity level. PARAMETERS COLLECTED: family species weight total length fork length standard length liver weight gonad weight sex maturity SAMPLING METHODS: Various trawl types.
From August 2nd to September 9th, 2013, Fisheries and Oceans Canada conducted a baseline survey of marine fishes and their habitats on the Canadian Beaufort Shelf and slope. Sampling was conducted from the F/V Frosti at 64 stations along ten transects. Standardized sampling was conducted on the transects at pre-determined depth stations (20-40, 75, 200, 350, 500, 750, and 1000 m) using a variety of sampling equipment including benthic fishing trawls, plankton nets, sediment cores, and CTD and water sample profiles. A specialized CTD probe (UCTD) was deployed at an additional 72 locations while the ship was underway.Presented here is the information on the sampling locations, and the sampling gear deployed at each station.
From August 5th to September 3rd, 2012, Fisheries and Oceans Canada conducted a baseline survey of marine fishes and their habitats on the Canadian Beaufort Shelf and slope. Sampling was conducted from the F/V Frosti at 28 stations along four transects. Standardized sampling was conducted at pre-determined depth stations (20-40, 75, 200, 350, 500, 750, and 1000 m) using a variety of sampling equipment including benthic fishing trawls, plankton nets, sediment cores, and CTD and water sample profiles. A specialized CTD probe (UCTD) was deployed at an additional 30 locations while the ship was underway. Presented here is the information on the sampling locations, and the sampling gear deployed at each station.