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The BC College Region Boundaries are administrative areas for Colleges within the province of BC. They are generally named for the largest university/college in the region.
Location of public schools (French-speaking, English-speaking and special status) as well as private and governmental schools for preschool, primary, secondary, vocational training and adult education. In addition, the location of educational institutions in the college and university networks is also available.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**
List of locations of B.C. public and B.C. private degree granting and non-B.C. degree granting post-secondary institutions. An interactive locations map is available online at:!/vizhome/BCPSILocations/PSILocations
This dataset provides the location of Yukon's education facilities ranging from elementary to post-seondary education. The data also includes contact information and general programming information about each facility. Distributed from GeoYukon by the Government of Yukon. Discover more digital map data and interactive maps from Yukon's digital map data collection.For more information:
The USGS Structures service from The National Map (TNM) consists of data to include the name, function, location, and other core information and characteristics of selected manmade facilities. The types of structures collected are largely determined by the needs of disaster planning and emergency response, and homeland security organizations. Structures data are designed to be used in general mapping and in the analysis of structure related activities using geographic information system technology. The National Map structures data is commonly combined with other data themes, such as boundaries, elevation, hydrography, and transportation, to produce general reference base maps. The National Map viewer allows free downloads of public domain structures data in either Esri File Geodatabase or Shapefile formats. For additional information on the structures data model, go to