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    This data set presents the basemap developed as part of the Montreal by Foot (MàP) project in a web tiled map service (_Web Tile Map Service_ WTMS). It is made available in order to allow citizens and partners of the City to create web mapping tools by offering a unique graphic charter, designed specifically to promote pedestrian travel. The Montréal à Pied project aims to improve orientation and pedestrian paths throughout Montreal. The selection and classification of places of interest prioritize pedestrian and local travel. This project includes a cartographic component intended to renew the graphic signature of the representation of the City of Montreal, on digital media and on urban furniture receiving maps of the City. The basemap is intended in particular to support the representation of data [Places of interest] (places of interest) also developed under the MàP project and available as open data.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**

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    This web mapping service provides spatial reference context with an emphasis on transportation networks. It is designed especially for use as a background map in a web mapping application or geographic information system (GIS). The CBMT is available as a dynamic service(WMS) or a tiled service (ESRI REST and WMTS).

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    The Geographic and Administrative Database is available at scales of 1/1,000,000 (BDGA1M) and 1/5,000,000 (BDGA5M). It provides a geographic and administrative base on a small scale for the whole of Quebec. The data is the result of an automatic generalization of the vectors of a database on a scale of 1/250,000, and from a geometric and thematic purification. Data from territories outside Quebec must be used and considered with some reservations, taking into account the date they were updated and the classifications used. Administrative boundaries also come from the generalization of data at a scale of 1/250,000 on major hydrographic axes. This database brings together: * Major hydrographic complexes; * Transport and hydroelectric infrastructures; * The main agglomerations and centers of occupation; * The limits of major administrative divisions. For more information on the various data layers, consult the physical data structure documents (scales of [1/1,000,000] ( or [1/5,000,000] (**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**

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    This map illustrates the terrestrial and marine reliefs of Quebec and surrounding territories, at a scale of 1/2,000,000. Color ranges representing altitude classes and blending offer a summary of the relief and the major physiographic groups of Quebec. This map of the relief of Quebec is available in two versions: * The general map, which illustrates the relief and the borders (GeoTIFF version only); * The toponymic map, which illustrates the relief, some toponyms and the borders (GeoTIFF and PDF versions).**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**

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    The orthophotographs used to produce this mosaic are acquired by aerial overview in order to meet the needs of the Southern Quebec Ecoforest Inventory (IEQM). These images serve, among other things, to feed the process of photo-interpretation and production of the ecoforest map essential for sustainable forest management. This mosaic is the result of an assembly of orthophotographs produced since 2002 and represents the most recent images from the ecoforest inventory. The spatial resolution is generally 20, 21, or 30 cm (with some exceptions of 8, 10, 12, and 500 cm). Spectral bands and colors of images vary: black and white (panchromatic [PAN]), infrared (IRP), or natural (red, green, and blue colors [RGB]). This mosaic covers almost all of Quebec south of the 52nd parallel. The images used to produce the mosaic are acquired in a cycle of about 10 years corresponding to the IEQM calendar. Note that imagery acquired through partnerships was excluded due to their more restrictive distribution license and was replaced by historical images from the ecoforest inventory or by satellite imagery when the latter was not available. The orthophotography mosaic is accessible for visualization only using a web mapping service (WMTS).**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**

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    Historical forest airborne imagery corresponds to an annual collection of orthophotographs, acquired by aerial overview in order to meet the needs of the ecoforest inventory of southern Quebec (IEQM) and the global forest planning cycle (operational forest planning, forest planning, forest monitoring and forest activity controls). These images serve, among other things, to feed the process of photo-interpretation and production of the ecoforest map essential for sustainable forest management, as well as the overall forest planning cycle. Historical orthophotographs are assembled into mosaics. Each mosaic groups together the images from an acquisition project that have the same shooting year, the same spatial resolution and the same spectral bands. Mosaics have been produced since 2002 for ecoforest inventory and since 2004 for planning, monitoring and control images. The spatial resolution is generally 20, 21 or 30 cm (with a few exceptions of 50 and 63 cm) for the images that make up the mosaics of the ecoforest inventory, while it is much more variable for the planning, monitoring and control images (from 4 to 150 cm). Spectral bands and colors of images vary: black and white (panchromatic [PAN]), infrared (IRP), or natural (red, green, and blue colors [RGB]). The images used to produce the mosaics are spread over almost all of Quebec, south of the 52nd parallel. They are acquired in a cycle of about 10 years for the IEQM and annually for the needs of the global forest planning cycle. Note that imagery acquired through partnerships has been excluded due to their more restrictive broadcast license. The orthophotography mosaics of the ecoforest inventory are available for download in three formats depending on the territory (JPEG 2000, ECW and GeoTIFF) and are also accessible for visualization using a web mapping service (WMTS). Note that the orthophotography mosaics for planning, monitoring and controls are only available for viewing and not for download.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**

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    These digital terrain models (DTM) offer a regional numerical representation of Quebec's relief based on altimetric (altitude) and planimetric (rectangular or geographic) data. They are the result of a collaboration between the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forests (MRNF) and Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) within the framework of the Agreement to produce an up-to-date digital map of northern Quebec and the creation of the product “National Hydro Network (RHN)” for the territory of Quebec. When integrated into a geographic information system, these models allow the implementation of multiple types of spatial analyses such as natural risks, landscape analysis, infrastructure implementation, etc. NCDs are obtained as a result of hypsometric and hydrographic data processing that uses the concept of hydro-coherence that uses the concept of hydro-coherence consisting in interpolating altimetric values by ensuring a connected drainage network and an accurate representation of crests and river courses. water. The oriented RHN filament makes it possible to grade lakes and to control the altimeter descent of watercourses. The final product is a quality portrait of relief on a scale of 1/50,000. DNTs provide altitude values that are based on a grid with a resolution of 0.324 arcseconds in geographic coordinates, which corresponds to a resolution of about 10 meters in the field.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**

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    **CHS NONNA data has been updated: May 29, 2024 ** The Canadian Hydrographic Service (CHS) offers a complete inventory of bathymetric data free to the general public for non-navigational use called 'CHS NONNA' for the 'NON-NAvigational' purpose of the data. The product is available in a spatial resolution of 10 metres or 100 metres. To directly access the CHS NONNA Data Portal please follow this link - (Note: The data portal is NOT compatible with Internet Explorer browser). Terms of Use The Canadian Hydrographic Service (CHS) NONNA Data products are for NON-NAVIGATIONAL USE ONLY. Please see the Open Data Licence below and the CHS NONNA LICENCE viewable on and downloadable with the NONNA data, for the full terms and conditions governing the use of this data. ----- PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ----- The CHS NONNA-10 NONNA-100 and NONNA Package Bathymetric Data products represent a consolidation of digital bathymetric sources managed by the CHS in Canadian jurisdiction. The « NONNA » refers to NON-NAvigational. The « 10 » or « 100 » references the approximate resolution (in metres) of the data. NONNA Packages A NONNA Package is a ZIP file containing a collection of NONNAP datasets to ease the download of large amounts of high resolution data. Packages are currently available for data sources of approximately 10 metre resolution. The «P10 » refers to the Packages and approximate resolution (in metres) of the data. The CHS NONNA-10 individual product coverage (resolution) is as follows: • South of 68°N the products = 0.1° latitude X 0.1° longitude (0.0001 degrees) • 68°N-80°N the products = 0.1° latitude X 0.2° longitude (0.0002 degrees) • 80°N and north the products = 0.1° latitude X 0.4° longitude (0.0004 degrees) The CHS NONNA-100 individual product coverage (resolution) is as follows: • South of 68°N the products = 1° latitude X 1° longitude (0.001 degrees) • 68°N-80°N the products = 1° latitude X 2° longitude (0.002 degrees) • 80°N and north the products = 1° latitude X 4° longitude (0.004 degrees) The CHS NONNA-P10 Packages are ZIP files that contain product coverage (resolution) defined as: • South of 68°N the products = 1° latitude X 1° longitude (0.0001 degrees) • 68°N-80°N the products = 1° latitude X 2° longitude (0.0002 degrees) • 80°N and north the products = 1° latitude X 4° longitude (0.0004 degrees) ----- DATUM ----- All CHS NONNA data sources are horizontally referenced to the World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84) ESPG:4326 and vertically referenced to Chart Datum (CD), a tidal or water level datum that is locally derived and, of which, the depth of water should seldom fall below. For more information on vertical references visit: ----- DATA PRESENTATION ----- CHS NONNA products adhere to the following naming convention: NONNAXXX_SouthwestCorner Example: NONNAP10_4360N07940W • NONNAP10 = the product NONNAP10 • 4360N07940W = the southwest corner of the NONNA cell. These products are available to view, query and download via the CHS NONNA Data Portal. The following formats are available for download: • 32-bit GeoTIFF • ASCII++ (XYZ) • CSAR • BAG These formats can be opened using various GIS applications. Alternatively, the CHS NONNA products can be accessed via Web Map Service (WMS), Web Coverage Service (WCS) or Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) links: WMS WMTS WCS *Note* Gaps in the data may be visible where modern surveys have not yet been conducted, the data is not updated to Chart Datum (CD) or where legacy data has not yet been digitized. In addition, there may be data sources removed from the Data Portal for further processing in the CHS’ Bathymetric Database, and will not be available until such work is complete. Data sources included in the NONNA products may not have been subjected to the same level of quality assurance as those in official navigational products. *Help* New users of the CHS NONNA Data Portal are encouraged to fully review the 'CHS NONNA Data Portal Guidance Document' (PDF) which is available below in the RESOURCES section of this page.

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    **Note that topographic maps at a scale of 1/100,000 are no longer updated. For the latest update date, see the [metadata] ( The reference cartographic data is now constituted according to a continuous information layer approach: ** * [AQRéseau+] ( * [Geobase of the Quebec Hydrographic Network (GRHQ)] ( * [Administrative divisions at the scale of 1/20,000 (SDA)] (SDA)] ( * [Geobase of the hydrographic terrain network of Quebec (GRHQ)] () * [Administrative divisions at the scale of 1/20,000 (SDA)] ( ___ Topographic maps at a scale of 1/100,000 offer an overview of the occupation of Quebec territory at a scale of 1/100,000. A series in the south (266 sheets) and a series in the north (151 sheets) of the 53rd parallel cover the majority of Quebec. The data is less than 10 meters accurate and each file covers an area of approximately 4,000 km2, equivalent to 16 sheets at [a scale of 1/20,000] ( “Topographic maps at a scale of 1/20,000”). Main components: * Hydrography (lakes of more than three hectares, permanent watercourses, swamps, etc.). * Vegetation (wooded areas and peatlands of more than 13 hectares). * Human constructions: * transport infrastructures (motorable roads, bridges, airports, etc.); * buildings larger than 12,500 m2; * buildings larger than 12,500 m2; * equipment and designated areas. * The relief (level curves at an equidistance). of 20 meters and elevation points). ##### Special features of the series south of the 53rd parallel * The data are obtained by a generalization of map data on a scale of 1/20,000. Between the 51st and the 53rd parallel, they are extracted from SPOT satellite imagery at 10 meters of resolution. * The data formats available for this series are: * Cover ArcInfo (vector); * GeoTIFF, CCL projection (matrix); * GeoTIFF, MTM projection (matrix); * GeoTIFF, MTM projection (matrix); * PDF (matrix); * PDF (matrix). ##### Special features of the series north of the 53rd parallel * The data is obtained by a generalization of map data from Natural Resources Canada (CanVec product) at a scale of 1:50,000. Multi-source data, namely data from Adresses Québec, data on airports and hydrobases from the Ministère des Transports du Québec, and data on reservoirs from Hydro-Québec, increase the quality of this cartographic product on a scale of 1/100,000. * The data format available for this series is: * FGDB (vector).**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**

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    **Note that topographic maps at a scale of 1/20,000 are no longer updated. For the latest update date, see the [metadata] ( The reference cartographic data is now constituted according to a continuous information layer approach: ** * [AQRéseau+] ( * [Geobase of the Quebec Hydrographic Network (GRHQ)] ( * [Administrative divisions at the scale of 1/20,000 (SDA)] (SDA)] ( * [Geobase of the Quebec Hydrographic Network (GRHQ)] () * [Administrative divisions at the scale of 1/20,000 (SDA)] () * [Administrative divisions at the scale of 1/20,000 (SDA)] () * [Geobase of the Quebec Hydrographic Network (GRHQ)] () * [Administrative divisions at the scale of 1/20,000 (SDA)] ( *** Topographic maps at a scale of 1/20,000 constitute the official cartographic base of the Government of Quebec. They cover almost all of the territory south of the 52nd parallel. The data is extracted from aerial photographs at a scale of 1:40,000 taken at an altitude of 6,300 meters. They offer an accuracy of approximately four meters in planimetry. In hypsometry, it is about two meters for dimensional points and about five meters for level curves. Each file covers an area of approximately 250 km2. The main components are: * Hydrography (lakes, rivers, streams, streams, swamps, etc.). * Vegetation (forests, peatlands, nurseries, orchards, etc.). * Human constructions: * transport infrastructures (roads, bridges, airports, etc.); * buildings (roads, bridges, airports, etc.); * buildings (mobile homes, silos, greenhouses, etc.); * equipment (docks, electric power transmission lines, surface reservoirs, etc.); * equipment (docks, electrical power lines, surface reservoirs, etc.).); * designated areas (golf courses, loan banks, etc.). * The relief (the contour lines are generally ten meters equidistant and, in in some cases, they may vary between eight and twenty meters).**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**