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    This dataset is comprised of Employment Service office locations that offer assistance to job seekers in British Columbia.

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    This file contains the regional boundaries for the five Ministry regions. It is currently available as a .kmz (a compressed .kml file). The Ministry no longer uses a 'regional' model for service delivery. As such, this is just maintained for historical purposes.

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    Day programs provide employment, skills training, and day program opportunities for adults with disabilities in communities across Nova Scotia. They help people with disabilities develop meaningful relationships and expand skills that increase self-reliance and independence.

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    Provides locations of Nova Scotia Works employment services centres. It includes fields for the following: region, name, address, contact information, and URL.

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    Valdar breytur úr Manntalinu 2021 eru teknar saman fyrir 1 km² reiti í Reitakerfi Íslands. Breyturnar eru valdar samkvæmt Reglugerð ESB nr. 1799/2018. Öllum eru heimil afnot af efni Hagstofunnar en geta skal heimildar. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Selected characteristics from the Icelandic Population and Housing Census 2021 presented in the Inspire compatible Icelandic Grid System (1 km²). The breakdowns are in line with the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1799 of 21 November 2018 on the establishment of a temporary direct statistical action for the dissemination of selected topics of the 2021 population and housing census geocoded to a 1 km² grid (OJ L 296/19, 22.11.2018). Please quote the source.