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WMS Server local goverment city of Menden
Infrastructure Map Server - Web Map Service
MapGuide WMS Server
MapGuide WMS Server
MapGuide WMS Server
The Global Land Ice Measurements from Space (GLIMS) initiative is a cooperative effort of over sixty institutions world-wide with the goal of inventorying and monitoring a majority of the world\'s estimated 160000 glaciers. Each GLIMS institution oversees the analysis of satellite imagery for a particular region containing glacier ice. Data received by the GLIMS team at the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) in Boulder, Colorado are inserted into a geospatial database and made available via an on-line interactive map, text-based search interface, a Web Map Service (WMS), and a Web Feature Service (WFS). The GLIMS Glacier Database contains outlines for glaciers smapping all continents having glacial ice. This OGC Web Service is designed to serve GLIMS Glacier Outlines ( via the OGC WMS and WFS protocols.
Trink- und Schmutzwassernetz des WAZ Nieplitz. Die Daten dienen ausschließlich informatorischen Zwecken. Sie ersetzen keine Leitungsauskunft und dürfen nicht kommerziell genutzt werden. Der Datenbestand befindet sich im Aufbau und ist noch unvollständig.
This is an approximated visualization of the School Authority boundary information that is currently available on the Alberta Education public website ( The information has been informed by Ministerial Orders and is presented in a mapping format.