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    The CRN is based on the road network from the Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI). Statistics Canada maintains the CRN to support the census and other activities. The relative position of road network features is important for census enumeration and reference purposes; therefore, topological accuracy takes precedence over absolute positional accuracy. The CRN does not contain street information required for route optimization. For example, data on one-way streets, dead-ends and other street obstacles are not included in the CRN. Consequently, this file is not recommended for engineering applications, emergency dispatching services, surveying or legal applications. The road network file contains street arcs with either 'true' address ranges, imputed address ranges, or no address range. Imputed address ranges are not meant to replace true address ranges for any purpose other than address geocoding. Thus, if the files are to be used for computer-aided dispatch or similar purposes (that require an address to be matched to a block or street), it may be necessary to supplement the file with local knowledge by updating existing true addresses and replacing imputed addresses. The limitations of the CRN should be recognized for uses other than the mapping, analysis and retrieval of census data.

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    The National Road Network (NRN) provides quality geospatial and attributive data (current, accurate, consistent), homogeneous and normalized of the entire Canadian road network. The NRN data serve as a foundation for several applications. This common geometric base is maintained on a regular basis by closest to the source organizations selected for their specific interests or for their ease in offering adequate, up-to-date representations of road phenomena, in accordance with the GeoBase initiative ( This common infrastructure facilitates data integration of NRN data with supplementary data.

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    Land authorizations representing the road right of way for road activities. The spatial data includes polygon data for approved and post-construction road rights of way collected on or after October 30, 2006. This dataset is updated nightly.

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    Road centre-lines associated with oil and gas road activity and falling within the area representing the road right of way. This dataset contains line features for approved road centre-line locations collected on or after October 30, 2006. This dataset is updated nightly.

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    Applications for land authorizations representing the road right of way for road activities. This dataset contains polygon features for proposed applications collected through the BC Energy Regulator's Application Management System (AMS). This dataset is updated nightly.

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    Manitoba Transportation and Infrastructure's road network, current to 2022. Created by Manitoba Infrastructure, the 2022 Manitoba Road Network comprises four years of updates.Previous exports were based on the now legacy Control Sections.  In this updated road network, the department adapts an Advanced Linear Referencing System (ALRS) with an Linear Referencing Method based on routes. This new model was build from the control section geometry and then enhanced by adding updated northern roads geometry captured by GPS, as well as interchanges, right turn cutoffs, service roads, and other road alignments not previously captured in the legacy road network.Fields included [Alias (Field Name):  Field description.] OBJECTID (OBJECTID): Sequential, unique whole numbers are automatically system generated. Route ID (RouteId): The route's identifier, an information rich key comprised of designation, route name, and route type. Route Designation  (RteDesignation): The designated level of government responsible for the road. Route Name  (RteName): The name of the route, including direction. Route Type (RteType): The type of route, e.g. PTH (Provincial Trunk Highway), PR (Provincial Road), Acess (Provincial Access Road) Road Number (Signed) (Road_Number_Signed): A highway number labelling field. Shape Length (Shape__Length): Length in meters automatically system generated.