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    Description: Seasonal salinity climatology of the Northeast Pacific Ocean were computed from historical observations including all available conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD), bottle, expendable bathy-thermograph (XBT), and Argo data in NOAA (, Marine Environmental Data Service (MEDS), and Institute of Ocean Sciences archives over 1980 to 2010 period. Methods: Calculations, including smooth and interpolation, were carried out in sixty-five subregions and up to fifty-two vertical levels from surface to 5000m. Seasonal averages were computed as the median of yearly seasonal values. Spring months were defined as April to June, summer months were defined as July to September, fall months were defined as October to December, and winter months were defined as January to March. The data available here contain raster layers of seasonal salinity climatology for the Canadian Pacific Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), a subset of seasonal climatology of the Northeast Pacific Ocean, with high spatial resolution of 1/300 degree. References: Foreman, M. G. G., W. R. Crawford, J. Y. Cherniawsky, and J. Galbraith (2008). Dynamic ocean topography for the northeast Pacific and its continental margins, Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L22606, doi: 10.1029/2008GL035152. Data Sources: NOAA, MEDS and IOS observational data Uncertainties: Uncertainties are introduced when quality controlled observational data are spatially interpolated to varying distances from the observation point. Climatological averages are calculated from these interpolated values.

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    Description: Seasonal climatologies for salinity of the Northeast Pacific Ocean were computed to cover the period 2001 to 2020. Historibal observations included all available conductivity-temperature_depth (CTD), bottle and profiling floats in the NODC World Ocean Database, Marine Environmental Data Services (MEDS), Institute of Ocean Sciences Water Properties website and the Canadian Integrated Ocean Observing System (CIOOS Pacific). Methods: Interpolation was carried out in up to fifty-two vertical levels from surface to 5000m. Data-Interpolating Variational Analysis (DIVA) was used for spatial interpolation for all years within each season and estimates projected onto a consistent grid. The average of the grid nodes was calculated to obtain the seasonal climatology. DIVA was used again on the final climatology followed by a median filter and a 5-point smoother. Spring months were defined as April to June, summer months were defined as July to September, fall months were defined as October to December, and winter months were defined as January to March. The data available here contain raster layers of seasonal salinity climatology for the Canadian Pacific Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), a subset of seasonal climatology of the Northeast Pacific Ocean, with high spatial resolution of 1/300 degree. Data Sources: NODC, MEDS, IOS and CIOOS Pacific Data. Uncertainties: Uncertainties are introduced when quality controlled observational data are spatially interpolated to varying distances from the observation point. Climatological averages are calculated from these interpolated values.

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    This dataset contains the modelled and observed data used in the publication "Fjord circulation permits persistent subsurface water mass in a long, deep mid-latitude inlet" by Laura Bianucci et al., DFO Ocean Sciences Division, Pacific Region (published in the journal Ocean Science in 2024). An application of the Finite Volume Community Ocean Model (FVCOM v4.1) was run from May 24 to June 27, 2019 in the Discovery Islands region of British Columbia, Canada. Observed temperature and salinity profiles available in this area during this time period are included in the dataset, along with the modelled values at the same times and locations.

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    This dataset was compiled as part of a multiyear effort lead by Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) to support sustainable aquaculture regulation in the Coast of Bays, an area of the south coast of Newfoundland. It is the second of a series aiming to provide an oceanographic knowledge baseline of the Coast of Bays. This dataset includes temperature, salinity, and dissolved oxygen concentration profiles collected during CTD surveys, each survey containing a varying number of casts/profiles taken within the area of interest. In total, 760 profiles from 11 surveys, executed over 276 stations, were collected from June 2009 to November 2013. Data were processed and quality controlled using the instrumentation manufacturer guidelines, custom tools as well as visual inspection. Data are provided in tab-delimited text-based format compatible with most data processing language and tools (e.g. MS. Excel) as well as with the Ocean Data View software ( for rapid visualisation. A summary of the CTD profiles and stations surveyed is also provided as a comma separated values (CSV) file. A full description of the data and of its use in the context of the motivating project can be found in Analyses from this dataset were presented during a Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS) meeting which took place in St John’s in March 2015 ( and from which a Science Advisory Report ( and Proceedings ( were published.

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    Bottom salinity time series at the 3 fixed stations and 46 stations, grouped into transects, of the Atlantic Zonal Monitoring Program (AZMP) under the Quebec region responsibility. The mean bottom salinity of the last ten years are displayed as 2 layers, one for the June survey (2014-2023, 2020 not sampled), another for the autumn survey (2014-2023). A third layer shows the positions of the fixed stations of the program (Anticosti Gyre, Gaspé Current and Rimouski). Each station is linked with a .png file showing the bottom salinity time series and with a .csv file containing all the bottom salinity data acquired at those stations since the beginning of the program sampling (columns : Station, Latitude, Longitude, Date(UTC), Sounding(m), Depth/Profondeur(m), Salinity/Salinité). Purpose The Atlantic Zone Monitoring Program (AZMP) was implemented in 1998 with the aim of increasing the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s (DFO) capacity to detect, track and predict changes in the state and productivity of the marine environment. The AZMP collects data from a network of stations composed of high-frequency monitoring sites and cross-shelf sections in each following DFO region: Québec, Gulf, Maritimes and Newfoundland. The sampling design provides basic information on the natural variability in physical, chemical, and biological properties of the Northwest Atlantic continental shelf. Cross-shelf sections sampling provides detailed geographic information but is limited in a seasonal coverage while critically placed high-frequency monitoring sites complement the geography-based sampling by providing more detailed information on temporal changes in ecosystem properties. In Quebec region, two surveys (46 stations grouped into transects) are conducted every year, one in June and the other in autumn in the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence. Historically, 3 fixed stations were sampled more frequently. One of these is the Rimouski station that still takes part of the program and is sampled about weekly throughout the summer and occasionally in the winter period. Annual reports (physical, biological and a Zonal Scientific Advice) are available from the Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS), ( Devine, L., Scarratt, M., Plourde, S., Galbraith, P.S., Michaud, S., and Lehoux, C. 2017. Chemical and Biological Oceanographic Conditions in the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence during 2015. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Res. Doc. 2017/034. v + 48 pp. Supplemental Information The bottom salinity is determined from CTD profile in the water column according to AZMP sampling protocol: Mitchell, M. R., Harrison, G., Pauley, K., Gagné, A., Maillet, G., and Strain, P. 2002. Atlantic Zonal Monitoring Program sampling protocol. Can. Tech. Rep. Hydrogr. Ocean Sci. 223: iv + 23 pp.

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    This dataset contains the outputs for Bute Inlet from two simulations shown in the publication "Fjord circulation permits persistent subsurface water mass in a long, deep mid-latitude inlet" by Laura Bianucci et al., DFO Ocean Sciences Division, Pacific Region (published in the journal Ocean Science in 2024). The Finite Volume Community Ocean Model (FVCOM v4.1) was run with two different sets of initial conditions for the Discovery Islands region of British Columbia, Canada, from May 24 to June 27, 2019. The "Baseline" simulation used observed initial conditions, while the "Sensitivity" simulation removed the observed cold subsurface water mass from the initial profiles. Here in this dataset, we provide 29-day averages of the following variables in a transect along Bute Inlet: potential temperature, density, along-inlet velocity, and Brunt-Väisälä frequency (N^2). The averaging properly removes the tidal effects.

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    This dataset contains the surface temperature and salinity data of the enlarged coastal thermograph network of the St. Lawrence river, estuary and gulf system. It includes data from the Canadian Hydrographic Service water level network (SINECO), the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO)-Quebec long-termed thermograph monitoring program network and the oceanographic buoy network. Each station is linked with a .png file showing the temperature and salinity time series and with a .csv file containing the surface temperature and salinity data themselves (columns : Station,Latitude,Longitude,Date(UTC),Depth/Profondeur(m),Temperature/Température(ºC),Salinity/Salinité(psu)). Supplemental Information A detailed description of the networks (SINECO, oceanographic buoys and the DFO-Quebec thermograph monitoring program) is available at the St. Lawrence Global Observatory (SLGO) portal : SINECO : Oceanographic buoys : Thermographs: Technical Reports related to the Thermograph Network (the last one is also available at the same hypertext link mentionned above) : Pettigrew, B., Gilbert, D. and Desmarais R. 2016. Thermograph network in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Can. Tech. Rep. Hydrogr. Ocean Sci. 311: vi + 77 p. Pettigrew, B., Gilbert, D. and Desmarais R. 2017. Thermograph network in the Gulf of St. Lawrence: 2014-2016 update. Can. Tech. Rep. Hydrogr. Ocean Sci. 317: vii + 54 p.

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    This is monthly ocean forcing data, 1860-2000, run #5, from the NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory's (GFDL) CM2.1 climate model, specifically: GFDL CM2.1, 20C3M (run5) climate of the 20th Century experiment (20C3M) output for IPCC AR4 and US CCSP. In 2004, a new family of GFDL climate models (the CM2.x family) was first used to conduct climate research. The GFDL CM2.x models have become the workhorse model for GFDL's climate research. They are being applied to topics focusing on decadal-to-centennial (deccen) time scale issues (including multi-century control experiments and climate change projections), as well as to seasonal-to-interannual (si) problems, such as El Niño research and experimental forecasts.

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    The data were collected during two research projects: Development of community-based monitoring for aquatic invasive species in the Canadian Arctic - preparing for increased shipping related to resource development and climate change; Diversity of pelagic primary producers in coastal habitats and the potential for harmful blooms in Eastern Canadian Arctic, with a focus near Iqaluit, Nunavut. Funding was provided by Polar Knowledge Canada, Fisheries and Oceans Canada (Strategic Program for Ecosystem-based Research and Advice, Aquatic Invasive Species Program and Oceans Ocean Protection Plan) and the Nunavik Marine Region Wildlife Board. These data are the abundance, richness and diversity of dinoflagellate communities in Canadian Arctic seaports to provide baseline data and to verify the presence of potential non-indigenous species and harmful taxa. These data can be used as a reference source for monitoring the introduction of potentially non-native species introduced into Arctic ports where shipping activities are high. SAMPLING Dinoflagellate samples were collected using a 20 μm (30 cm diameter) Nitex® plankton net during August in Churchill (MB) (2007 and 2015), in Deception Bay (QC ) (2016), in Iqaluit (NU) (2015 and 2019) and in Milne Inlet (2017). Samples were collected from 1 m of the surface to 1 m above the bottom. PREPARATION : Samples were stored in 4% formaldehyde. Sample preparation and counting were performed using the Utermöhl method. OBSERVATION : Samples were observed using an inverted microscope (NIKON Eclipse TE-2000-U) under a magnification of 200x. ABUNDANCE : The calculation of the abundance of dinoflagellates (cell / liter) was carried out as follows: Number of cells X Volume of the bottle / Volume of the Utermöhl chamber / (pi X Radius^2 X Depth) X 1000 ENVIRONMENTAL VARIABLES Environmental data were measured using a CTD and a Secchi disk. The time between sea ice melt and sampling was calculated by subtracting the sampling day from the breakup dates (ice concentration <1/10) which were extracted from the Canadian Ice Service records. For further information, please consult the following paper: Dhifallah F, Rochon A, Simard N, McKindsey CW, Gosselin M, Howland KL. 2022. Dinoflagellate communities in high-risk Canadian Arctic ports. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 266:107731

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    The Coastal Environmental Baseline Program is a multi-year Fisheries and Oceans Canada initiative designed to work with Indigenous and local communities and other key parties to collect coastal environmental data at six pilot sites across Canada (Port of Vancouver, Port of Prince Rupert, Lower St. Lawrence Estuary, Port of Saint John, Placentia Bay, and Iqaluit). The goal of the Program is to gather local information in these areas in effort to build a better understanding of marine ecological conditions. The Maritimes region has developed a physical oceanography program to align with the oceanographic interests and data needs of local communities and stakeholders, with the goal of sharing this information via open data. Starting in 2019, oceanographic parameters including temperature, salinity, depth, turbidity and currents have been continuously monitored at a series of locations covering a broad range of environments in the Port of Saint John and approaches vicinity, including the lower Saint John and Kennebecasis rivers, coastal fringe marshes and embayments, as well as the Musquash estuary Marine Protected Area (MPA). This dataset includes CTD data starting in 2019 and turbidity data from August 2020. Data collection methods range from bottom-mounted instruments in water depths of 10-50 meters, buoyant surface moorings, and hard-mounted instruments in intertidal zones. Intertidal data is interrupted during some low tide events, where the water level drops below the sensor, resulting in loss of functionality for periods up to 1-2 hours. Overall this dataset captures a dynamic balance between salt and fresh water on the highly tidal lower Saint John river, coastal seasonal dynamics in near-shore marine environments in the Musquash MPA, and the constant fluctuations of intertidal creeks and marshes. Updated Nov 2023: included 2022 data; removed daylight savings errors from 2019, 2020 and 2021; updated position for Evandale surface mooring.