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    This table contains data on food processing facilities in the province. This table, created by the Food Safety and Inspection Branch of the Ministry of Agriculture, contains data on food processing facilities in the province. Fields included (Alias (field name): field description Site address (site_address): installation address: installation address Installation number (installation_number): number assigned to the installation Name of the installation (name_installation): registered name of the installation: registered name of the installation Type of installation (type of installation): the permits of the installations are issued according to the type of product concerned. Facility Category: The various license categories include: Food Processing — Facilities licensed in this category include food facilities that produce processed foods, for example, condiments, candies, candies, snack foods, and other prepared foods. Food storage, distribution, and repackaging — Licensed facilities in this category include facilities that store and distribute food products and that can perform basic repacking, for example, dry bulk products into small retail packages. Meat processing — Licensed facilities in this category include facilities that manufacture a variety of meat products, ranging from raw cuts of meat to products such as jerky sausage and jerky jerky. Facilities that produce smoked fish also fall into this category. The license of these facilities only allows them to sell their products in Manitoba. Bottling facility — Licensed facilities in this category include water bottling plants, soft drink manufacturers, breweries, wineries, distilleries, juice manufacturers, ice makers, and other similar facilities. Grain and oilseed processing — Licensed facilities in this category include grain and grain cleaning and packaging facilities, flour mills, oil processors, etc. Slaughterhouse — Licensed facilities in this category are slaughterhouses that process livestock into meat under the supervision of a public inspector in order to produce meat for sale in the province. Dairy processing — Facilities licensed in this category process dairy products, for example, raw milk cheese. Program sector (sector_program): program sector Work area (work_zone): work area Community (community): community where the installation is located Area (area): area of the city where the installation is located Zone (zone): area of the city where the installation is located Region (region): name of the region of the city where the installation is located Area (area): legal name of the installation Lot (lot): lot where the installation is located Block (block): block where the installation is located Plot (parcel): plot where the installation is located Quadrant (quadrant): quadrant where the installation is located Quadrant (quadrant): quadrant where the installation is located Quadrant (quadrant): meridian where the installation is located: meridian where the installation is located Number of the unit where the installation is located Number of the unit where the installation is located: meridian where the installation is located: meridian where the installation is located: meridian where the installation is located: meridian where the installation is located: meridian where the installation is located: meridian where the installation is located: meridian where the installation is located: meridian where the installation is located: meridian where the installation is located: meridian where the installation is located: meridian where the installation is located: meridian where the installation is located: meridian where the installation is located: meridian where the installation is ble_site): building number of the installation City of the site (city_site): city where the installation is located Province of the site (province_site): province where the installation is located Country of the site (country_site): country where the installation is located Country where the installation is located Postal code of the site (code_postal_site): postal code of the installation Latitude (latitude): north-south coordinates of the installation Longitude (longitude): east-west coordinates of the installation East-west coordinates of the installation East-west coordinates of the installation East-west coordinates of the installation Harvested species (species_harvest_site): species processed in each slaughterhouse Type of installation Alcoholic drinks and soft drinks Pasteurized milk-based products Fermented products Milling/pressed seeds/roasting/cleaning Foods that are not not potentially dangerous Uncontrolled temperature storage Non-ready-to-eat foods (non-PAM) Pasteurized liquid products Pasteurized juice Pasteurized juice Potentially dangerous foods Repacking/mixing Ready-to-eat foods (PAM) Reclaimed products Snacks and sweets Germs Germs Temperature controlled storage Temperature controlled storage Uninspected meat cutting and packaging Uninspected meat cutting and packaging Uninspected meat cutting and packaging Uninspected meat cutting and packaging Uninspected meat juice Unpasteurized water/ice Unpasteurized juiceWater/Ice Plant categorySlaughterhousbottlingDairy ProcessingDairy ProcessingStorage, Distribution and food repackingGrain processing and oilseeds/Meat Processing/Food Processing/Food Processing/Program Area: Agri-Food Processing/Food Processing and Distribution — 2 **This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**

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    The Directory of Federal Real Property is the core real property system of the federal government. It contains Common real property data for 72 custodian organizations, including: •20,203 owned and leased properties, •42,673,154 hectares of land area, •36,852 buildings, •and 27,160,349 square meters of floor space. Buildings are excluded from this dataset

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    The boundaries of provincial park administration zones in Ontario.

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    Footprints for all images in the Yukon G overnment Satellites High Resolution I mage S ervice s . Distributed from GeoYukon by the Government of Yukon . Discover more digital map data and interactive maps from Yukon's digital map data collection. For more information:

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    Footprints for all images in the Yukon G overnment Satellites Medium Resolution I mage S ervice s . Distributed from GeoYukon by the Government of Yukon . Discover more digital map data and interactive maps from Yukon's digital map data collection. For more information:

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    This application allows users to locate Yukon lots that are currently for sale by Yukon government.

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    Ward boundaries for the Local Governments and Rural Districts of New Brunswick. Effective January 1, 2023.

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    Footprints for all images in the Yukon G overnment Aerial Photographs I mage S ervice s . Distributed from GeoYukon by the Government of Yukon . Discover more digital map data and interactive maps from Yukon's digital map data collection. For more information:

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    The USGS Governmental Unit Boundaries service from The National Map (TNM) represents major civil areas for the Nation, including States or Territories, counties (or equivalents), Federal and Native American areas, congressional districts, minor civil divisions, incorporated places (such as cities and towns), and unincorporated places. Boundaries data are useful for understanding the extent of jurisdictional or administrative areas for a wide range of applications, including mapping or managing resources, and responding to natural disasters. Boundaries data also include extents of forest, grassland, park, wilderness, wildlife, and other reserve areas useful for recreational activities, such as hiking and backpacking. Boundaries data are acquired from a variety of government sources. The data represents the source data with minimal editing or review by USGS. Please refer to the feature-level metadata for information on the data source. The National Map boundaries data is commonly combined with other data themes, such as elevation, hydrography, structures, and transportation, to produce general reference base maps. The National Map viewer allows free downloads of public domain boundaries data in either Esri File Geodatabase or Shapefile formats. For additional information on the boundaries data model, go to