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    Polyline feature layer of winter trails in Manitoba provincial parks. This feature layer contains polylines showing locations of winter trails in Manitoba provincial parks. Winter trails are those trails designated for certain winter activities, such as cross-country skiing, skijoring, skate-skiing, fat biking, and dog sledding. Most of these trails are groomed by Manitoba Parks staff throughout the season. This layer is used in the interactive map Manitoba Parks - Winter Activity Trails Map and the web app Manitoba Parks - Winter Trails and Recreation Areas. The dataset includes the following fields (Alias (Name): Description) Trail Name (Trail_Name): Name of the trail Park Name (Park_Name): Name of the provincial park where the trail is located Winter Use (Winter_Use): Indicates whether or not the trail is designated for winter use (Note: All features in this layer have a value of 'Yes') For more information about winter activities, visit the Manitoba Parks website.

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    Source data for an on-line interactive map of Manitoba showing the locations of recycling depots. The Sustainable and Green Initiatives branch collect location and information data (name of the facility, address, hours of operation and phone number) from 12 producer responsibility organizations (PRO) on an annual basis.This is a point layer symbolized by the items accepted at that location.Fields Included: loc_ID Location identification number name Name of depot phone Phone number (if available) hours Hours and other details (if available) location_name Generic name of location (if available) box_unit P.O. Box number of Unit number (if available) address Street number and Street name City nearest City Province Province Postal Code Postal Code Country Country Latitude Latitude in Decimal Degrees Longitude Longitude in Decimal Degrees is_active Indicates if the location is actively accepting items website Website URL address (if available) created_date Date entry was created modified_date Date entry was modified by the branch cell_phones Indicates if this item is accepted, if blank it is not accepted at this location paint Indicates if this item is accepted, if blank it is not accepted at this location tires Indicates if this item is accepted, if blank it is not accepted at this location electronics Indicates if this item is accepted, if blank it is not accepted at this location plastic_bags Indicates if this item is accepted, if blank it is not accepted at this location oil_and_antifreeze Indicates if this item is accepted, if blank it is not accepted at this location Pharmaceuticals Indicates if this item is accepted, if blank it is not accepted at this location Rechargable_Batteries Indicates if this item is accepted, if blank it is not accepted at this location Fluorescent_Lights Indicates if this item is accepted, if blank it is not accepted at this location Mercury_containing_thermometers Indicates if this item is accepted, if blank it is not accepted at this location Blue_box_materials Indicates if this item is accepted, if blank it is not accepted at this location Lead_acid_batteries Indicates if this item is accepted, if blank it is not accepted at this location Pesticide_containers Indicates if this item is accepted, if blank it is not accepted at this location Scrap_metal Indicates if this item is accepted, if blank it is not accepted at this location textiles Indicates if this item is accepted, if blank it is not accepted at this location mattresses Indicates if this item is accepted, if blank it is not accepted at this location refrigeration_cooling Indicates if this item is accepted, if blank it is not accepted at this location

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    The intention is to show the boundaries of all refuges in Manitoba, as designated by the Designation of Wildlife Lands Regulation (171/2001) under The Wildlife Act (C.C.S.M. c. W130). Refuge types include Wildlife Refuge, Game Bird Refuge, Goose Refuge, and Fur Bearing Animal Refuge. The Use of Wildlife Lands Regulation (77/99) determines what activities are prohibited within each refuge. Boundaries are drawn based on the physical description described in regulation, or imported using CAD files from the official Director of Surveys Plan stated in regulation.

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    Canadas Managed Forests 2020 Vector Tile Layer

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    Forest Management in Canada Web App: 2017 and 2020 (French)

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    Provinces and Territories of Canada, April 2022 Forest Management in Canada Web App: 2017 and 2020 (French)

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    Map of Canada's Managed Forests in 2020

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    The purpose of this dataset is to show end users where LiDAR data has been acquired by the Government of Manitoba. LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) is a remote sensing technology that uses lasers to collect accurate, continuous elevation data over relatively large areas. These data are essential for activities such as forestry, flood risk management, land use planning, and natural resources management. The Manitoba Government is increasingly acquiring LiDAR data across the province.This layer was created on August 5, 2009 by Manitoba Sustainable Development and was updated on August 9, 2021.To  download LiDAR data from the Manitoba Land Initiative (MLI) site, follow this link: Fields included ( Alias (Field Name): Field description.) ObjectID (OBJECTID) - Automatically generated feature numberAcquired  (ACQUIRED) - LiDAR data capture dateContractor  (CONTRACTOR) - Contractor nameContributor  (CONTRIB) - Manitoba Government departmentName (NAME) - Dataset nameCellsize (CELLSIZE) - Raster DEM cell sizeMLI (MLI) - Data available for download on the Manitoba Land Initiative site

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    This feature class represents Manitoba's Forest Management Unit (FMU) boundaries. Forest Management Units (FMU's) define a forested area with common forest conditions that are managed in a similar manner. Forest Sections are comprised of FMU's. Forest inventories within Forest Management Units are analysed to determine allowable harvest limits of softwood and hardwood tree species within each Forest Management Unit. Version 3: The southern portion of FMU 67 within the Highrock Forest Section has been adjusted to align with base features captured in 2009. Additionally, an 11 hectare portion of the Saskatchewan River Forest Section (FMU 59) has been added to the Highrock Forest Section. Version 4: The northern portion of FMU 68 along the Rail Haul within the Highrock Forest Section has been adjust so that the boundary falls within water only. Additionally, version 4 splits the 'White Zone' forest section (FMU 76) by ecozones, creating FMU 76 (Taiga Shield), FMU 77 (Southern Arctic), FMU 78 (Hudson Plain) and FMU 79 (Boreal Shield). Version 4 is dated February 8, 2013. Fields Included: OBJECTID: Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated . MANAGEMENT_UNIT_NUMBER : Management Unit (MU) number . S ECTION : Forest section number . SECTION_NAME : Forest section name .

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    This boundary layer shows all Special Conservation Areas (SCA) in Manitoba. The purpose of this dataset is to show the boundaries of all Special Conservation Areas (SCA) in Manitoba, as designated by the Designation of Wildlife Lands Regulation (171/2001) under The Wildlife Act (C.C.S.M. c. W130). Special Conservation Areas are designated to conserve and protect particular species and habitats throughout Manitoba. The Use of Wildlife Lands Regulation (77/99) determines what activities are prohibited within each Special Conservation Area. Boundaries are drawn based on CAD files from the official Director of Surveys Plan stated in the regulation.Fields included (Alias (Field Name): Field description.)FID (FID): Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generatedName (NAME): Special Conservation Area nameD of S Plan (DofS): Director of Surveys plan numberArea_HA (AREA_HA): Area in HectaresSpecies (SPECIES): Species name