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RDCK Overview map service
Polygon feature layer of Manitoba's economic regions This feature layer depicts the boundaries of economic regions in Manitoba. There are eight regions in Manitoba, defined by Statistics Canada. Fields included [Alias (Field Name): Field description] Economic Region (Economic_Region): The name of the economic region For more information, see Regional Economic Profiles on the Manitoba government website.FF
Canadas Managed Forests 2020 Vector Tile Layer
Population density in Canada based on the 2006 and 2011 census data at three levels of geography: census division (CD) (1:5,000,001 and over), census sub-division (CSD) (1:5,000,000 to 1:288,897) and dissemination areas (DA) (1:288,897 and under). Population density is the number of people per square kilometer. Population density change measures the rate of change calculated by the difference in total population density values for each area between 2006 and 2011, divided by the total population density of 2006. The CD and CSD boundaries are based on 2011 data. The 2006 population figures have been adjusted accordingly. The DA boundaries are based on 2006 data. All areas with no data are indicated with a value of -999.
Provinces and Territories of Canada, April 2022 Forest Management in Canada Web App: 2017 and 2020 (French)
Bird Studies Canada WMS/WFS Server for bird distribution and abundance data, and related information. Bird Studies Canada gratefully acknowledges the support of Environment Canada - Canadian Information System for the Environment in developing this service.
The purpose of this feature class is to identify those areas that are in the process of Timber Harvest Planning, process being a continuum from proposed plan through to approval and eventually plan expiration. Subsection 20(3) of the Forest Resources Act establishes that an approved Timber Harvest Plan is required prior to the authorization of timber harvesting under a Harvesting Licence or authorization of a Forest Resources Permit for non-commercial timber harvesting in an amount greater than 25m3 per year. A Timber Harvest Plan:? Must be developed in accordance with Sections 5 through 7 of the Forest Resources Regulation. ? Identifies forest resources in the area and areas suitable for timber harvesting and establishes objectives for timber harvesting.? Must be consistent with any Forest Resources Management Plan that applies to the same area. Distributed from GeoYukon by the Government of Yukon . Discover more digital map data and interactive maps from Yukon's digital map data collection. For more information:
This dataset provides locations of highway maintenance camps. Maintenance Camps house the staff and equipment that maintain Yukon highways. Distributed from GeoYukon by the Government of Yukon . Discover more digital map data and interactive maps from Yukon's digital map data collection. For more information:
This table contains information about 11 animal types associated with assigned cases in the Manitoba Animal Welfare Program. This table contains information about animal types, grouped into 11 categories, associated with assigned cases in the Manitoba Animal Welfare Program for each year, starting in 2016, to the most recent quarter. This data is populated by the Provincial Animal Welfare Database for the Manitoba Animal Welfare Program. It is displayed in the Manitoba Animal Welfare Program – Animal Types chart. The table is updated on a quarterly basis. Fields included [Alias (Field Name): Field description] SpeciesStatsGrouping (SpeciesStatsGrouping): Includes one of the possible 11 animal type groups associated with each assigned case (e.g., Avian, Bison, Bovine) Year (Year): Includes the year, beginning in 2016, to the current year (e.g., 2016, 2017, 2018) Month (Month): Includes the numeric value of all months in a calendar year (e.g., 1, 2, 3) Quarter (Quarter): Includes the numeric values of all quarters in a calendar year (e.g., 1, 2, 3, 4), where quarter 1 corresponds with January, February and March, quarter 2 corresponds with April, May and June, quarter 3 corresponds with July, August and September and quarter 4 corresponds with October, November and December YQ (YQ): Includes the year and quarter of the most recent 12 quarters (e.g., 2021 Q1, 2021 Q2 )
This table contains information about the number of cases reported, inspections conducted, and non-compliances to The Animal Care Act from 2016 to present. This table contains information about the number of cases reported, inspections conducted, and non-compliances to The Animal Care Act for each year, starting in 2016, to the most recent quarter. These data are populated by the Provincial Animal Welfare Database for the Manitoba Animal Welfare Program and are displayed in the Manitoba Animal Welfare Program – Trends chart. The table will be updated on a quarterly basis. Fields included [Alias (Field Name): Field description] Category (Category): Includes the year, beginning in 2016, to the current year (e.g., 2016, 2017, 2018) # of cases reported (F__of_cases_reported): Includes the total number of cases reported for each year # of inspections conducted (F__of_inspections_conducted): Includes the total number of inspections conducted for each year # of non-compliances found* (F__of _non_compliances_found_): Includes the total number of non-compliances found following an inspection for each year * The number of non-compliances found as a result of an inspection by an Animal Protection Officer (APO) include animals deemed abandoned, issued notice of seizure, custody and distress, Director’s Order issued, surrendered ownership and recommendations for improvements.