environmental monitoring
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Unverified raw hourly air pollutant monitoring and meteorological data collected by the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy. These data sets contain **air quality data from 2024 to the most recent hourly readings** and **meteorological data from 2023 to the most recent hourly readings** from air quality monitoring stations across B.C, up to the latest hour in Pacific Standard Time (PST). This does not include data originating from Metro Vancouver and Fraser Valley Regional Districts. For current conditions for Metro Vancouver and Fraser Valley Regional Districts please visit https://gis.metrovancouver.org/maps/air/ This data is not quality-assured. Historical quality-assured air data is available here: https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/77eeadf4-0c19-48bf-a47a-fa9eef01f409 Please subscribe using the following link if you want to receive the updates on the datasets: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/environment/air-land-water/air/air-quality/current-air-quality-data __Please click on VIEW resource to access__ __For data files directing to a FTP site, please copy the FTP link to File Explorer (anonymous login), Finder or equivalent, or use a FTP client such as FileZilla to access the FTP link. If using File Explorer, Finder, or equivalent, copy the files requested from the FTP folder to a local location to download.__ ##### Data files are available for: ##### #### Current Air Quality Data: * Air Quality Health Index (Learn more about this index: http://www.env.gov.bc.ca/epd/bcairquality/readings/aqhi-table.xml) * Carbon monoxide (CO) in parts per million (ppm) * Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and Total reduced sulfur (TRS) in ppb * Nitric oxide (NO) in parts per billion (ppb) * Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in ppb * Sulfur dioxide (SO2) in ppb * Ground-level ozone (O3) in ppb * PM2.5 (particulate matter with diameter of 2.5 micrometres or less) in micrograms per cubic metre (ug/m3) * PM10 (particulate matter with diameter of 10 micrometres or less) in ug/m3 #### Current Meteorological Data: * Air Temperature (TEMP) in degrees Celsius (°C) * Relative Humidity (HUMIDITY) in percent (%) * Wind Speed (WSPD) in meters per second (m/s) * Wind Direction (WDIR) in degrees from true north/azimuth (°) * Precipitation (PRECIP) in millimeters (mm) * Snow depth (SNOW) in centimeters (cm) * Barometric Pressue (PRESSURE) in kilopascals (kPA) or millibars (mb) * Water Vapor Pressure (VAPOUR) in kilopascals (kPA) or millibars (mb) #### Monitoring Locations * Locations of all current and historical air and meteorological stations including Latitude and Longitude
The Adaptive Management Framework for Yukon placer mining is complemented by traditional knowledge and monitoring of water quality objectives, aquatic health, and economic health.The aquatic Health monitoring program is governed by the Aquatic Health Monitoring Protocol.The Protocol describes the locations, timing, frequency and methods employed duringsampling, as well as the methods used to analyze sampling data. The Reference ConditionApproach (RCA) is the method chosen for assessing the health of freshwater ecosystems inthe Yukon. One RCA model was developed for bioassessment based upon benthicmacroinvertebrates, and a second model was developed to assess the diversity of fishspecies.The RCA model for invertebrates relies upon 224 reference sites collected over the period 2004 to 2010 by the University of Western Ontario, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, and theYukon government, using the same standard protocol. The invertebrate data set was analyzedat the family level.There are two fundamental steps in the process of developing the predictive model. The first isto classify the reference sites based on their biological characteristics. This requires defining anumber of community types based on the taxonomic composition. The second step is todetermine a subset of habitat attributes that are associated with those community types.Following this step the number and type of organisms expected to occur at any given site canbe determined from habitat attributes.For more information, contact the Yukon Placer Secretariat
The Fish Habitat Management System for Yukon Placer Mining replaced the Yukon Place Authorization (YPA) in 15 Yukon watersheds on April 11, 2008. Founded on principles of adaptive management and incorporating a risk-based approach to decision-making, the system is intended to balance the objectives of a sustainable Yukon placer mining industry with the conservation and protection of fish and fish habitat supporting fisheries Adaptive management recognizes that the effectiveness of any management system is hampered by a degree of uncertainty and lack of knowledge. It seeks to improve the system by monitoring the effects of management actions, in order to learn from the results. The Adaptive Management Framework for Yukon placer mining is complemented by traditional knowledge and water quality objectives monitoring, aquatic health monitoring and economic health monitoring programs. The results should provide new information and a rational basis for making any adjustments required to achieve the two management objectives. The water quality objectives monitoring program is governed by the Water Quality Objectives Monitoring Protocol. The Protocol describes the locations, timing, frequency and methods employed during sampling, as well as the methods used to analyze sampling data. Precipitation data was collected from a variety of sources to assist in the interpretation of results. The water quality objectives monitoring program relies upon both continuous sampling and grab sampling. Continuous sampling is performed by automated instruments that pump water from the creek or river at a preset volume and at precise times each day. Grab samples are taken by personnel at a selected location, depth and time. Normally the quantity of water taken is sufficient for all the physical and chemical analyses that will be done on the sample. Grab sampling is also performed during sampling "blitzes", when single grab samples are collected from as many sites as possible within a short timeframe in order to get a snapshot of the water quality in a watershed over a 24 hour period. Distributed from GeoYukon by the Government of Yukon . Discover more digital map data and interactive maps from Yukon's digital map data collection. For more information: geomatics.help@yukon.ca
Water quality sample year information to be used in conjunction with CMI Water Quality Sampling Sites. Distributed from GeoYukon by the Government of Yukon . Discover more digital map data and interactive maps from Yukon's digital map data collection. For more information: geomatics.help@yukon.ca
Environmental Monitoring Stations (EMS) spatial points coverage for the Province by LOCATION TYPES. The following spatial layers reference this as a data source: 1. Environmental Monitoring - All Stations 2. Environmental Monitoring Stations - Air Monitoring (Ambient Air Site) 3. Environmental Monitoring Stations - Air Monitoring (Air Permit) 4. Environmental Monitoring Stations - Water Sites (Water Monitoring) 5. Environmental Monitoring Stations - Water Sites (Water Permits) 6. Environmental Monitoring Stations - Water Sites (Well) 7. Environmental Monitoring Stations - Water Sites (Observation Well) 8. Environmental Monitoring Stations - Water Sites (Spring)
A wide range of different territorial, federal, and first nation governments have a role in monitoring water. The water monitoring sites data set compiles these varied sources into a single source with the intent to provide a 'one-stop shop' when searching for water monitoring data. Information contained includes the 'who, what, when, and where' of water monitoring by providing contact information, sample type, sample period, and location. Distributed from GeoYukon by the Government of Yukon . Discover more digital map data and interactive maps from Yukon's digital map data collection. For more information: geomatics.help@yukon.ca
The Contaminated Sites dataset compiles information on contamination collected by the Government of Yukon . Note: when a site has no information, the property is not necessarily not contaminated rather the data is not available. Distributed from GeoYukon by the Government of Yukon . Discover more digital map data and interactive maps from Yukon's digital map data collection. For more information: geomatics.help@yukon.ca
Environmental monitoring stations (EMS) points coverage for the Province by MONITORING LOCATION GROUPS.
The Lake Simcoe lake monitoring program provides measurements of chemical and physical water quality limits such as total phosphorus, nitrogen, chlorophyll a, pH, alkalinity, conductivity, dissolved organic and inorganic carbon, silica, other ions, water transparency, temperature and dissolved oxygen. Samples are collected biweekly during the spring, summer and fall. *[pH]: potential of hydrogen
Hourly ambient ground-level ozone (O3) data in parts per billion from provincial ambient air quality monitoring stations across Nova Scotia up to the end of 2014.