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    The National Ecological Framework for Canada's "Landform by Ecoprovince” series contains tables that provide regional landform information for components within the ecoprovince framework polygon. It provides landform codes and their English and French-language descriptions as well as information about the percentage of the polygon that the component occupies. Regional landforms generally describe a region and include the various shapes of the land surface resulting from a variety of actions such as deposition or sedimentation (eskers, lacustrine basins), erosion (gullies, canyons), and earth crust movements (mountains). The regional landform classes are: plateau or tableland, hill and mountain, organic wetland, plain, scarp or valley.

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    The National Ecological Framework for Canada's "Landform by Ecoregion” series contains tables that provide regional landform information for components within the ecoregion framework polygon. It provides landform codes and their English and French-language descriptions as well as information about the percentage of the polygon that the component occupies. Regional landforms generally describe a region and include the various shapes of the land surface resulting from a variety of actions such as deposition or sedimentation (eskers, lacustrine basins), erosion (gullies, canyons), and earth crust movements (mountains). The regional landform classes are: plateau or tableland, hill and mountain, organic wetland, plain, scarp or valley.

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    The National Ecological Framework for Canada's "Surface Form by Ecoprovince" dataset contains tables that provide surface form information for components within the ecoprovince framework polygon. It provides surface form codes and their English and French-language descriptions as well as information about the percentage of the polygon that the component occupies. Surface form descriptions describe assemblages of slopes or recurring patterns of forms that occur at the earth's surface. When applied to consolidated materials (material that has been transformed to hard rock), it refers to the form produced after modification by geological processes. The mineral soil surface forms are: dissected; hummocky (irregular); inclined; level, rolling; ridged; steep; terraced; undulating. The wetland surface forms are: bog; fen; marsh; swamp.

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    The National Ecological Framework for Canada's "Surface Form by Ecozone" dataset contains tables that provide surface form information for components within the ecozone framework polygon. It provides surface form codes and their English and French-language descriptions as well as information about the percentage of the polygon that the component occupies. Surface form descriptions describe assemblages of slopes or recurring patterns of forms that occur at the earth's surface. When applied to consolidated materials (material that has been transformed to hard rock), it refers to the form produced after modification by geological processes. The mineral soil surface forms are: dissected; hummocky (irregular); inclined; level, rolling; ridged; steep; terraced; undulating. The wetland surface forms are: bog; fen; marsh; swamp.

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    The National Ecological Framework for Canada's "Total Land and Water Area by Ecoregion” dataset provides land and water area values for ecoregion framework polygons, in hectares. It includes attributes for a polygon’s total area, land-only area and large water body area.

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    The National Ecological Framework for Canada's "Land Cover by Ecozone” dataset provides land cover information within the ecozone framework polygon. It provides landcover codes and their English and French language description as well as information about the percentage of the polygon that the component occupies.

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    The National Ecological Framework for Canada (v2.2) provides a consistent, national spatial framework that allows various ecosystems to be described, monitored and reported on. It provides standard ecological units that allow different jurisdictions and disciplines to use common communication and reporting, and a common ground to report on the state of the environment and the sustainability of ecosystems in Canada. The framework was developed between 1991 and 1999 by the Ecosystems Science Directorate, Environment Canada and the Center for Land and Biological Resources Research, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. Over 100 federal and provincial agencies, non-governmental organizations and private sector companies contributed to its development. For more information, visit:

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    The National Ecological Framework for Canada's "Soil Development by Ecozone” dataset contains tables that provide soil development information for components within the ecozone framework polygon. It provides soil development codes and their English and French-language descriptions as well as the percentage of the polygon that the component occupies. The soil development descriptions are based on the second edition of the Canadian System of Soil Classification (Agriculture Canada Expert Committee on Soil Survey, 1987).

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    The National Ecological Framework for Canada's "Surface Form by Ecodistrict" dataset contains tables that provide surface form information for components within the ecodistrict framework polygon. It provides surface form codes and their English and French-language descriptions as well as information about the percentage of the polygon that the component occupies. Surface form descriptions describe assemblages of slopes or recurring patterns of forms that occur at the earth's surface. When applied to consolidated materials (material that has been transformed to hard rock), it refers to the form produced after modification by geological processes. The mineral soil surface forms are: dissected; hummocky (irregular); inclined; level, rolling; ridged; steep; terraced; undulating. The wetland surface forms are: bog; fen; marsh; swamp.

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    The National Ecological Framework for Canada's "Land and Water Area by Province/Territory and Ecozone” dataset provides land and water area values by province or territory for the Ecozone framework polygon, in hectares. It includes codes and their English and French descriptions for a polygon’s province or territory, total area, land-only area and large water body area.