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    Areas of responsibility for fisheries biologists within Saskatchewan. Administrative boundaries for fisheries biologists in Saskatchewan. The province is divided into 6 areas in which individual biologists are responsible for all aspects of fisheries management. Prince Albert National Park is not managed by the province and falls under federal jurisdiction.

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    Saskatchewan Sport Fish Management Zones as described in the fisheries regulations. Spatial dataset created to represent the provincial sport fishing management zones within Saskatchewan as described in Table 5 of the Fisheries Regulations.  Saskatchewan is divided into three management zones for angling regulations.  Differences in the opening and closing dates for the angling season occur between zones, with certain lakes in each zone having special regulations applied to them.  Consult the Anglers’ Guide for further information on specific dates and/or limits.

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    Get data on Lake Ontario tagged Atlantic salmon recaptures. This dataset represents tagged adult Atlantic salmon that were released and then recaptured by anglers. These fish were used as brood stock (breeding) in the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry’s fish culture program. All fish were tagged with a streamer tag near the dorsal fin. Each tag has a unique number and a phone number so anglers can call and let the ministry know about their catch. The data includes: * tagging date * recapture date * tag number/colour * location released * location recaptured * days since released * distance travelled

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    This dataset contains information on fish stockings since 1917 in Manitoba waterbodies with details on date of stocking, amount of fish, size of fish and species of fish. Stocking Data is a point layer representing individual stocking events dating back to 1917. Each record contains information such as waterbody name, fish species, fish size and quantities, as well as the fishing division of the waterbody. Stocking data is updated multiple times per year as the Province of Manitoba Hatchery conducts stocking. The stocking data layer, along with related information, can be found at the Manitoba Lake Information For Anglers app. The project was initiated by Manitoba Wildlife and Fisheries Branch with funding from the Fish and Wildlife Enhancement Fund. Data is provided by Manitoba Wildlife and Fisheries Branch, Swan Valley Sport Fishing and Manitoba Watershed Districts. For additional information visit Manitoba Fisheries. The dataset includes the following fields (Alias (Name): Description) Waterbody ID (WATERBODY_ID): Unique identifier for an individual waterbody. Waterbody Name (WATERBODY_NAME): Name of the waterbody that was stocked. Fishing Division (FISHING_DIVISION): Indicates which fishing division the waterbody is located in and where stocking event took place. Year (YEAR): Year of the stocking event. Date (DATE): Date of the stocking event. Species (SPECIES): Species that was stocked. Size (SIZE): Size of the fish that were stocked. Quantity (QUANTITY): Approximate number of fish stocked. Lat (DD) (LAT_DD): Latitudinal coordinates of the stocking event (if recorded, otherwise the representative centroid of the waterbody) in decimal degrees. Long (DD) (LONG_DD): Longitudinal coordinates of the stocking event (if recorded, otherwise the representative centroid of the waterbody) in decimal degrees. Waterbody Lat (WATERBODY_LAT): Latitudinal coordinates of the representative centroid of the waterbody in decimal degrees. Waterbody Long (WATERBODY_LONG): Longitudinal coordinates of the representative centroid of the waterbody in decimal degrees.

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    This point feature layer contains both general and detailed information on waterbodies in Manitoba which are associated with the Lake Information for Anglers program. The point data contained within this layer represent the centroids of waterbodies in Manitoba. The layer describes a number of different attributes about a waterbody including, where available: average depth, aquatic invasive species information, regulatory links, presence of contours, waterbody specific PDF, fish assessment information, species information and coordinates. The waterbody data layer, along with related information, can be found at the Manitoba Lake Information For Anglers app. The project was initiated by Manitoba Wildlife and Fisheries Branch with funding from the Fish and Wildlife Enhancement Fund. Data is provided by Manitoba Wildlife and Fisheries Branch, Swan Valley Sport Fishing and Manitoba Watershed Districts. For additional information visit Manitoba Fisheries. The dataset includes the following fields (Alias (Name): Description) Waterbody ID (WATERBODY_ID): Unique identifier for an individual waterbody. Waterbody Name (WATERBODY_NAME): Name of the waterbody. Surface Area (km2) (SURFACE_AREA): Surface area of the waterbody in square kilometres. Average Depth (m) (AVERAGE_DEPTH_M): Average depth of a waterbody, if bathymetric data is available. Secchi (SECCHI): Indicates whether data exists for secchi depth in the waterbody (YES/NO). Secchi Depth (m) (SECCHI_DEPTH): Depth in meters of the visibility of a secchi disk. Fishing Division (FISHING_DIVISION): Indicates which fishing division the waterbody centroid is within. Fishing Division Special Area (SPECIAL_AREA): Indicates if the waterbody is within the special walleye areas (A or B). Please refer to the Angling Guide for details. UTM Zone (ZONE): Indicates which UTM zone the waterbody is in. Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS): Indicates the known or unknown presence of aquatic invasive species. Aquatic Invasive Species Control Zone (AIS_CONTROL_ZONE): Indicates which aquatic invasive species control zone a waterbody is within. High Quality Management (HIGH_QUALITY_MANAGEMENT): Indicates whether the waterbody falls under the high quality management angling regulations in Manitoba (TRUE/FALSE). HQM Description (HQM_DESCRIPTION): Indicates the high quality management provisions based on the fishing division the waterbody is in (only applies if the waterbody is a High Quality Management waterbody). Angling Regulations (SPECIAL_REGS): A note to see Manitoba Anglers’ Guide. Anglers' Guide (ANGLING_GUIDE): Contains a link (URL) to the Manitoba Anglers’ Guide. Waterbody Link (PRINTABLE_MAP): Contains a link to a PDF of waterbody contours and lake specific information for waterbodies that have bathymetric data. Boat Launch (BOAT_LAUNCH): Indicates whether the waterbody has a known boat launch (YES/NO). Launch Photo (LAUNCH_PHOTO): Indicates whether there is a launch photo for the waterbody (YES/NO). Boat Launch Photo (BOAT_LAUNCH_PHOTO): Contains a link (URL) that directs users to a photo of the launch. Stocked (STOCKED): Indicates whether the lake has been stocked with fish in the past (TRUE/FALSE). Species (SPECIES): A list of gamefish species that are known to have existed in the waterbody historically. Currently contains no info. Assessment (ASSESSMENT): Indicates whether an assessment PDF is available for the waterbody (YES/NO). Fisheries Assessment Link (FISHERIES_ASSESSMENT_LINK): Contains a link that directs users to a PDF document that contains information about species, fish age demographics, and master angler records. Contours (CONTOURS): Indicates whether contour data exists for the waterbody (YES/NO). Lat (DD) (LAT_DD): Latitudinal coordinates of the representative centroid of the waterbody in decimal degrees. Long (DD) (LONG_DD): Longitudinal coordinates of the representative centroid of the waterbody in decimal degrees.

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    The stocking dashboard provides interactive access to Manitoba waterbody information. Filters can be combined to narrow down the waterbodies by: fishing division, waterbody name, fish species, and year stocked. The stocking dashboard is an interface that allows for interactively accessing fish stocking information. It allows filtering and searching for information about stocked lakes. Filters are based on the year of stocking, the fish species stocked, and the fishing division in which the stocking took place. All of these filtering abilities can be compounded to allow users to more effectively find and display information that they are interested in. The dashboard uses the stocking map as its primary tool for users which provides a visual of the filtering options applied. Widgets allow for resetting data to home state view, legend for onscreen features, layers to toggle on and off and ability to change base map options. Additionally there are statistics displayed for total fish stocked, fish stocked in past five years, and fish stocked in the years selected. The latter two statistics are dynamic and update depending on the filters used. This dashboard, along with related information, can be found in the Manitoba Lake Information for Anglers application, an interactive tool for anglers to access waterbody information.   The project was initiated by Manitoba Wildlife and Fisheries Branch with funding from the Fish and Wildlife Enhancement Fund. Data is provided by Manitoba Wildlife and Fisheries Branch, Swan Valley Sport Fishing and Manitoba Watershed Districts. For additional information visit Manitoba Fisheries.