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Gögn varðandi fastlínutengingar byggja á gögnum frá Þjóðskrá Íslands og á gögnum frá fjarskiptafélögum varðandi fjölda tenginga. Staðsetning byggir á Staðfangaskrá Þjóðskrár. Staðfang er í flestum tilfellum ein fasteign en í einhverjum tilfellum fleiri en ein. Gögnin sem hér eru birt eru staðföng sem innihalda lögheimili, vinnustað eða sumarhús. Varðandi skráningu á tengjanlegum rýmum skal fjarskiptafélag merkja staðfang tengjanlegt sé eitthvað rými innan þess tengjanlegt. Það hvort rými teljist tengjanlegt er óháð því hvort það sé í raun að nýta þá tengingu. Þörf er á góðu gagnasetti varðandi vinnustaði á landupplýsingaformi sem aðilar geta sammælst um að nota en eins og staðan er í dag ber engin stofnun ábyrgð á slíku gagnasetti. Við nýtum eins og áður segir gögn frá Þjóðskrá Íslands varðandi vinnustaði. Þjóðskrá Íslands aflar þó í raun ekki upplýsinga um vinnustaði heldur sigtar úr gögnum vissa notkunarflokka fasteigna fyrir Fjarskiptastofu. Einhverjar upplýsingar eru ekki tengjanlegar við önnur gögn og þær upplýsingar birtast því ekki á kortinu. Þetta á aðallega við um aðrar tengingar en ljósleiðaratengingar.
Mapping of public wireless Internet access points (ZAPs) in Quebec City.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**
Location of areas where wireless Internet is offered free of charge by the City of Repentigny.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**
The Targeted Investments in Indigenous Community Infrastructure dataset depicts infrastructure projects across Canada that are funded through Indigenous Services Canada (ISC). It contains data related to project category, description, status and beneficiary. The dataset allows the Department to pinpoint and share information about individual infrastructure projects in Indigenous communities, in a proactive and transparent manner, to: • Showcase where and how investments are carried out • Demonstrate the Government’s commitment to improve the socio-economic conditions of Indigenous peoples and their communities. Projects featured in this Indigenous community infrastructure investments dataset are updated on a quarterly basis. For more information, visit
The "Starter Kits" of the Canadian Geospatial Data Infrastructure (CGDI) are curated bundles of geospatial data delivered as a service. These kits are the result of a user needs assessment commissioned by Natural Resources Canada (NRCan), with a primary focus on addressing the specific requirements of Indigenous Peoples. Within these kits, you'll discover a selection of data provided as a service from a collection of over 71,000 datasets falling under the "Nature and Environment" category sourced from CGDI's Federal and Provincial/Territorial partners. These Starter Kits have been thoughtfully crafted into four thematic or geographic areas of Canada: a) British Columbia, b) Northwest Territories, c) Climate Change across Canada, d) And Water Resources across Canada. Each of these kits represents diverse areas and data categories, offering new users a compact, comprehensive, and user-friendly gateway to explore a wide array of information provided by the CGDI.