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Le RRC est établi en fonction du réseau routier tiré de l'Infrastructure des données spatiales (IDS). Statistique Canada tient à jour le RRC pour appuyer le recensement et ses autres activités. La précision de localisation relative des traits du réseau routier est importante pour le dénombrement du recensement et pour les références. Par conséquent, la précision topologique est plus importante que la précision de localisation absolue. Le RRC ne contient pas de renseignements routiers nécessaires à optimiser les itinéraires. Par exemple, les données sur les rues à sens unique, les impasses et d'autres obstacles ne sont pas comprises dans le RRC. En conséquence, ce fichier n'est pas recommandé pour des applications de génie, des services de répartition d'urgence, des applications d'arpentage ou juridiques. Le fichier du réseau routier contient des arcs de rues avec des tranches d'adresses « véritables », des tranches d'adresses imputées, ou n'indique aucune tranche d'adresses. Les tranches d'adresses imputées ne sont pas destinées à remplacer les tranches d'adresses véritables pour toute fin autre que le géocodage d'adresses. Ainsi, si les fichiers doivent être appliqués à la répartition par ordinateur ou à toute autre fin semblable (qui nécessite la correspondance d'une adresse à un îlot ou à une rue), il peut être nécessaire de compléter les données du fichier avec des connaissances locales, par la mise à jour d'adresses véritables existantes et le remplacement des adresses imputées. Les restrictions du RRC doivent être reconnues si ce dernier est utilisé pour des usages autres que la cartographie, l'analyse et l'extraction de données du recensement.
The locations of coastal British Columbia recreational and pleasure craft cruising routes
The locations of coastal ferry routes in British Columbia. This includes ferries in coastal waters like BC Ferries, barges, water taxis, etc. but does not include freshwater ferries on inland rivers or lakes.
The Community Roads Names dataset was created to enable road labeling for Yukon Communities. Roads in the communities are mapped and the road names are attributed to allow labeling. The only communities included in the dataset are: Whitehorse and Dawson City. Distributed from GeoYukon by the Government of Yukon . Discover more digital map data and interactive maps from Yukon's digital map data collection. For more information:
The location of coastal British Columbia marine and freshwater kayaking routes
High-noise sectors in the City of Trois-Rivières**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**
The Yukon Road Network is the authoritative source of road data for Yukon. This dataset represents road centrelines for road features administered by Government of Yukon. Road features not administered by Government of Yukon are supplied by Canvec Road Network. Please contact with any errors or omissions. Distributed from GeoYukon by the Government of Yukon . Discover more digital map data and interactive maps from Yukon's digital map data collection. For more information:
ORV management areas are designate areas where off-road vehicle use is managed for the protection of ecological balance or physical characteristics within the area, including on mineral claims and in territorial parks. Off-road vehicle management areas can result from recommendations coming out of public planning processes, such as regional land-use planning, local area planning and special management areas such as Habitat Protection areas or parks. Governments and other groups, such as the Fish and Wildlife Management Boards and Renewable Resource Councils can submit a proposal that identifies ecologically-sensitive areas that off-road vehicle management areas could protect. Distributed from GeoYukon by the Government of Yukon . Discover more digital map data and interactive maps from Yukon's digital map data collection. For more information:
The Roads layer delineates the estimated centreline of the roads within the City of Whitehorse. Data was modeled using the NENA NG9-1-1 GIS Data Template (NENA-REF-006. 2 -202 2 ). Distributed from GeoYukon by the Government of Yukon . Discover more digital map data and interactive maps from Yukon's digital map data collection. For more information:
The Yukon Geological Survey (YGS) has compiled over 195 surficial geology maps into a standardized GIS format, providing approximately 80% coverage of the territory. The maps range in scales from 1:250,000 to 1:10,000 with spatial overlap between scales. The original maps were produced by various agencies, including the Geological Survey of Canada, YGS, Yukon Government, universities, and the City of Whitehorse. All original feature descriptions have been preserved and also converted to standardized values using the Yukon terrain classification system. The compilation includes 4 GIS datasets and supporting documents available for download via YGS integrated data system (YGSIDS) or GeoYukon. A .lyr file is provided to symbolize feature classes and differentiate overlapping maps at different scales. Additionally, there is a surficial geology map index. The polygon attributes captured include surficial material, texture, age, surface expression, and geomorphological processes. Line features include geological contacts, glacial limits, glacial landforms (cirques, arêtes, eskers, meltwater channels, moraines), and non-glacial landforms (faults, lineaments, landslides, escarpments). Point features include field station, fossil and sample locations, glacial landforms (erratics, kames, kettles, drumlins, flutings), permafrost features (pingos, palsas, patterned ground, thermokarst depressions), and other non-glacial landforms (landslides, tors). The map index provides information on each map publication such as author, map title, map scale, publisher. These data are valuable for land-use applications in the territory, including: mineral and placer exploration, geotechnical engineering, infrastructure planning, granular resource assessments, permafrost modeling, agricultural assessments, forest management, and biophysical or ecological land classification. Distributed from GeoYukon by the Government of Yukon . Discover more digital map data and interactive maps from Yukon's digital map data collection. For more information: