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The Corine Land Cover datasets CLC2000, CLC2006and CLC change 2000-2006areproduced within the frame of the GMES land monitoringproject.Corine Land Cover (CLC) provides consistent information on land cover and land cover changes across Europe. This inventory was initiated in 1985 (reference year 1990) and established a time series of land cover information with updates in 2000 and 2006.CLC products are based on photointerpretation of satellite images by national teams of participating countries - the EEA member and cooperating countries – following a standard methodology and nomenclature with the following base parameters: 44 classes in the hierarchical three level Corine nomenclature; minimum mapping unit (MMU) for status layers is 25 hectares; minimum width of linear elements is 100 metres; minimum mapping unit (MMU) for Land Cover Changes (LCC) for the change layers is 5 hectares. The resulting national land cover inventories are further integrated into a seamless land cover map of Europe.Land cover and land use (LCLU) information is important not only for land change research, but also more broadly for the monitoring of environmental change, policy support, the creation of environmental indicators and reporting. CLC datasets provide important datasets supporting the implementation of key priority areas of the Environment Action Programmes of the European Union as protecting ecosystems, halting the loss of biological diversity, tracking the impacts of climate change, assessing developments in agriculture and implementing the EU Water Framework Directive, among others.More about the Corine Land Cover (CLC) and Copernicus land monitoring data in general can be found at http://land.copernicus.eu/.
Land Cover (LC) is one of 12 themes in the European Location Project (ELF). The purpose of ELF is to create harmonised cross-border, cross-theme, and cross-resolution pan-European reference data from national contributions. The goal is to provide INSPIRE-compliant data for Europe. A description of ELF (European Location Project) is here: http://www.elfproject.eu/content/overview. Encoding: INSPIRE version 4
Þekja [layer] j100v_vesturgosbelti_hoggun_1utg_li: Höggun á Vesturgosbelti Íslands, línulag. [Tectonic of the Western Volcanic Zone Icelands, line features.] Gögn sýna sprungur, misgengi, gjár, mislægi og brotalínur, kortlagt í mkv. 1:100.000. [Tectonic line features such as faults, fractures, fissures, unconformity, and fracture lines mapped at 1:100,000 scale.]
EuroBoundaryMap is a seamless geo-database at the scale 1:100 000 covering 55 countries. It contains geometry, names and codes of administrative and statistical units continuously updated by the members of EuroGeographics, the national mapping and cadastral authorities (NMCAs) of Europe. Updated annually. Datasets in EBM: The EBM dataset was derived from the Icelandic National Database IS 50V, which is at the scale 1:50.000. The generalization has been applied in form of smooth polygon and simplify polygon that ensured the required resolution of the data for the EBM 1: 100 000 scale. The topological relations of the line and area features were ensured. Administrative Units includes: AdministrativeBoundary a line layer containing the demarcations outlining administrative units. AdministrativeUnit_1 a polygon layer containing the national administrative hierarchy, Level 1 (republic). AdministrativeUnit_2 a polygon layer containing the national administrative hierarchy, Level 2 (municipalities). Residence of Authority a point layer containing the administrative centres of all administrative levels. BasicGeometry includes: EBM_A a polygon layer containing administrative areas. Here are the basic components on which administrative units of all hierarchical levels, as well as all statistical layers, are composed. EBM_P a point layer meant for labelling purposes. Label points are located within the main area of the administrative units on lowest level. StatisticalUnits includes: LAU a polygon layer = Local Administrative Unit. NUTS_1 a polygon layer = Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (whole country) NUTS_2 a polygon layer NUTS_3 a polygon layer = Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (capital area, rural areas) Tables in EBM: CountryCodes = all countries have unique country codes (icc). EBM_CHR = country codes of those countries where the language is used in alphabetical order delimited by #. EBM_coAdministered = Relationship between administrative unit and its co-administering administrative units on the same hierarchical level. A few countries have special areas with shared administrative units. EBM_ISN = designations of administrative hierarchical levels EBM_NAM = names of administrative units EBM_NUTS = Relationship between the SHN codes of administrative units on lowest national administrative level and corresponding statistical codes.
Þekja (layer) j100v_austurland_gigar_1utg_li: Útlínur öskjurima útkulnaðra megineldsstöðva. [Outlines of calderas of extinct volcanos.] Útlínur miða við höggun, dreifingu þursabergs og móbergsmyndana. [The lines are based on local tectonics, distribution of agglomerates and hyaloclastites.]
Þekja (layer) j100v_austurland_berggrunnurMork_1utg_li: Línur sýna þekkt mörk berggrunns. [Lines showing certain boundaries of bedrock.] Tilheyra flákagögn 'ni_j100v Berggrunnur á Austurlandi – 1:100.000' (j100v_austurland_berggrunnur_1utg_fl). [Follows the polygon data 'ni_j100v Berggrunnur á Austurlandi – 1:100.000' (j100v_austurland_berggrunnur_1utg_fl).]
The Corine Land Cover datasets CLC2000, CLC2006 and CLC change 2000-2006 areproduced within the frame of the GMES land monitoring project. Corine Land Cover (CLC) provides consistent information on land cover and land cover changes across Europe. This inventory was initiated in 1985 (reference year 1990) and established a time series of land cover information with updates in 2000 and 2006.CLC products are based on photointerpretation of satellite images by national teams of participating countries - the EEA member and cooperating countries – following a standard methodology and nomenclature with the following base parameters: 44 classes in the hierarchical three level Corine nomenclature; minimum mapping unit (MMU) for status layers is 25 hectares; minimum width of linear elements is 100 metres; minimum mapping unit (MMU) for Land Cover Changes (LCC) for the change layers is 5 hectares. The resulting national land cover inventories are further integrated into a seamless land cover map of Europe.Land cover and land use (LCLU) information is important not only for land change research, but also more broadly for the monitoring of environmental change, policy support, the creation of environmental indicators and reporting. CLC datasets provide important datasets supporting the implementation of key priority areas of the Environment Action Programmes of the European Union as protecting ecosystems, halting the loss of biological diversity, tracking the impacts of climate change, assessing developments in agriculture and implementing the EU Water Framework Directive, among others.More about the Corine Land Cover (CLC) and Copernicus land monitoring data in general can be found at http://land.copernicus.eu/.
The Corine Land Cover datasets CLC2000, CLC2006and CLC change 2000-2006 are produced within the frame of the GMES land monitoringproject.Corine Land Cover (CLC) provides consistent information on land cover and land cover changes across Europe. This inventory was initiated in 1985 (reference year 1990) and established a time series of land cover information with updates in 2000 and 2006.CLC products are based on photointerpretation of satellite images by national teams of participating countries - the EEA member and cooperating countries – following a standard methodology and nomenclature with the following base parameters: 44 classes in the hierarchical three level Corine nomenclature; minimum mapping unit (MMU) for status layers is 25 hectares; minimum width of linear elements is 100 metres; minimum mapping unit (MMU) for Land Cover Changes (LCC) for the change layers is 5 hectares. The resulting national land cover inventories are further integrated into a seamless land cover map of Europe.Land cover and land use (LCLU) information is important not only for land change research, but also more broadly for the monitoring of environmental change, policy support, the creation of environmental indicators and reporting. CLC datasets provide important datasets supporting the implementation of key priority areas of the Environment Action Programmes of the European Union as protecting ecosystems, halting the loss of biological diversity, tracking the impacts of climate change, assessing developments in agriculture and implementing the EU Water Framework Directive, among others.More about the Corine Land Cover (CLC) and Copernicus land monitoring data in general can be found at http://land.copernicus.eu/.
Skyndilokanir Upplýsingar um skyndilokanir veiðisvæða koma úr gagnagrunnum Fiskistofu. Frá árinu 2020 hefur ákvörðunartaka um skyndilokanir veiðisvæða fyrir tilteknum veiðum verið í höndum Fiskistofu en var áður hjá Hafrannsóknarstofnun. Skyndilokun varir að jafnaði í 2 vikur. Tímamörk lokunar eru alltaf tilgreind með ákvörðun skyndilokunar. Ákvörðun um skyndilokun veiðisvæðis er gerð þegar mælingar á afla stenst ekki viðmiðunarmörk Hafrannsóknarstofnunar en einnig til að loka svæðum sem hafa staðbundinn kvóta. Reglugerðalokanir Reglugerðir eru ákvarðaðar af Atvinnuvega- og nýsköpunarráðuneytinu (ANR) og skilgreina bannsvæði og tímabil, þar sem fiskveiðar eru bannaðar með tilteknum veiðarfærum. Sumar reglugerðarlokanir eru árstíðarbundnar, til dæmis friðun vegna hrygninga þar sem svæðum sem fiskur kemur til hrygninga er lokað á ákveðnum tíma ársins.
Íslenskum skipum eru bannaðar veiðar með botnvörpu, flotvörpu og dragnót í fiskveiðilandhelgi Íslands nema á þeim veiðisvæðum og veiðitímum sem tilgreind eru í 5. grein laga nr. 79 um veiðar í fiskveiðilandhelgi Íslands. Viðmiðunarlínan er dregin umhverfis landið á milli punkta sem eru taldir upp í lagagreininni. Vinsamlega hafið samband við Landhelgisgæslu Íslands vegna nánari upplýsinga.