From 1 - 10 / 48
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    Appendix 10.2. Data on diversity of lichens and lichenicolous fungi in the Arctic and separately for the sectors of the Arctic (Beringia, Canada, North Atlantic, European Russia, W and E Siberia) and the single floristic provinces: numbers of species, numbers of species in the low and high Arctic, percentage of species with respective growth form (crustose, squamulose, foliose, fruticose), the estimated number of missing crustose lichen species (explanations below), percentage of species on the respective substrate on which the lichen species grow, and rarity of species within and outside the Arctic.

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    Appendix 9.4 Stabilized introductions (*) and casual introductions (**) among the vascular plants in the Arctic derived from Elven (2007) with indication of PAF code number. Arctic floristic provinces and subzones according to Elven (2007).

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    Aggragation of all groundwater monitoring stations from participating provincial and territorial agencies: - Nova Scotia Environment - Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks - Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development - Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Environment and Climate Change - Prince Edward Island Department of Environment, Energy and Climate Action - New Brunswick Environment - Quebec Ministère de l'Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques - Manitoba Department of Agriculture and Resource Development - Saskatchewan Water Security Agency - British Columbia Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy - Yukon Water Resources Branch of the Department of Environment This web service complies with the OGC's SensorThings API standard and provides access to archives of historical and recent groundwater level measurements from provincial stations.

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    Appendix 9.8 The thirty moss families of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago with reference number (Ireland et al. 1987) in brackets. Number of species in each family, number of genus in family, and number of species in each genus are given. Species-rich genera and families are highlighted in grey.

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    Appendix 11. Taxa of hetorotrophic protists reported from Foxe Basin, Canada (FB), Disko Bay, W Greenland (DB; Vors 1993), the Greenland Sea (GLS; Ikävalko & Gradinger 1997) and Northern Baffin Bay, Canada (NBB; Lovejoy et al. 2002).

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    Appendix 10.1. Updated Panarctic Lichen Checklist as used for the calculations (version March 2013) with data on preferred substrate, growth form (crustose, squamulose, foliose, fruticose), rarity of species within and outside the Arctic, occurrence in the low and high Arctic and occurerence in the floristic provinces.

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    Appendix 17.3. Phylogeographic and population genetics studies of selected Arctic species.

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    Appendix 17.2. Cryptic speciation in selected Arctic terrestrial and marine species.

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    This group of maps, which includes the CanMatrix and CanTopo collections, is now a legacy product that is no longer maintained. It may not meet current government standards. Natural Resources Canada's (NRCan) topographic raster maps provide a representation of the topographic phenomena of the Canadian landmass. Several editions of paper maps have been produced over time in order to offer improved products compared to their predecessors in terms of quality and the most up to date information possible. The georeferenced maps can be used in a Geographic Information System (GIS). In all cases, they accurately represent the topographical data available for the date indicated (validity date). The combination of CanMatrix and CanTopo data provides complete national coverage. • CanMatrix - Print Ready: Raster maps produced by scanning topographic maps at scales from 1:25 000 to 1:1 000 000. This product is not georeferenced. Validity dates: 1944 to 2005 (1980 on average). Available formats: PDF and TIFF • CanMatrix - Georeferenced: Raster maps produced by scanning topographic maps at scales of 1:50 000 and 1:250 000. These maps are georeferenced according to the 1983 North American Reference System (NAD 83). Validity dates: 1944 to 2005 (1980 on average). Available format: GeoTIFF • CanTopo: Digital raster maps produced mainly from the GeoBase initiative, NRCan digital topographic data, and other sources. Approximately 2,234 datasets (maps) at scale of 1:50 000, primarily covering northern Canada, are available. CanTopo datasets in GeoPDF and GeoTIFF format are georeferenced according to the 1983 North American Reference System (NAD 83). Validity dates: 1946 to 2012 (2007 on average). Available formats: PDF, GeoPDF, TIFF and GeoTIFF

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    Appendix 9.2 The 106 Arctic endemic vascular plant species (with PAF code number) and their distribution in the Arctic floristic provinces and subzones (A-E) compiled from Elven (2007).