Gulf of St. Lawrence
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This dataset contains the results of work undertaken in 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 to scope the extent of the spread of Smallmouth Bass in parts of the Miramichi River Watershed using an eDNA-based species-specific qPCR approach.
PURPOSE: This data relates to the Canadian Science Advice Secretariat (CSAS) Regional Science Advisory Process from the Limit Reference Point and Population Model Review of the Southern Gulf of Saint Lawrence Sea Scallop peer review meeting held on November 1-2, 2023. The SFAs 22 and 24 have been identified as the core scallop habitat within the sGSL for this process. Associated publications from this meeting will be posted on the Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) Science Advisory Schedule as they become available. DESCRIPTION: Data on landings, fishing efforts, and catch per unit effort (CPUE) used in the stock assessment for southern Gulf of St. Lawrence (sGSL) sea scallop (_Placopecten magellanicus_) stock assessments and the limit reference point. The dataset contains corrected information from the following data sources: - DFO annual historic reports on landings and efforts - published documents about population assessments and surveys - logbooks, produced by DFO’s regional statistics - purchase slips, produced by DFO’s regional statistics - Catch per unit effort calculated by DFO's Science Branch Prior to 1947, data represents the combined landings that cannot be attributed to individual Scallop Fishing Areas (SFAs). USE LIMITATION: To ensure scientific integrity and appropriate use of the data, we would encourage you to contact the data custodian.
Atlantic sturgeon. Important sites: reproduction, feeding juvenile and adult concentration area. Data extracted from the Fish Habitat Management Information System (FHAMIS) according to a literature review of documents produced between 1978 and 2002.
PURPOSE: These data have been updated following a Canadian Science Advice Secretariat (CSAS) Regional Science Advisory Process. Associated publications are available in the citation section below or will be posted on the Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) Science Advisory Schedule as they become available. DESCRIPTION: Provide a record of commercial and mature female snow crab abundance and biomass in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence. Female snow crab represents an index of reproductive stock. Snow crab in the southern Gulf are treated as a single stock in the annual assessments. Abundance and biomass estimates for the commercial and female reproductive stock are produced using kriging, a type of spatial analysis. The time series starts in 1997. USE LIMITATION: To ensure scientific integrity and appropriate use of the data, we would encourage you to contact the data custodian.
The MEQ monitoring program is being implemented in 35-40 estuaries in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence (sGSL) to support the development of a MEQ measure (threshold) to promote efforts to address nutrient enrichment in estuaries. The two main indicators included in the monitoring program are dissolved oxygen and eelgrass coverage which are used to assess the trophic status of estuaries within the region. The two factors most important for impacting the trophic status of estuaries are nitrogen loading and water residence time, i.e., water circulation. If water residence time is long and/or nitrogen loading is high, nutrient impacts are likely. A peer-reviewed manuscript has demonstrated that these two factors are predictive of the dissolved oxygen regime in the upper estuary and that publication successfully used dissolved oxygen to ascribe trophic status to estuaries. In a companion paper it was also determined that nitrogen loading was negatively correlated with eelgrass coverage. These two papers form the basis of the MEQ monitoring program (see attached).
Summary The Quebec region of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) is responsible for the assessment of several fish and invertebrate stocks exploited in the Estuary and the northern Gulf of St. Lawrence. The commercial catches sampling program is one of the sources of information used to complete these assessments. The data collected by this program, at wharf or at sea, offers among other things the advantage of a relatively large spatio-temporal coverage and provides some of the necessary knowledge to assess the demography and the structure of the exploited populations. This program is implemented by specialized DFO staff whose main mandate is to collect biological data on groundfish, pelagic fish and marine invertebrate species that are commercially exploited in the various marine communities. Data This dataset on the giant scallop (Placopecten magellanicus) includes the metadata, shell height and the number of shells (empty or full) for all the specimens measured. This dataset covers the period of 1985 to present. In order to protect the confidentiality of the sources, some informations (such as those concerning the vessel) have been excluded and others (such as the date of capture) have been simplified. Entries where there was only one vessel in a fishing area for a given year were also excluded. Further information including the fishing areas coordinates can be found by clicking on the «Atlantic and Arctic commercial fisheries» and «Fishing areas» links below.
Summary The Quebec region of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) is responsible for the assessment of several fish and invertebrate stocks exploited in the Estuary and the northern Gulf of St. Lawrence. The commercial catches sampling program is one of the sources of information used to complete these assessments. The data collected by this program, at wharf or at sea, offers among other things the advantage of a relatively large spatio-temporal coverage and provides some of the necessary knowledge to assess the demography and the structure of the exploited populations. This program is implemented by specialized DFO staff whose main mandate is to collect biological data on groundfish, pelagic fish and marine invertebrate species that are commercially exploited in the various marine communities. Data This dataset on the Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) includes the metadata, sample weight, fish length, the sex and the number of specimens measured. This dataset covers the period of 1982 to present. In order to protect the confidentiality of the sources, some informations (such as those concerning the vessel) have been excluded and others (such as the date of capture) have been simplified. Entries where there was only one vessel in a fishing area for a given year were also excluded. Further information including the fishing areas coordinates can be found by clicking on the «Atlantic and Arctic commercial fisheries» and «Fishing areas» links below.
Summary The Quebec region of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) is responsible for the assessment of several fish and invertebrate stocks exploited in the Estuary and the northern Gulf of St. Lawrence. The commercial catches sampling program is one of the sources of information used to complete these assessments. The data collected by this program, at wharf or at sea, offers among other things the advantage of a relatively large spatio-temporal coverage and provides some of the necessary knowledge to assess the demography and the structure of the exploited populations. This program is implemented by specialized DFO staff whose main mandate is to collect biological data on groundfish, pelagic fish and marine invertebrate species that are commercially exploited in the various marine communities. Data This dataset on the Arctic Lyre Crab (Hyas coarctatus) includes the metadata, sample weight, specimen weight, the shell width, the shell state, the height of the right claw and sex. This dataset covers the period between 2002-2021. In order to protect the confidentiality of the sources, some informations (such as those concerning the vessel) have been excluded and others (such as the date of capture) have been simplified. Entries where there was only one vessel in a fishing area for a given year were also excluded. Further information including the fishing areas coordinates can be found by clicking on the «Atlantic and Arctic commercial fisheries» and «Fishing areas» links below.
Winter Flounder otoliths are collected from scientific surveys, fisheries observers on fishing vessels and from scientific sampling of commercial fisheries. The otoliths collected are placed in paper envelopes, recorded and held in a climate-controlled storage facility. Age determination is performed yearly on the available samples. Digital images of each pair of otoliths collected are captured when possible. The information made available through this metadata record is the summary of otoliths present in the collection at the Gulf Fisheries Centre in Moncton, NB, Canada. There is additional information of observed sex, length, weight and age information of fish specimens made by trained Fisheries and Oceans Canada technicians that can be made available upon request. PARAMETERS COLLECTED: length (biological), age (biological) NOTES ON QUALITY CONTROL: A reference collection for ageing Winter Flounder exists and is used to calibrate the age readings obtained by the fisheries technicians that process the otoliths. Digital images of the otoliths that are part of the reference collection are available and used for calibration and training purposes. The otolith images are also authoritatively annotated by fisheries technicians. PHYSICAL SAMPLE DETAILS: Fish otoliths SAMPLING METHODS: Winter Flounder otoliths are obtained from fish specimens collected during research surveys, observer activities onboard commercial fishing vessels and during scientific sampling of commercial fisheries. The sagittal otolith is removed from sampled specimens, recorded, placed in a protective medium and held in a climate-controlled storage facility. Digital images of each pair of otoliths collected are captured when possible.
PURPOSE: These data have been updated following a Canadian Science Advice Secretariat (CSAS) Regional Science Advisory Process. Associated publications are available in the citation section below or will be posted on the Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) Science Advisory Schedule as they become available. DESCRIPTION: Atlantic herring NAFO 4T biomass estimates for both spring and fall stock components. Values are provided in kilotons (kt) alongside with confidence intervals 50% (spring) and 95% (spring and fall). USE LIMITATION: To ensure scientific integrity and appropriate use of the data, we would encourage you to contact the data custodian.