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Land use mapping.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**
Mass movement**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**
Cartographic dissemination of data on socio-economic land use for the territory of the City of Longueuil.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**
Digital terrain models offer a representation of the relief south of the 52nd parallel, in the form of an elevation matrix. This matrix makes it possible to visualize the territory in perspective and to perform three-dimensional spatial analyses, using appropriate software. A module specialized in three-dimensional data processing, such as 3D Analyst or Spatial Analyst, is required to visualize the digital altitude model in three dimensions. This digital altitude model (10-meter pixel matrix) is obtained by processing altimeter data (level curves and elevation points) from ** [topographic databases on a scale of 1/20,000] (https://www.donneesquebec.ca/recherche/fr/dataset/cartes-topographiques-a-l-echelle-de-1-20-000) **.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**
The digital terrain model (DTM) is a simplified representation of ground altimetry. The available data is in the form of an irregular triangular mesh (TIN). This is polygon numerical geographic data constructed by triangulating a set of points. The vertices are connected to a series of segments to form a mesh of triangles of different dimensions. This representation can be used as a basis for the 3D buildings of the digital base model. It should be noted that the data made available by the City is proposed for planning purposes and not for construction purposes given the associated decimeter details. The [3D buildings 2016 (LOD2 model with textures)]] (https://donnees.montreal.ca/ville-de-montreal/batiment-3d-2016-maquette-citygml-lod2-avec-textures2), the [2013 3D buildings (2013 3D buildings (CityGML LOD2 model with textures)] (/city-of-montreal/model-numeric-plateau-mont-royal-buildal-build2-buildings-lod2-with-textures), or the [3D buildings 2009 (CityGML LOD2 model with textures)] (/city-of-montreal/model-numerique-plateau-mont-royal-batiments-lod2-with-textures), or the [3D buildings 2009 (CityGML LOD2 model with textures)] (/city-of-montreal/model-numeric-plateau-mont-royal-build2-buildings-lod2-with-textures), or the [3D buildings 2009 (CityGML LOD2 model with textures)] (/city-of-montreal/model-numeric-s-citygml-lod2-with-textures) complement the digital terrain model in the urban territorial representation of Montreal. The [elevation data from aerial LiDAR] (/city-of-montreal/lidar-aerien-2015) are also available on the portal.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**
__The link: * Access the data directory* is available in the section*Dataset description sheets; Additional information*__. Hydrographic derivatives from LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) were produced as part of the provincial LiDAR sensor data acquisition project. These products provide information on the geographical position of water flow beds on the territory as well as their nature (permanent or intermittent watercourse). These layers represent the path that water should take depending on the topography. It is therefore a potential flow bed that does not take into account the nature of the surface deposit or underground pipes. These vector layers are preliminary and do not replace reference hydrographic layers such as the Quebec Hydrographic Network Geobase (GRHQ). They are primarily used to support forest operations. These layers will also be improved over the coming years thanks to a collective effort by two ministries, namely the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forests (MRNF) and the Ministry of the Environment, the Fight against Climate Change, and Wildlife and Parks (MELCCFP). Data on potential flow beds are distributed, as of March 2022, by water drainage unit (UDH), a division that respects the natural boundaries of the watershed. This division uses the same codes and approximately the same spatial limits of the UDHs of the GRHQ. Data for each UDH is available in Geodatabase (GDB) or GeoPackage (GPKG) format.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**
__The link: * Access the data directory* is available in the section*Dataset description sheets; Additional information*__. As part of the provincial LiDAR sensor data acquisition project, a topographic humidity index or *Topographic Wetness Index* (TWI) was produced from the digital terrain model derived from aerial LiDAR (*Light Detection and Ranging*). The matrix layers thus produced provide information on the potential for water accumulation on the territory as a function of the slope and accumulation at a given pixel.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**
__The link: *Access the data directory* is available in the section*Dataset Description Sheets; Additional Information*__. In 2020, the Forest Inventory Directorate of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forests (MRNF) began the production of vector layers of riparian ecotones. This type of layer is produced using a series of geomatic tools that use the canopy height model (MHC) and the topographic humidity index (TWI) produced from aerial LiDAR, as well as data from the ecoforest map of southern Quebec. The development of the tools and their configuration were carried out in collaboration with the forest hydrology laboratory at Laval University. The layer thus produced aims to delimit riparian ecotones, which are defined as [_ “a transition zone between the aquatic environment and the forest, characterized by muscinal, herbaceous or shrubby vegetation in wetlands and sometimes including a few scattered trees” _] (https://mffp.gouv.qc.ca/RADF/guide/chapitre-i/article-1/). The layer produced defines the area where a significant change in tree heights is observed on the MHC LiDAR. However, if deforestation, agricultural fields, or natural disturbances are adjacent to a body of water, no change in tree heights is observed. In these cases, the tool instead uses potential water accumulation data from the Topographic Humidity Index (TWI), as well as data from the ecoforest map, to delineate riparian ecotones. On the other hand, the tool does not make it possible to filter all of these exceptional cases and we thus find a few “false coastal ecotones” in the layer. For example, deforested land along a body of water can sometimes be included in the ecotone layer. Before using these data, it is therefore recommended to plan validation work by photo-interpretation or by means of field visits. It should also be noted that ecotone data is primarily used to support forest mandates such as the delineation of buffer zones along watercourses. Therefore, they are not contours of wetlands within the meaning of the Act respecting the conservation of wetlands and bodies of water.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**
EN This shadow map illustrates terrain-induced shadows at 17:45 on August 12th, 2026. The solar eclipse will not be visible within the shaded areas. Shadow coverage may vary depending on the simulation resolution and the specific time. IS Skuggakortið sýnir staði þar sem skuggar falla klukkan 17:45 þann 12. ágúst 2026. Sólmyrkvinn mun ekki sjást á þeim svæðum sem eru í skugga. Skuggasvæðin geta verið breytileg vegna upplausnar hæðarkortsins og á öðrum tímum.
Geospatial vector data for the division of properties in the agglomeration of Montreal containing general information on property assessment units, including the codification of use (CUBF), approximate dimensions and registration number. IMPORTANT: This division has no legal value and should not be confused with cadastral division.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**