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    Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for British Columbia produced by GeoBC. This data is the TRIM DEM converted to the Canadian Digital Elevation Data (CDED)format. The data consists of an ordered array of ground or reflective surface elevations, recorded in metres, at regularly spaced intervals. The spacing of the grid points is .75 arc seconds north/south. The data was converted into 1:50,000 grids for distribution. The scale of this modified data is 1:250,000 which was captured from the original source data which was at a scale of 1:20,000. The CDED format specification are available at

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    This dataset contain all of the 1:20 000 scale index contour information converted from the Provincial Digital Base Mapping Project.

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    The Alberta Provincial Terrain is a component of the Alberta Provincial Digital Elevation Model. The Alberta Provincial Digital Elevation Model has five components: the Alberta Provincial Terrain, the Alberta Provincial 25 Metre Raster, the Alberta Provincial 100 Metre Raster, the Alberta Provincial 25 Metre Hillshade and the Alberta Provincial 100 Metre Hillshade. The source data is contained within the feature dataset that houses the Alberta Provincial Terrain. The source data consists of feature classes generated from the mass points, soft breaklines and hard breaklines that were stored as ASCII generate files in 1:20 000 scale National Topographic System (NTS) blocks. The source data has three origins: Digital Elevation Model: Alberta 1980 1995 60K, Southwestern Alberta 1979 1996 50K and Northeastern Alberta 1955 1986 50K. These three datasets were processed separately and tiled seamlessly along their borders. The Digital Elevation Model Alberta 1980 1995 60K was compiled from 1:60 000 scale aerial photography using analytical stereoplotters with vegetation and structures excluded. The Digital Elevation Model Northeastern Alberta 1955 1986 50K dataset was created primarily from 1:50 000 scale contour and hydrography data acquired from Natural Resources Canada (NRCAN) with supplementary aerial triangulation points derived from 1:60 000 scale black and white aerial photography dating between 1980 and 1995. The Digital Elevation Model Southwestern Alberta 1979 1996 50K dataset was created primarily from 1:50 000 scale contour and hydrography data from Natural Resources Canada, using Geographic Information System (GIS) processes that recognise the relationship between surface contours and hydrography. The Alberta Provincial Terrain is an ArcGIS terrain dataset that is built from feature classes. Terrains are TIN (Triangulated Irregular Network) -based representations of a surface and must reside inside of a geodatabase. The surface is displayed as triangles with an elevation point at the apex of each triangle. Pyramids are built into the terrain structure to generalize the display of the triangulated surface at different scales. Some analysis can be conducted using terrains but gridded data, such as a raster or a lattice, is often more useful. The Alberta Provincial Terrain is used as a base to generate the Alberta Provincial 25 and 100 Metre Rasters.

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    The purpose of this dataset is to show end users where LiDAR data has been acquired by the Government of Manitoba. LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) is a remote sensing technology that uses lasers to collect accurate, continuous elevation data over relatively large areas. These data are essential for activities such as forestry, flood risk management, land use planning, and natural resources management. The Manitoba Government is increasingly acquiring LiDAR data across the province.This layer was created on August 5, 2009 by Manitoba Sustainable Development and was updated on August 9, 2021.To  download LiDAR data from the Manitoba Land Initiative (MLI) site, follow this link: Fields included ( Alias (Field Name): Field description.) ObjectID (OBJECTID) - Automatically generated feature numberAcquired  (ACQUIRED) - LiDAR data capture dateContractor  (CONTRACTOR) - Contractor nameContributor  (CONTRIB) - Manitoba Government departmentName (NAME) - Dataset nameCellsize (CELLSIZE) - Raster DEM cell sizeMLI (MLI) - Data available for download on the Manitoba Land Initiative site

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    This data was produced under contract for Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, Forest Management Branch in 2015-2016. Variables used were elevation, aspect, slope, landscape mesotopography (e.g. ridge, upper slope, etc). DEM was used where there was no LiDAR coverage, with a resolution of 25 m2 pixels. Canopy height was not included in this model because it was a product generated by LiDAR. In these files there is a report assessing accuracy of the models compared with field observation data. detailed accuracy data by township is available upon request.

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    The Alberta Provincial Digital Elevation Model has five components: the Alberta Provincial Terrain, the Alberta Provincial 25 Metre Raster, the Alberta Provincial 100 Metre Raster, the Alberta Provincial 25 Metre Hillshade and the Alberta Provincial 100 Metre Hillshade. The source data is contained within the feature dataset that houses the Alberta Provincial Terrain. The source data consists of feature classes generated from the mass points, soft breaklines and hard breaklines that were stored as ASCII generate files in 1:20 000 scale National Topographic System (NTS) blocks. The source data has three origins: Digital Elevation Model: Alberta 1980 1995 60K, Southwestern Alberta 1979 1996 50K and Northeastern Alberta 1955 1986 50K. These three datasets were processed separately and tiled seamlessly along their borders. The Digital Elevation Model Alberta 1980 1995 60K was compiled from 1:60 000 scale aerial photography using analytical stereoplotters with vegetation and structures excluded. The Digital Elevation Model Northeastern Alberta 1955 1986 50K dataset was created primarily from 1:50 000 scale contour and hydrography data acquired from Natural Resources Canada (NRCAN) with supplementary aerial triangulation points derived from 1:60 000 scale black and white aerial photography dating between 1980 and 1995. The Digital Elevation Model Southwestern Alberta 1979 1996 50K dataset was created primarily from 1:50 000 scale contour and hydrography data from Natural Resources Canada, using Geographic Information System (GIS) processes that recognise the relationship between surface contours and hydrography.

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    Digital terrain models offer a representation of the relief south of the 52nd parallel, in the form of an elevation matrix. This matrix makes it possible to visualize the territory in perspective and to perform three-dimensional spatial analyses, using appropriate software. A module specialized in three-dimensional data processing, such as 3D Analyst or Spatial Analyst, is required to visualize the digital altitude model in three dimensions. This digital altitude model (10-meter pixel matrix) is obtained by processing altimeter data (level curves and elevation points) from ** [topographic databases on a scale of 1/20,000] ( **.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**

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    This is a legacy product that is no longer supported. It may not meet current government standards. Canada3D is a digital elevation model (DEM) produced by the Canadian Forestry Service, Ontario region. The DEM consists of an ordered array of ground elevations providing coverage of the Canadian landmass. It has been derived from the cells of the Canadian Digital Elevation Data (CDED) at the 1:250 000 scale. Canada3D is available in two levels of detail: grids regularly spaced at 30 or 300 arc seconds. Canada3D 30 and 300 are recorded separately in ASCII format. The elevation values are expressed in metres with respect to mean sea level (MSL), in accordance with the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83).

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    IS: Í korstjánni er hægt að skoða hæðarlíkan af Íslandi og hlaða því niður. en: The Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Map from Landmælingar Íslands allows to view and download the DEM, find its derivative like slope and orientation and much more. ÍslandsDEM refers to "Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of Iceland" in English. A DEM is a digital representation of the Earth's surface topography, typically represented as a grid of elevation values. It provides information about the height or elevation of the terrain across a specific area, allowing for the creation of detailed three-dimensional representations of the landscape. DEM data is widely used in various applications, including geographic information systems (GIS), environmental modeling, land use planning, engineering design, and natural resource management. It can be used to analyze terrain characteristics, calculate slope and aspect, identify drainage patterns, model water flow, and assess landscape suitability for various purposes.

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    Landmælingar Íslands hafa unnið nýtt landhæðarlíkan af Íslandi. Um uppfærslu á eldra líkani er að ræða þar sem nýleg gögn af ólíkum uppruna þekja um 39.100 km2 eða um 38% landsins. Stærsta samfellda uppfærslan nær frá Suðurlandi til norðausturs, austur fyrir Egilsstaðir.Hæðarlíkanið hefur 10 x 10 m myndeiningar. Helsu nýleg gögn eru (sjá staðsetningu á meðfylgjandi smámynd hér fyrir neðan): 1) IPY-Lidargögn fyrir jökla landsins frá árunum 2007-2012, 15144 km2, LE90: 2,65 m. 2) Gögn úr 5-m-hæðarlínum, 10736 km2, LE90: 3,9 m. 3) Emisar radargögn, 4536 km2, LE90: 3,2 m. 4) Gögn úr 10-m-hæðarlínum, 2938 km2, LE90: 8,48 m, 5) SwedeSurvey photogrammetry gögn, 1433 km2, LE90: 2,60 m, 6) Gögn úr mælikvarða 1:25.000, 1152 km2, LE90: 3,8 m, 7) Bresk lidargögn (Dr. Susan Conway, Open University), 532 km2, LE90: 0,96-4,63 m. Líkaninu fylgir hæðarskygging, þ.e. upphleypt mynd af landinu en slíkar myndir eru gjarnan notaðar sem undirlag til að draga fram eða leggja áherslu á landslag. The National Land Survey of Iceland has made a new DTM of Iceland. The DTM is an upgrade of an earlier DTM where recent data, that vary in origin, cover 39.100 km2 or some 38% of the country. The DEM has pixel resolution of 10 x 10 m with. The main recent data are (see location on figure below): 1) IPY-lidar data for the glaciers of Iceland (surveyed in the years 2007 to 2012), 15144 km2, LE90: 2,65 m. 2) Data from 5-m-contour lines, 10736 km2, LE90: 3,9 m. 3) Emisar radar data, 4536 km2, LE90: 3,2 m. 4) Data from 10-m-contour lines, 2938 km2, LE90: 8,48 m, 5) SwedeSurvey photogrammetic data, 1433 km2, LE90: 2,60 m, 6) 1:25.000 contour data, 1152 km2, LE90: 3,8 m, 7) British lidar data (courtesy of Dr. Susan Conway, Open University), 532 km2, LE90: 0,96-4.63 m.The DTM is accompanied by a hillshade or a relief image of Iceland. Hillshade images are commonly used as a layer beneath maps or data to emphasize landscape.