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This Web Mapping Service is a distributed database of groundwater information distributed is a series of database across Canada. The data is accessed through a mediation system that converts stored in local formats and structures into a standard format called GWML. The service is currently distributing data from British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, Québec and Nova-Scotia
This Web Mapping Service is a distributed database of groundwater information distributed is a series of database across Canada. The data is accessed through a mediation system that converts stored in local formats and structures into a standard format called GWML. The service is currently distributing data from British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, Québec and Nova-Scotia
Polygon features represent developed ground water aquifers in BC (that have been mapped). Most aquifer boundaries are delineated based on geology, hydrology and topographic information. Some aquifer boundaries stop at the border of BC mapsheet boundaries due to resource or data constraints at the time of mapping.
Spatial dataset of DRASTIC aquifer intrinsic vulnerability of groundwater for specific study areas in BC, as reported in technical summary reports which are made available through the BC government's Ecological Reports Catalogue (EcoCat). For the study areas covered by each report and a link to each report in EcoCat, please see the EcoCat Reports Index spatial dataset: For more information (including an explanation of the DRASTIC method) please see "A Guide to the Use of Intrinsic Aquifer Vulnerability Mapping" at
Spatial dataset of DRASTIC Aquifer Intrinsic Vulnerability study areas in BC, and which also serves as an index containing links to the technical summary reports stored in the BC Government's Ecological Reports Catalogue (EcoCat). For the DRASTIC Aquifer Intrinsic Vulnerability mapping data related to each report, please see For more information (including an explanation of the DRASTIC method) please see "A Guide to the Use of Intrinsic Aquifer Vulnerability Mapping" at
This dataset displays aquifers with water allocation notations on them. This dataset is updated daily.
The Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Network (PGMN) datasets report on ambient (baseline) groundwater level and chemistry conditions. [Groundwater monitoring map]( groundwater-monitoring-network)
Well capture zones are intended to identify potential areas of risk to aquifers where the release of contaminants could affect the water quality of community wells. The information was compiled as a discreet project under the 'Yukon Water Strategy' and represents a 'snapshot in time' of the Drinking Water Systems. Well capture zones were identified using a combination of buffers, analytical methods, and groundwater flow modelling using the Waterloo Hydrogeologic Inc. Visual MODFLOW. Distributed from GeoYukon by the Government of Yukon . Discover more digital map data and interactive maps from Yukon's digital map data collection. For more information:
This dataset provides information submitted by well contractors as prescribed by Regulation 903, and is stored in the Water Well Information System (WWIS). Spatial information for all of the well records reported in Ontario are also provided. [Well record map]( *[WWIS]: Water Well Information System This data is related to: * [Well records]( * [Map: Well records]( * [Topic: Drinking water]( * Law: [Reg. 903: Wells]( Related data: * [Petroleum wells](
The well registry is a collection of records, including drilling logs and report documents, maintained by Yukon G overnment. These records provide information on the well construction details and subsurface conditions encountered at the time of drilling. Although some information in the dataset may be edited over time, the primary purpose is to document the original drilling conditions and not to provide an updated status of the well. There is no current overarching requirement for drillers or owners to submit well logs, therefore many have been provided on a voluntary basis. Therefore, this should not be expected to be a complete list of all wells across the territory. The water well dataset contains records obtained through the domestic water well program, voluntary submissions, and regulatory processes (licenses and permits). No identifiable personal information will be used or available on the public database. For further information about privacy and the protection of your personal information contact the Departmental Privacy Officer at (867) 667-5237. Distributed from GeoYukon by the Government of Yukon . Discover more digital map data and interactive maps from Yukon's digital map data collection. For more information: