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    This is a spatial dataset of the school locations within the province of Manitoba. This point layer shows the locations of Manitoba schools, as per Manitoba Education on September 30th, 2020. Schools are mapped with the best possible information to their street address or known coordinates. If your school is incorrectly placed, please contact with the correct information.This point layer is symbolized by the school division name from the field School Division.The dataset includes the following fields:Alias (Field Name): Description of fieldSchool Code (SCHCODE): School code assigned by Manitoba Education.Division Code (DIVCODE): Division code assigned by Manitoba Education.School Name (SCHNAME): School name. Alternate School Name (ALTSCHNAME): Alternative name the school is known by, usually in French or Indigenous languages.School Phone (SC_PHONE): School phone number. School Fax (SC_FAX): School fax number. School Website (SC_WEBSITE): School website. School Address (SC_ADD_1): School address. School Address Note (SC_ADD_2): Notes on address or point location. Community (Community): Community Name or location the school is within. School City (SC_CITY): School city. School Postal Code (SC_POCODE): School postal code School Province (SC_PROVINCE): School province Country (COUNTRY): School country Regional Health Authority Code (RHACODE_1): Two-digit numeric code which uniquely identifies a specific legislatively defined RHA Regional Health Authority Name (RHAName): This field contains a simple name for each RHA, suitable for use as a label, in English. Nom de l'office régionale de la santé  ( RHANomFr):This field contains a simple name for each RHA, suitable for use as a label, in French. Regional Health Authority District ( RHAD): Four-character code which uniquely identifies a specific district.  This code consists of two alphabetic characters which indicate the RHA which the district belongs to, followed by a single numeric character which indicates which zone the district belongs to, followed by a single numeric character which identifies the district uniquely within its zone. Regional Health Authority District Name ( RHADNam ): Human-readable labels for the RHA Districts.  This is the field which should be used for labeling RHA Districts. Municipality Number (MUNI_NO): Manitoba municipality identifier number. Municipality  Name - Shorthand ( MUNI_NAME ): Legal name of municipality. Municipality  Name - Formal (MUNI_LIST_NAME): Name of municipality suitable for alphabetical list. School Division Code ( DIVCOD): School Division code. School Division Name (DIVNAME): School Division name.School  Division Phone (D_PHONE): School Division phone number. School  Division  Fax (D_FAX): School Division Fax number School Division Address (D_ADD_1): School Division address School Division Address Note (D_ADD_2): Notes on School Division address or point location School Division Website (hyperlink): School Division website address School Division City (D_CITY): School Division city School Division Postal Code (D_POCODE): School Division postal code. School Division Province (D_PROVINCE): School Division province. School Division Country (D_COUNTRY): School Division country. Teacher (TEACH): Number of teachers employed. Enrolment (Enrolment): Number of students enrolled. Low Grade (GRADE_L): Lowest grade offered (string).Grade_H (GRADE_H): Highest grade offered (string). Low Grade Number (GRADE_L): Lowest grade offered (numerical).High Grade Number (GRADE_H): Highest grade offered (numerical).Program (PROG): Language programs offered. English (English): Offering English classes. Français (Français): Offering French classes. French Immersion (FRENCH_IMMERSION): Offering French Immersion classes. Indigenous 1 (IND1): Offering Indigenous bilingual classes. Indigenous 2 (IND2): Offering Indigenous bilingual classes. International 1 (INT1): Other international languages offered. International 2 (INT2): Other international languages offered. Delivery Method (DELIVERY_METHOD): Style of program delivery i.e. online. Grade Programming (GRPROG): Gradual programming. Entry Point (ENTRY_POINT): Designated entry point for French Immersion.Comments (COMMENTS): Comments about this location.Longitude (POINT X): Longitudinal coordinates of the school location.Latitude (POINT Y): Latitudinal coordinates of the school location

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    This dataset was created to provide a spatial dataset of the school divisions within the province of Manitoba. This polygon layer depicts official boundaries of the Manitoba School Divisions as per Director of Surveys (DoS) plans. Each DoS number can be found in the field "source". Boundaries are approved by both Manitoba Education and the Director of Surveys of Manitoba. Ward boundaries, schools and the following school divisions are not included in this dataset: Funded Independent,  Non-funded Independent,  First Nations,  Institutional schools, and  The Division Scolaire franco-manitobaine. This  polygon layer is symbolized by the School Division Names in the field SchoolDiv.The dataset includes the following fields:Alias (Field Name): Description of fieldFID (FID): Identification numberOBJECTID (OBJECTID): Object IDShape Length (Shape_Leng): Length of polygonShape Area (Shape_Area): Area of polygon shapeSchool Division Name (School_Div): Division Name.DoS Source Number (SOURCE): Director of Surveys (DoS) plan number.Website (WEBSITE): Division website address (if available).

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    All buildings, main, accessory and agricultural, with addresses on the territory of the city of Saguenay. ## #Utilisation of the building: * Residential * Manufacturing industries * Transportation, communication and public services * Transport, communication and public services * Commercial * Services * Cultural, recreational and leisure * Production and extraction of natural resources * Unexploited buildings and bodies of water ## #Catégorie of the building ## of the building: # of the building: * Main building * Accessory building * Agricultural building**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**

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    __collective equipment__ brings together buildings housing activities that meet the various needs of the population in terms of health, education, culture, sport and tourism. The classification of public facilities according to their metropolitan or agglomeration interests is carried out solely for the purposes of land use planning and does not in any way affect the division of powers established in accordance with applicable laws. The data available in this set come from section 2.1 of the Land Use and Development Plan of the Agglomération de Montréal. They are represented on __maps 34 to 38__, located in Appendix I. Presented in section 2.3 and illustrated in __map 44__, __map 44__, the __equipment and infrastructures related to water__ allow the practice of various nautical activities on the major bodies of water surrounding the agglomeration of Montreal. This urban planning and development plan for the agglomeration of Montreal outlines the main parameters that will guide the Montreal agglomeration council in decisions relating to land use planning in the coming years. From a perspective of sustainable development, this document guides decisions that shape the territory in order to promote compact and greener neighborhoods, increase public and active transportation, support the economic dynamism of the agglomeration and highlight areas of interest. NOTE THAT THESE DATA FROM THE LAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT PLAN WERE UP TO DATE AT THE TIME OF ITS ADOPTION ON JANUARY 21, 2015. THE DATA COULD BE CHANGED LATER.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**

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    Mapping of sites and infrastructures administered by Quebec City and certain private institutions.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**

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    The Targeted Investments in Indigenous Community Infrastructure dataset depicts infrastructure projects across Canada that are funded through Indigenous Services Canada (ISC). It contains data related to project category, description, status and beneficiary. The dataset allows the Department to pinpoint and share information about individual infrastructure projects in Indigenous communities, in a proactive and transparent manner, to: • Showcase where and how investments are carried out • Demonstrate the Government’s commitment to improve the socio-economic conditions of Indigenous peoples and their communities. Projects featured in this Indigenous community infrastructure investments dataset are updated on a quarterly basis. For more information, visit