
Coastal waters

43 record(s)
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    Funded under DFO's Marine Conservation Targets Program, this optical imagery benthic survey captured 24 drift-camera transects from September 22-26, 2023 in the Quoddy Region of the lower, western Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick, Canada. The survey area includes Passamaquoddy Bay, the 'Head Harbour/West Isles Archipelago/The Passages' Ecologically and Biologically Significant Area (ESBA, ~113 km2), and Wolves Bank (a unique bathymetric feature south of the Wolves islands). High-resolution still images (n=1875) were taken periodically throughout each transect, while continuous high-definition downward- (>10 hours) and forward-facing (~10.5 hours) video was collected simultaneously. Distance travelled and distance between still images (m) was calculated using ArcGIS tools. Field of view (FOV) was estimated by measuring the length and width of a subset of still images (n=343) in ImageJ2, using 10-cm lasers for scale. FOV was standardized for each reported altitude. Transects ranged from 133 m to 2.6 km in length (~18 km surveyed in total), collecting imagery continuously for 3 minutes to more than 1 hour at a time, surveying depths from 24 to 144 m below chart datum. Transect locations were selected based on unique bathymetric features as well as areas previously predicted to have high habitat suitability for vulnerable marine ecosystem species. Cite this data as: Lawton P, Teed L. Near-seafloor drift transect video and high-resolution digital still imagery from a 2023 survey in the Quoddy Region of the lower, western Bay of Fundy. Published September 2024. Coastal Ecosystems Science Division, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, St. Andrews, N.B.

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    This dataset contains the abundance (per m²) and the biomass (mg dry per m²) of macrofauna (≥ 500µm) in eelgrass and adjacent bare soft sediments, collected at sites in the Atlantic of Nova Scotia from 2009 to 2013. Cite this data as: Wong M.C. Data of Benthic invertebrates in seagrass and bare soft sediments in Atlantic Nova Scotia Published May 2020. Coastal Ecosystems Science Division, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Dartmouth, N.S. Publications: Wong, M. C., & Dowd, M. (2021). Functional trait complementarity and dominance both determine benthic secondary production in temperate seagrass beds. Ecosphere. 12(11), e03794. Wong, M. C. (2018). Secondary Production of Macrobenthic Communities in Seagrass (Zostera marina, Eelgrass) Beds and Bare Soft Sediments Across Differing Environmental Conditions in Atlantic Canada. Estuaries and Coasts, 41, 536–548.

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    The MEQ monitoring program is being implemented in 35-40 estuaries in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence (sGSL) to support the development of a MEQ measure (threshold) to promote efforts to address nutrient enrichment in estuaries. The two main indicators included in the monitoring program are dissolved oxygen and eelgrass coverage which are used to assess the trophic status of estuaries within the region. The two factors most important for impacting the trophic status of estuaries are nitrogen loading and water residence time, i.e., water circulation. If water residence time is long and/or nitrogen loading is high, nutrient impacts are likely. A peer-reviewed manuscript has demonstrated that these two factors are predictive of the dissolved oxygen regime in the upper estuary and that publication successfully used dissolved oxygen to ascribe trophic status to estuaries. In a companion paper it was also determined that nitrogen loading was negatively correlated with eelgrass coverage. These two papers form the basis of the MEQ monitoring program (see attached).

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    Funded under DFO's Marine Conservation Targets Program, this optical imagery benthic survey captured 16 drift-camera transects in the St. Anns Bank Marine Protected Area (MPA - 4364 km2) and 2 coastal transects west of the MPA, Atlantic Canada from August 15-23, 2023. High-resolution still images (n=1941) were taken periodically throughout each transect, while continuous high-definition downward- (~9 hours) and forward-facing (~8.5 hours) video was collected simultaneously. Distance travelled and distance between still images (m) was calculated using ArcGIS tools. Field of view (FOV) was estimated by measuring the length and width of a subset of still images (n=500) in ImageJ2, using 10-cm lasers for scale. FOV was standardized for each reported altitude. Transects ranged from 754 m to 2.8 km in length (~22 km surveyed in total), collecting imagery for 20 minutes to just over 1 hour at a time, surveying depths from 17 to 144 m below chart datum. Transect locations were selected based on unique bathymetric features and benthoscapes as well as areas previously surveyed in 2015. Cite this data as: Lawton P, Teed L. Near-seafloor drift transect video imagery and high-resolution digital still images from a 2023 survey in support of Marine Protected Area monitoring of St. Anns Bank, Atlantic Canada. Published September 2024. Coastal Ecosystems Science Division, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, St. Andrews, N.B.

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    Bivalve aquaculture has direct and indirect effects on plankton communities, which are highly sensitive to short-term (seasonal, interannual) and long-term climate changes, although how these dynamics alter aquaculture ecosystem interactions is poorly understood. Here, we investigate seasonal patterns in plankton abundance and community structure spanning several size fractions from 0.2 µm up to 5 mm, in a deep aquaculture embayment in northeast Newfoundland, Canada. Using flow cytometry and FlowCam imaging, we observed a clear seasonal relationship between fraction sizes driven by water column stratification (freshwater input, nutrient availability, light availability, water temperature). Plankton abundance decreased proportionally with increasing size fraction, aligning with size spectra theory. Within the bay, greater mesozooplankton abundance, and a greater relative abundance of copepods, was observed closest to the aquaculture lease. No significant spatial effect was observed for phytoplankton composition. While the months of August to October showed statistically similar plankton composition and size spectra slopes (i.e., food chain efficiency) and could be used for interannual variability comparisons of plankton composition, sampling for longer periods could capture long-term phenological shifts in plankton abundance and composition related to various processes, including climate change. Conclusions provide guidance on optimal sampling to monitor and assess aquaculture pathways of effects. Cite this data as: Sharpe H, Lacoursière-Roussel A, Gallardi D (2024). Ecological insight of seasonal plankton succession to monitor shellfish aquaculture ecosystem interactions. Version 3.2. Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Sampling event dataset.

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    Bay-scale empirical demonstrations of how bivalve aquaculture alters plankton composition, and subsequently ecological functioning and higher trophic levels, are lacking. Temporal, inter- and within-bay variation in hydrodynamic, environmental, and aquaculture pressure limit efficient plankton monitoring design to detect bay-scale changes and inform aquaculture ecosystem interactions. Here, we used flow cytometry to investigate spatio-temporal variations in bacteria and phytoplankton (< 20 µm) composition in four bivalve aquaculture embayments. We observed higher abundances of bacteria and phytoplankton in shallow embayments that experienced greater freshwater and nutrient inputs. Depleted nutrient conditions may have led to the dominance of picophytoplankton cells, which showed strong within-bay variation as a function of riverine vs freshwater influence and nutrient availability. Although environmental forcings appeared to be a strong driver of spatio-temporal trends, results showed that bivalve aquaculture may reduce near-lease phytoplankton abundance and favor bacterial growth. We discuss aquaculture pathways of effects such as grazing, benthic-pelagic coupling processes, and microbial biogeochemical cycling. Conclusions provide guidance on optimal sampling considerations using flow cytometry in aquaculture sites based on embayment geomorphology and hydrodynamics. Cite this data as: Sharpe H, Lacoursière-Roussel A, Barrell J (2024). Monitoring bay-scale bivalve aquaculture ecosystem interactions using flow cytometry. Version 1.2. Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Samplingevent dataset.

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    This project was completed by the Pelagics Section in the Newfoundland and Labrador Science Branch of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO). As part of the Coastal Environmental Baseline Program, a historical research gillnet program was reinitiated in Placentia Bay. Four local fishers each set fleets of standardized nets to catch herring for 6 weeks during the spring. The data collected was used to update a time series and provide advice at the herring stock assessment in October 2022.  This program was continued in the 22/23 fiscal year. Data collected from this program included gillnet catch rates, bycatch, temperature and biological (herring) samples; from which biological metrics such as length, weight, sex, maturity and age were measured. This record contains catch data for 2018 to 2021, as well as biological data from 2018.

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    To support the surveillance of key macroalgae and non-indigenous species in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, five quantitative PCR (qPCR) assays were designed and tested at 111 sites in 2022-2023 targeting the following non-indigenous macroalgal species: Antithamnion sparsum, Bonnemaisonia hamifera, Codium fragile, Dasysiphonia japonica, Fucus serratus. All assays were developed in 2022 by the Center for Environmental Genomics Applications (CEGA, Newfoundland, Canada) except Antithamnion sparsum, for which an assay was developed in 2023 by the Aquatic Biotechnology Laboratory (ABL) at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography. All amplification was performed by the ABL in 2022-2023. The assay developed for Fucus serratus was later determined to be non-specific, and amplifies both F. serratus and Fucus distichus. Cite this data as: Krumhansl K, DiBacco C (2024). Quantitative PCR (qPCR) of Key Macroalgal Non-Indigenous Species in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick Waters. Version 1.1. Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Samplingevent dataset. For additional information please see: Krumhansl K.A., Brooks C.M., Lowen B., O’Brien J., Wong M., DiBacco C. Loss, resilience and recovery of kelp forests in a region of rapid ocean warming. Annals of Botany 2024 Mar 8; 133(1):73-92 Brooks C.M., Krumhansl K.A. 2023. First record of the Asian Antithamnion sparsum Tokida, 1932 (Ceramiales, Rhodophyta) in Nova Scotia, Canada. BioInvasions Records 12(3):745-725.

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    We evaluated an autonomous environmental DNA sampler produced by Dartmouth Ocean Technologies Inc (Dartmouth, Canada) compared to time-at-sample filtration in the laboratory to determine the performance of moored samplers for monitoring in the marine world. We deployed three autonomous samplers from DOT in the Bedford Basin (Canada) over a nine-week period in summer/fall 2023. The samplers filtered seawater in situ at programmed interviews over this time period, and we collected contemporaneous samples with a standard vacuum pump during each sampling period. Both eDNA sample types captured similar fish diversity, including typical diversity for the Northwest Atlantic. The invertebrate community detected using the COI marker was different between each sample type, likely due to differences in filter pore size. We found biofouling on the moored samplers was minimal over the study period, even in a high-traffic area such as the Bedford Basin, likely due to the relatively short experimental period, and copper screening covering in the inlet and outlet valves of the instruments. Overall, our results show promise to deploy autonomous eDNA samplers in marine conservation areas to contribute to monitoring in the temperate ocean, but further testing over longer periods of time is needed to determine if DNA remains well-preserved in the autonomous samplers at ambient ocean temperatures. Cite this data as: Jeffery, N.W., Van Wyngaarden, M., and Stanley, R.R.E. Evaluating an Autonomous eDNA Sampler for Marine Environmental Monitoring: Short- and Long-Term Applications. Published: December 2024. Coastal Ecosystems Science Division, Maritimes Region, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Dartmouth NS.

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    This data set is a generalized characterization of the offshore and inshore environments of Canada’s Pacific Ocean. Compiled from various sources to depict the biogenic habitats, pelagic habitats, and general bottom types such as offshore and inshore by depth strata.