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A digital record of all Conservation Easements kept for planning purposes. This dataset represents all Conservation Easements registered with the Ministry of Environment. Clause 7(3) of the Conservation Easements Act indicates that for a CE to be in effect a copy of an executed CE must be provided to the Ministry. Receipt of this document is recorded in this Lands Branch database and an Agreement number is assigned sequentially. An interest, based on the CE, must also be registered with ISC. Currently these two datasets are not reconciled. Technical Details: Conservation Easements are meant to protect native habitat on lands in the Province. The boundaries of the native habitat protected under a CE may not coincident with the parcel boundaries. However, the CE is identified to the larger parcel boundary. It is this parcel identification the is reflected in this spatial dataset. The Agreement Number is included which identifies the filing number under which detailed information can be found in digital and hardcopy within the Lands Branch of the Ministry of Environment.Please visit for more information or downloading this data.
This dataset contains area-based management measures that qualify as 'other effective area-based conservation measures' ('other measures') according to DFO's Operational Guidance for Identifying ‘Other Effective Area-Based Conservation Measures’ in Canada’s Marine Environment ( It also contains basic information about these ‘other measures’, specifically their names, objectives, and prohibitions. The identification of existing, and establishment of new, 'other measures' is an important element of Canada’s strategy to meet its marine conservation targets to protect 5 percent of Canada’s marine and coastal areas by 2017 and 10 percent by 2020. 'Other measures' will be evaluated regularly, taking the most recent available information into account. In addition new 'other measures' will be identified or established over time. Therefore, this data set may change over time, and is considered current as of its publication date stamp. The boundaries and attributes in this dataset are for information purposes only, and should not be considered legally authoritative.
ENV - Environment and conservation (environment)Environmental resources, protection, and conservation. For example, resources describing pollution, waste storage and treatment, environmental impact assessment, environmental risk, and nature reserves. The conservation data is current as of October 2013. The air quality and water quality data is of unknown date and accuracy. No updates in this dataset have been made since that time. The air quality and water quality data is of unknown date and accuracy. We are making all efforts to update conservation, protected areas and parks as soon as possible.
ENV - Environment and conservation (environment)Environmental resources, protection, and conservation. For example, resources describing pollution, waste storage and treatment, environmental impact assessment, environmental risk, and nature reserves. The conservation data is current as of October 2013. The air quality and water quality data is of unknown date and accuracy. No updates in this dataset have been made since that time. The air quality and water quality data is of unknown date and accuracy. We are making all efforts to update conservation, protect areas and parks as soon as possible.
ENV - Environment and conservation (environment)Environmental resources, protection, and conservation. For example, resources describing pollution, waste storage and treatment, environmental impact assessment, environmental risk, and nature reserves. ) Please note: Protect Areas of the NWT has been generalized as of 2004. No updates in this dataset have been made since that time. We are making all efforts to update conservation, protect areas and parks as soon as possible. May 7, 2012
Conservation Lands spatial and attribute data. This includes related information on various types/classes of land secured for fish, wildlife and habitat conservation purposes. It includes Wildlife Management Areas (WMA) designated by Order in Council (OIC). Source data are from Tantalis as well as the derived product from GeoBC. Overlap between this dataset and the [__NGO Conservation Areas - Fee Simple__]( dataset will occur where NGO lands have been leased to the province. Discrepancies between the provincial layers and this dataset are due to differing source cadastral information. A [__Conservation Cross Reference Table__]( provides a link between this dataset and the NGO Conservation Areas – Fee Simple dataset. The CIP_PCL field in the NGO Conservation Areas dataset links to the Conservation_Land_ID field in the provincial Conservation Lands dataset.
This dataset contains area-based management measures that qualify as 'other effective area-based conservation measures' ('other measures') according to DFO's Operational Guidance for Identifying ‘Other Effective Area-Based Conservation Measures’ in Canada’s Marine Environment ( It also contains basic information about these ‘other measures’, specifically their names, objectives, and prohibitions. The identification of existing, and establishment of new, 'other measures' is an important element of Canada’s strategy to meet its marine conservation targets to protect 5 percent of Canada’s marine and coastal areas by 2017 and 10 percent by 2020. 'Other measures' will be evaluated regularly, taking the most recent available information into account. In addition new 'other measures' will be identified or established over time. Therefore, this data set may change over time, and is considered current as of its publication date stamp. The boundaries and attributes in this dataset are for information purposes only, and should not be considered legally authoritative.
These lands help preserve Nova Scotia’s natural values through a blend of legislation, ownership and management. Included here are: National Parks, National Wildlife Areas, Provincial Wilderness Areas, Provincial Nature Reserves, selected Provincial Parks and selected land trust properties and easements. This combination of federal, provincial and private lands contributes to both provincial and national land conservation and biodiversity goals.
Bird Studies Canada WMS/WFS Server for bird distribution and abundance data, and related information. Bird Studies Canada gratefully acknowledges the support of Environment Canada - Canadian Information System for the Environment in developing this service.
Bird Studies Canada WMS/WFS Server for bird distribution and abundance data, and related information. Bird Studies Canada gratefully acknowledges the support of Environment Canada - Canadian Information System for the Environment in developing this service.