

22 record(s)
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    This dataset series highlights the locations of research centres where scientists, technicians and staff work to create better opportunities for farmers and all Canadians through agricultural research and innovation.

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    This series highlights the locations of research centres research farms where scientists, technicians and staff work to create better opportunities for farmers and all Canadians through agricultural research and innovation.

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    Cette série indique l'emplacement des centres de recherche et des fermes expérimentales dans lesquels des scientifiques, des techniciens et d'autres employés travaillent à créer de nouveaux débouchés pour les agriculteurs et tous les Canadiens grâce à la recherche et à l'innovation en agriculture.

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    This series highlights the locations of research centres research farms where scientists, technicians and staff work to create better opportunities for farmers and all Canadians through agricultural research and innovation.

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    Cette série indique l'emplacement des centres de recherche et des fermes expérimentales dans lesquels des scientifiques, des techniciens et d'autres employés travaillent à créer de nouveaux débouchés pour les agriculteurs et tous les Canadiens grâce à la recherche et à l'innovation en agriculture.

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    This dataset highlights the network of Research and Development farms associated with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada that conduct research and collaborate with partners and stakeholders.

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    STR - Facilities and structures (structure)Man-made construction. For example, resources describing buildings, museums, churches, schools, hospitals, factories, housing, monuments, and towers.

  • The Open Database of Buildings (ODB) is a collection of open data on buildings, primarily building footprints, and is made available under the Open Government License - Canada. The ODB brings together 65 datasets originating from various government sources of open data. The database aims to enhance access to a harmonized collection of building footprints across Canada.

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    “Automatically Extracted Buildings” is a raw digital product in vector format created by NRCan. It consists of a single topographical feature class that delineates polygonal building footprints automatically extracted from airborne Lidar data, high-resolution optical imagery or other sources.

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    The Canadian Wind Turbine Database contains the geographic location and key technology details for wind turbines installed in Canada. This dataset was jointly compiled by researchers at CanmetENERGY-Ottawa and by the Centre for Applied Business Research in Energy and the Environment at the University of Alberta, under contract from Natural Resources Canada. Additional contributions were made by the Department of Civil & Mineral Engineering at the University of Toronto. Note that total project capacity was sourced from publicly available information, and may not match the sum of individual turbine rated capacity due to de-rating and other factors. The turbine numbering scheme adopted for this database is not intended to match the developer’s asset numbering. This database will be updated in the future. If you are aware of any errors, and would like to provide additional information, or for general inquiries, please use the contact email address listed on this page.