
Geoscientific information

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  • The compilation represents publicly available reports of geochronological information for Canada. This includes federal, provincial and territorial government publications and reports, university theses, books and journals. Current coverage is limited to those areas that have been the target of recent past compilation efforts, with other areas and updates being included as they become ready. Users should be aware that the compilation may not include all available data for a given area. Every effort is made to report the ages without reinterpreting the original authors' intent. However, care has also been taken to highlight the salient features of the data by which the end-user can make initial judgment on the data robustness. Users are cautioned that because of space limitations and the necessary summarization of often complex datasets, that the original publication should be consulted to verify age interpretations and their rationale. Data may be extracted by the user in tab-delimited text format.

  • High resolution forest change for Canada (Change Year) 1985-2011 The forest change data included in this product is national in scope (entire forested ecosystem) and represents the first wall-to-wall characterization of wildfire and harvest in Canada at a spatial resolution commensurate with human impacts. The information outcomes represent 27 years of stand replacing change in Canada’s forests, derived from a single, consistent spatially-explicit data source, derived in a fully automated manner. This demonstrated capacity to characterize forests at a resolution that captures human impacts is key to establishing a baseline for detailed monitoring of forested ecosystems from management and science perspectives. Time series of Landsat data were used to characterize national trends in stand replacing forest disturbances caused by wildfire and harvest for the period 1985–2011 for Canada's 650 million hectare forested ecosystems ( ). Landsat data has a 30m spatial resolution, so the change information is highly detailed and is commensurate with that of human impacts. These data represent annual stand replacing forest changes. The stand replacing disturbances types labeled are wildfire and harvest, with lower confidence wildfire and harvest, also shared. The distinction and sharing of lower class membership likelihoods is to indicate to users that some change events were more difficult to allocate to a change type, but are generally found to be in the correct category. For an overview on the data, image processing, and time series change detection methods applied, as well as information on independent accuracy assessment of the data, see Hermosilla et al. (2016; The data available is, 1. a binary change/no-change; 2. Change year; and, 3. Change type. When using this data, please cite as: White, J.C., M.A. Wulder, T. Hermosilla, N.C. Coops, and G. Hobart. (2017). A nationwide annual characterization of 25 years of forest disturbance and recovery for Canada using Landsat time series. Remote Sensing of Environment. 192: 303-321. DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2017.03.035. Geographic extent: Canada's forested ecosystems (~ 650 Mha) Time period: 1985–2011

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    The Saskatchewan Detailed Soil Survey dataset series at a scale of 1:100 000 consists of geo-referenced soil polygons with linkages to attribute data found in the associated Component File (CMP), Soil Names File (SNF) and Soil Layer File (SLF). Together, these datasets describe the spatial distribution of soils and associated landscapes for nearly all agricultural areas in southern Saskatchewan.

  • Forest Basal Area 2015 Cross-sectional area of tree stems at breast height. The sum of the cross-sectional area (i.e. basal area) of each tree in square metres in a plot, divided by the area of the plot (ha) (units = m2ha). Products relating the structure of Canada's forested ecosystems have been generated and made openly accessible. The shared products are based upon peer-reviewed science and relate aspects of forest structure including: (i) metrics calculated directly from the lidar point cloud with heights normalized to heights above the ground surface (e.g., canopy cover, height), and (ii) modelled inventory attributes, derived using an area-based approach generated by using co-located ground plot and ALS data (e.g., volume, biomass). Forest structure estimates were generated by combining information from lidar plots (Wulder et al. 2012) with Landsat pixel-based composites (White et al. 2014; Hermosilla et al. 2016) using a nearest neighbour imputation approach with a Random Forests-based distance metric. These products were generated for strategic-level forest monitoring information needs and are not intended to support operational-level forest management. All products have a spatial resolution of 30 m. For a detailed description of the data, methods applied, and accuracy assessment results see Matasci et al. (2018). When using this data, please cite as follows: Matasci, G., Hermosilla, T., Wulder, M.A., White, J.C., Coops, N.C., Hobart, G.W., Bolton, D.K., Tompalski, P., Bater, C.W., 2018b. Three decades of forest structural dynamics over Canada's forested ecosystems using Landsat time-series and lidar plots. Remote Sensing of Environment 216, 697-714. Matasci et al. 2018) Geographic extent: Canada's forested ecosystems (~ 650 Mha) Time period: 1985–2011

  • The minimum temperature layer shows the modeled minimum temperature [°C] at a height of 100 m above ground level, at each grid point, over the three year period from January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2010. Values are presented in bins with ranges of 1.5 °C each. Further details including data for individual years can be obtained by clicking on the dot representing the grid point location.

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    100 Class - Canadian Ecological Domain Classification from Satellite Data. Satellite derived data including 1) topography, 2) landscape productivity based on photosynthetic activity, and 3) land cover were used as inputs to create an environmental regionalization of the over 10 million km2 of Canada’s terrestrial land base. The outcomes of this clustering consists of three main outputs. An initial clustering of 100 classes was generated using a two-stage multivariate classification process. Next, an agglomerative hierarchy using a log-likelihood distance measure was applied to create a 40 and then a 14 class regionalization, aimed to meaningfully group ecologically similar components of Canada's terrestrial landscape. For more information (including a graphical illustration of the cluster hierarchy) and to cite this data please use: Coops, N.C., Wulder, M.A., Iwanicka, D. 2009. An environmental domain classification of Canada using earth observation data for biodiversity assessment. Ecological Informatics, Vol. 4, No. 1, Pp. 8-22, DOI: ( Coops et al. 2009).

  • Wildfire Year/dNBR/Mask 1985-2015 Wildfire change magnitude 85-15. Spectral change magnitude for wildfires that occurred from 1985 and 2015. The wildfire change magnitude included in this product is expressed via differenced Normalized Burn Ratio (dNBR), computed as the variation between the spectral values before and after the change event. This dataset is composed of three layers: (1) binary wildfire mask, (2) year of greatest wildfire disturbance, and (3) differenced Normalized Burn Ratio (dNBR) transformed for data storage efficiency to the range 0-200. The actual dNBR value is derived as follows: dNBR = value / 100. Higher dNBR values are related to higher burn severity. The information outcomes represent 30 years of wildfires in Canada's forests, derived from a single, consistent spatially-explicit data source in a fully automated manner. Time series of Landsat data with 30-m spatial resolution were used to characterize national trends in stand replacing forest disturbances caused by wildfire for the period 1985-2015 for Canada's 650 million hectare forested ecosystems. When using this data, please cite as: Hermosilla, T., M.A. Wulder, J.C. White, N.C. Coops, G.W. Hobart, L.B. Campbell, 2016. Mass data processing of time series Landsat imagery: pixels to data products for forest monitoring. International Journal of Digital Earth 9(11), 1035-1054. (Hermosilla et al. 2016). See references below for an overview on the data processing, metric calculation, change attribution and time series change detection methods applied, as well as information on independent accuracy assessment of the data. Hermosilla, T., Wulder, M. A., White, J. C., Coops, N.C., Hobart, G.W., 2015. An integrated Landsat time series protocol for change detection and generation of annual gap-free surface reflectance composites. Remote Sensing of Environment 158, 220-234. (Hermosilla et al. 2015a). Hermosilla, T., Wulder, M.A., White, J.C., Coops, N.C., Hobart, G.W., 2015. Regional detection, characterization, and attribution of annual forest change from 1984 to 2012 using Landsat-derived time-series metrics. Remote Sensing of Environment 170, 121-132. (Hermosilla et al. 2015b). Geographic extent: Canada's forested ecosystems (~ 650 Mha) Time period: 1985–2011

  • The Pan-Canadian Wind Integration Study (PCWIS), completed in 2016, assessed the operational and economic implications of integrating large amounts of wind energy into the Canadian electricity system. The PCWIS study generated a significant amount of high-resolution modelled wind data at many locations across Canada. This dataset contains over 54,000 “cells”, with each cell representing one node on a 2×2 km grid. Each cell has an associated time history of three years of modelled wind data, from 2008 to 2010, at 10-minute intervals. The interactive map allows a user to readily visualize the geographic distribution of Canada’s wind resources, as well as to quickly estimate the strength of the wind resource at a particular location.

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    Soil Landscapes of Canada (SLC) derived from V3.1 and V2.2 – Cartographic 1M will provide a general overview of soil landscapes in Canada at a scale of 1: 1 Million.

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    The Ontario Detailed Soil Survey dataset series is at a scale of 1: 50 000 and consists of geo-referenced soil polygons with linkages to attribute data found in the associated Component File (CMP), Soil Names File (SNF) and Soil Layer File (SLF). Together, these datasets describe the spatial distribution of soils and associated landscapes for nearly all agricultural areas in southern Ontario.