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    Spot Height Points for the Pasqua, Crooked, Echo, and Round Lakes area within the Qu'Appelle Valley River system in Saskatchewan

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    All available bathymetry and related information for Kehiwin Lake were collected and hard copy maps digitized where necessary. The data were validated against more recent data (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission 'SRTM' imagery and Indian Remote Sensing 'IRS' imagery) and corrected where necessary. The published data set contains the lake bathymetry formatted as an Arc ascii grid. Bathymetric contours and the boundary polygon are available as shapefiles.

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    BC active and discontinued hydrometric stations (surface water level and flow data) that are part of the provincial hydrometric network managed under a national program jointly administered under a federal-provincial cost-sharing agreement with Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC).

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    New geochemical data from re-analysis of archived stream sediment samples have been assessed using weighted sums modeling and catchment basin analysis as described in the methodology report that accompanies this map (YGS Open File 2015-10). Both commodity and pathfinder element abundances are evaluated to highlight areas that show geochemical responses consistent with a variety of base and precious-metal mineral deposit types. The results of modeling, completed using two approaches, are presented as a series of catchment maps and associated data files. This release is part of a regional assessment of stream sediment geochemistry that covers a large part of Yukon.

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    Stoyoma Wilderness Area within the Merrit Timber Supply Area

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    The OIC's shown are current for each Development Area Boundary. Each has it's original Order in Council (OIC) as well as the most current OIC if there was a change in boundary. Zoning is contained within all Development Area Boundaries.Each Development Area Boundary maintains parcels with unique zoning designations. These zoning designations are found in the layer: CSW_LAND_TENURE.LP_ZONING_POLY_50K Distributed from GeoYukon by the Government of Yukon . Discover more digital map data and interactive maps from Yukon's digital map data collection. For more information:

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    This map of the first vertical derivative of the magnetic field was derived from data acquired during an aeromagnetic survey carried out by Goldak Airborne Surveys during the period of May 16 to July 1, 2009. The data were recorded using a split-beam cesium vapour magnetometer mounted in the tail boom of a Piper Navajo aircraft. The nominal traverse and control line spacings were 400 m and 2400 m, respectively, and the aircraft flew at a nominal terrain clearance of 150 m.

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    This data set was created to give a general representation of Yukon's water features at 1:2,000,000 scale. The original source of this data is unknown. Distributed from GeoYukon by the Government of Yukon . Discover more digital map data and interactive maps from Yukon's digital map data collection. For more information:

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    The “Soils of Canada, Derived” national scale thematic datasets display the distribution and areal extent of soil attributes such as drainage, texture of parent material, kind of material, and classification of soils in terms of provincial Detailed Soil Surveys (DDS) polygons, Soil Landscape Polygons (SLCs), Soil Order and Great Group. The relief and associated slopes of the Canadian landscape are depicted on the local surface form thematic dataset. The purpose of the “Soils of Canada, Derived” series is to facilitate the cartographic display and basic queries of the Soil Landscapes of Canada at a national scale. For more detailed or sophisticated analysis, users should investigate the full “Soil Landscapes of Canada” product.

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    Contact Information: Early Childhood Development Intervention Services (ECDIS)